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Create/Join Tournaments

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Create/Join Tournaments

Postby HardAttack on Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:51 am

Create/Join Tournaments

Concise description:

Game Finder > Tournament Finder routes players into a filtered view of tournaments i know. I somehow like to stalk around inside the forum page to see recruiting tournaments rather than using the Tournament Finder. The difficulty i have got is, recruiting tournaments are not clear to see which of them are dubs, trips, mixed, 1v1 or poly.... I would like to sincerely ask tournament organizators' consideration to TAG tournament names to show what type of tournament they are

Thank you
Colonel HardAttack
Posts: 1935
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Re: Create/Join Tournaments

Postby Mad777 on Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:45 am

Not sure using the game finder is helping, if I understand correctly, you are using the game finder page to select tournament and waiting options to see what is available?

If I’m understanding correctly the. i would like to suggest you using the tournament link at the top of the page (between score and Clan), this is where you see the casual (left column) and Auto Tournament (right column) which are open to join. ... urnaments1

Note: Casual tournament has the type tag while auto tournament doesn’t have type tag.
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Re: Create/Join Tournaments

Postby HardAttack on Wed Oct 21, 2020 5:59 am

I used to hit the forum, in the forum, there is a tournament sub forum, inside it 3 or 4 sections, i viist create/join tournament section to see tournaments :) Old fashioned i am :lol:
The tournament tab under central command window, which is the link you put, sorts everything mad777, why didn't i see it ?

Thanks you very much O:)
Colonel HardAttack
Posts: 1935
Joined: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:15 pm

Re: Create/Join Tournaments

Postby Kotaro on Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:02 pm

As a tournament creator, and someone that usually joins 10-15 tournaments at a time, this suggestion is bad. People already don't read the tournament details and just join whatever title they like, not realizing how the tournament will be played, adding a simplistic tag will just result in more people not taking the time to read threads and joining tournaments without paying attention to the details.
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TheJonah wrote:I`m not really that arsed. Just supporting my mucker.
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Re: Create/Join Tournaments

Postby HardAttack on Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:35 pm

Kotaro wrote:As a tournament creator, and someone that usually joins 10-15 tournaments at a time, this suggestion is bad. People already don't read the tournament details and just join whatever title they like, not realizing how the tournament will be played, adding a simplistic tag will just result in more people not taking the time to read threads and joining tournaments without paying attention to the details.

i see O:)
thank you for input
Colonel HardAttack
Posts: 1935
Joined: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:15 pm

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