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map locations in chat

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map locations in chat

Postby BabySasuke on Wed Jan 09, 2019 5:06 pm

terriorty locations in chat logs
    in the chat logs, when trying to find a country/territory sometimes it can be a wild goose chase and can take several minutes, say a team mate lists @xxxx country on a map youve never played it could take you 3 minutes of cruising with your mouse to find it, or sometimes you simply cant lol, it would be nice to have a chat log function that lets you "tag" the place you are talking about

    in the chat logs if you use say the @symbol to represent Nairobi in classic for example, it could come up as bold text and highlight the box around the number of troops there, and other option for be to hold say the alt key and use the mouse to click on the territory youre trying to list, example in FNA america the territory's can be easily misspelled and thus hard to locate also

easier communcation
    especially helpful in team games and new people to understand aspects of moves, new people will be more successful in games, and thus providing a more competitive game, also increasing odds of new people to stay at the site

*hope it makes sense what im trying to describe itd be a good function to have
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Re: map locations in chat

Postby riskllama on Wed Jan 09, 2019 7:37 pm

just use the drop down menu, that's what i do - works just fine.

llama = helping
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Re: map locations in chat

Postby Donelladan on Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:35 am

riskllama wrote:just use the drop down menu, that's what i do - works just fine.

llama = helping

What if it's not your turn ?

Nice idea, often got the same problem, especially on USA 2.1
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Re: map locations in chat

Postby BabySasuke on Thu Jan 10, 2019 10:27 am

Yeah don that makes sense, USA 2.1 can take forever for somebody not from North America, I struggle with New Zealand aswell as it’s got a lot of names and the map is so large it requires so much scrolling, I’m glad you get the concept
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Re: map locations in chat

Postby D3A7H on Thu Jan 10, 2019 5:51 pm

I have had that experience too on unfamiliar maps. It my be difficult to code a system option as you describe. IDK. Maybe team mates could help by saying some something more deiscriptive like "drop key west lower right corner bordering miami'
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Re: map locations in chat

Postby chapcrap on Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:33 pm

D3A7H wrote:I have had that experience too on unfamiliar maps. It my be difficult to code a system option as you describe. IDK. Maybe team mates could help by saying some something more deiscriptive like "drop key west lower right corner bordering miami'

Map territory positions are already coded in the xml. With additional logic to highlight borders in specific ways based on location. I would think that tagging a territory wouldn't be overly complicated if the tagging logic is available.
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Re: map locations in chat

Postby ZaBeast on Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:46 pm

It's also an issue with the log, would be neat if the terts could be highlighted in the log, just like they get highlighted when you move the mouse over your spoils
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Re: map locations in chat

Postby BabySasuke on Fri Jan 11, 2019 4:25 pm

ZaBeast wrote:It's also an issue with the log, would be neat if the terts could be highlighted in the log, just like they get highlighted when you move the mouse over your spoils

Agreed completely this was actually part of the reason I had this idea but didn’t include that, good call beast
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Re: map locations in chat

Postby Fewnix on Fri Feb 01, 2019 4:53 am

What may help- Go to Settings>> go Game Settings, Yes to

Panel Interface: Whether to use the panel based interface (including many the features below and more) on game pages (currently set to Yes)?

Map Inspect: [Panel Interface Only] Enables you to rollover territories in a map and get information about their connections (panel based interface) (currently set to Yes)?

Color Coded Drop Downs: [Panel Interface Only] Color codes territories in drop down controls based on territory ownership (panel based interface) (currently set to Yes)

Down a bit, Set to ON

Color Codes: Do you want troop values on the map, player names, and spoil names to be prefixed with the first letter of each colour - i.e. (n)eutral, (r)ed, (g)reen, (b)lue, (y)ellow, (p)ink, (c)yan, (o)range, (s)ilver, (v)iolet, (e)lectric green, (a)uburn, (d)rab (currently set to On)
Might have to jiggle around locations but you should get,when you re in games, a Panel Interface, a bar with labels:


Go to this Settings and where it says Text Map go for Extended

Text Map Extended Text map appears on the Map Panel

So now when in a Map like USA 2.1 you can go on the Panel Interface discussed above to Map and get a text map like this portion that helps you find where the tert is.

And you have many other tools and toys to play with

Maine (ME) (1)
Houlton, ME(1) ==> [Waterville, ME(1) ]
Waterville, ME(1) ==> [Houlton, ME(1) Bangor, ME(1) Berlin, NH(1) ]
Bangor, ME(1) ==> [Waterville, ME(1) Augusta, ME(1) ]
Augusta, ME(1) ==> [Bangor, ME(1) Boston, MA(1) ]

BONUS for travelingmonkey : 1
Rule 1
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