Hello, I would like to suggest a game option please. Could trucing be an option?
Like fog, assassin etc etc. I dip in and out of conquer club and play when I have the time. However it seems that this occasion most games I've played have descended into the exceptionally dull version of truce... Why join a singles game only to side up with an opponent thus becoming a double in all but name and having an unfair advantage against the other players? Risk everything on a dice roll, use tactics guile luck and chance... No no no make a truce and start accumulating troops like fat cats with penny's..... Great.
It's dull, boring, lack lustre and doesn't live up to the name of Risk. I appreciate some bean counters think it's a good tactic and has its place, I say no it's rubbish!! One of the truce I'm having the misfortune to be trudging in at the moment everyone has a truce with each other!!! It's like a warm fuzzy sewing circle of fluffy unicorns. Please could you make it an option. I really enjoy playing risk but not truce. Have a think about it have a vote or even play some truce and bathe in its damp tepid mediocrity its like unextreme accountancy in the dark.. Many thanks phantomegg.......................................