Make a chat box / live chat for usergroups / chats that are constantly updated for certain groups of people, etc.
-- Upon sign in, this chat should show who is online from your usergroups whether or not they have their profile hidden. You can always leave the chat, but always have entrance back in via the usergroup page...
- The global chat isn't closed off and is uncontrollable
forum tabs are a slower way of communicating / not as efficient at gaining attention
inbox messages are unsolicited
live chat isn't personal enough
Benefits: This might be a generational thing or a convenience thing, but I would love to see who is online in my group of friends that I can chat with...
This can allow clans faster / easier communication outside of their forum page as well as any other active players
Issues: Programming?
Does forum activity interfere with the sites "RAM" (lack of efficient terminology) capacity?