by Armandolas on Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:02 pm
You guys are right, that should have been adressed to tech team.So ive just edited the topic, because this is my real point.
Just happened that i was looking for a tool that i allready use and i really struggled to find it. I consider my self an experience forum user so i can just imagine that most users would never be able to to get there.
Yeah, i know you guys all too...but we are a minority in CC.
My suggestion is thinking on the "other"people.People who have limited time. Who cant bother to through the zillions of posts about just everything.Its just very difficult to find things, and its understandable, a forum is not supposed to be an archive, or a website. But we can do somethig to improve that.And those tabs allready created are a very nice development in CC experience
So i believe it will definitly benefit every one.