I think it would be a good idea to allow an option for the game to have a maximum number of armies on any given territory. I personally have played many games like that (like with a 15 army max.) It prevents what I call the "Steamroller Effect" and it also can make the game more stategic. It allows many more options for gameplay. Anyways, just a suggestion I would really like to see. What do others think of this?
I dont think people will use it... I wouldnt use. So, if lack liked your idea (I dont believe), I think you will wait some months, because he already have much to do.
Instead of limiting the number of armies/ territory, an option to use the alternate rule where your armies get "frozen" after they attack could be implemented. I think this has already been suggested though. I don't like the idea of being limited in how many armies I get to have on one territory.