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Rework Requirements for Higher Ranks

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Is possible achieve General status?

No, its impossible.
Yes, its totally possible.
Its possible only if you cheat.
Maybe with some GREAT awards in official tourneys (500+ points).
Total votes : 37

Rework Requirements for Higher Ranks

Postby Marvaddin on Sun Feb 26, 2006 8:43 am

I really think the higher ranks need be modified. I always go for the scoreboard... Kusunoki was the first yesterday, more than 1700 points, and today he has only 1634 points. I saw his recent games: two recent losses, he lost 36 and 37 points. This make me think, General status is impossible. By the formule used to calculate wins / losses points, if a player with 3900 points wins a game, he gains 6 points against a player with 1200 points; if he lose, 65 points. Even with high win rates, achieve 4000 points is impossible.

What do you think? Is possible to anyone achieve General status? Should Lack review the ranks?
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Postby dagreatbroomhead on Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:51 am

well that's the thing, you don't want 40 top ranks running around, you just want one. whats the second best way to do that? by making it really really hard. you may ask yourselves, whats the best way? to make the higher ranks based on whose in the top 10 spots. that would make it so just by a glance you could find out if you're opponent you're playing is a high rank or not. don't get me wrong, I'd still use the point system now to determine the lower 3 ranks, but i think its nice to have the top ranks based on rank.
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Postby Marvaddin on Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:56 am

Are you talking about a fixed number of Generals, Colonels, maybe Majors??
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Postby dagreatbroomhead on Sun Feb 26, 2006 11:41 am

yeah something like one top rank and like 4-9 second rank. then the rest will remain what they are. so even if you don't have a third rank, you will always have the first two ranks.
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Postby SprCobra on Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:18 pm

It is possible but its a good rank and you have to be REALLY good to get it
so far only person who could get it is lack as he could give himself thousands of points
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Postby Marvaddin on Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:38 pm

By the way, anyone realized we are again with no captains?

Which win rate is necessary to make higher your score after 3000 points?
Humm... 75%?? :shock:
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Postby Derwiddle on Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:01 pm

Well... Just a thought, but consider real-life military. Would anyone in their right mind promote someone that wins only half the time to General? I doubt it.

Point being that most people here only win about half the time, General would probably be more like a 80% or 85% win rate. Thus the high rank.


I agree about the captains tho, that is pretty high for a lower rank...
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Postby thegrimsleeper on Sun Feb 26, 2006 4:17 pm

Last time this came up, the site was only a month old, we had practically no Lieutenants, and people were bitching. Now it's almost two months old, we've got a whole butt-load of Lieutenants, and we've had one Captain.

When the site is at the 6-month mark and we're still not past Captain, THEN maybe there's a problem that needs to be addressed. Until then, can we please stop whining about ranks? You've got a scoreboard saying you're #1 out of 1,000+, do you REALLY need a fucking icon next to your name to re-iterate that fact?
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Postby Risk_06 on Sun Feb 26, 2006 4:32 pm

Well the thing about is, for a person to get to General, you have to play against other, stronger people, in order to get more points and get a higher rank. That's the whole purpose of the loser's score/winner's score *'s to encourage you to challenge yourslf and beat stronger players, instead of "feeding" yourself on weaker noobs to get your rank higher.

So, basically, if you want to get to general... kill tr71123!! :wink:
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Postby Romber on Sun Feb 26, 2006 4:52 pm

Give it time. this site has only been around for 2 months. Someone, who is really goo,will come around and change the whole thinking about this "impossible to get general" topic
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Postby SprCobra on Sun Feb 26, 2006 4:56 pm

Then we decide hes too good then assemble our best guys and kill him
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Postby Marvaddin on Sun Feb 26, 2006 6:33 pm

I want make sure one thing:

I think its possible achieve colonel status; we will wait a long time because of number of games, but its possible. I think its impossible achieve general status, because the win rate required is fantastic.

Become general is as impossible as become recruit after 3 games (in other words, have 0 points - it demand an also fantastic "lose rate"). Imagine a player with 10 points; if he beats another with 1000 points, he will win 2000 points!! But that will never occur. None honest player can lose so much games, to achieve a score so low, nor win that much, to get a so high, in my opinion.

You can disagree me now, but in some months you will see I was right.
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Postby max is gr8 on Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:24 pm

Hey don't dis my tourney it's going well visit Read all about it pure genius isn't it wiedsun could lose completely me and all of the other low ranks are helping eachother
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Postby Pedronicus on Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:58 pm

Its possible. but highly doubtful in 200 games.

My average points per game is 11.8 to date, so if I carry on I will be a general some time in 2012.

The only thing we cant work out yet is how many points a game will be worth when there are some players with big scores to beat.
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Postby max is gr8 on Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:00 pm

exactly you should read about my comp to overthrow the leader of the learder board and send them into major minuses
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Postby kusunoki on Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:41 pm

i find it hard to maintain 1700 points, im only getting 10-13 points from each player i defeat per game, so even in a 6 player game i only get about 60, while i am losing almost 40 points when i lose, this means i have to win 2/5 6 player games to maintain my status, and as we all know, winning 6 player games ain't all that easy, especially when everyone knows who to watch for
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Postby geniusxboy on Fri Mar 03, 2006 2:47 am

in a game based on luck
rank doesn't really matter.

Even if you set up a game and
play against yourself...

you can't guarentee a win for yourself
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Postby TuckerCase on Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:10 pm

I'm going to mostly agree with Marvaddin here. It probably will be impossible for someone to ever naturally get to 4000. When I say naturally I mean for them to just join open games anyone can be in. Maybe if a player refuses to play public games, and only challenges close rivals so the points won can be a lot higher. But that's kind of. . . prick like.
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Postby Twill on Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:26 pm

If you look at the win rate of the top 4 or 5 people its pretty telling - justserious, #U and Roaming Nomad have win ratios about 66-75% thats not bad.

But as someone said, it will just mean the top rank players begin to play only top rank players so that they dont lose so many points, I have already begun to do this as I have no desire to lose 3 games worth of points in one match to someone who is scoring a solid 120 points for a single win.

Its just going to force top rankers to go premium so that they can lock out low rank players and have a decent chance at some points.

just some thoughts
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Postby Romber on Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:19 pm

If you look at the win rate of the top 4 or 5 people....... Roaming Nomad

Ha. Hes in one of my games. I dont even know these high level players in my games until someone mentions it.
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Postby kingwaffles on Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:29 pm

If you look at the overall trend of the top players then it shows that it will take a long time but general status can be acieved. When I joined back in late January the hgihest person had around 1400 points and now the top 20 are all over 1400 with the highest being Weidsun ranked at 1840. Although it seems like a crazily impossible rank, it's not, it's just gonna take a looooong time.
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Postby thegrimsleeper on Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:55 pm

Which is exactly how long it should take.
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Postby zorba_ca on Sat Mar 04, 2006 10:24 am

A few points on the topic.

1. What we are feeling is a lot of anxiety because everyone wants to be the "best". The truth is: The site is just 2 months old. We should have this discussion in 2 years if no one has reached "General" status.

2. It is supposed to be difficult - we all agree on that.

3. The points system works right. A player should not become a General if all they do is beat up on low-ranked players - accordingly the formula offers diminishing returns for these "conquests".

4. Following that, a player must play higher ranked players to earn more points (and consequently lose fewer points). This may not be easy for some people to stomach, but this happens in every walk of life. The NY Yankees don't earn accolades playing against a high school baseball team from Iceland. You prove yourself by playing the best. The only issue is that it forces the top players to go private. But I think that if you are playing that often, there is no issue.
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