Re: WWI: Gallipoli [9.9.15] V39 (p22) [Quenched]

WWI - Gallipoli

Draft Stamped 31.7.2009
Gameplay Stamped 13.7.2013 (4yrs - phew!)
Graphics Stamped 7.9.2013
XML STamped 21.9.2013
Beta Stamped 23.11.13
Map Name: WW1 - Gallipoli
Mapmaker: cairnswk
Number of Territories: 100
Special Features:Starting Neutrals, ranged attacks, losing condition, autodeploy, one-way borders, impassables
Fonts: Vagabond, Bookman Oldstyle
Software:Fireworks CS3 (image), Coreldraw X4 (text and legend)
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made:
1. It is a classic battle that deserves a place on this site
2. The 100th anniversary of Gallipoli will occur in 2015.
3. Descriptions of any unique features or areas.
Battleships, Forts, Sea Mines, Landing Craft, Land Batteries...
Gallipoli was a big milestone in the Australian and New Zealand psyche for standing alongside each other in mateship and battle. It was also a huge disaster, but that didn't reduce the pride of Nationhoods.
The design features the outline of the War Memorial in Canberra atop the legend piece. Much of the Gallipoli collection is held in the Canberra War Memorial and I have viewed this fantastic collection of pieces. Suitable geographic and ship artwork will feature where necessary.
Map size:
Small - 650W x 600H
Large - 780W x 719H (1.2% larger)
Version 39

XML update 8 Aug 2015
Something for everyone in this one!
See special features above.

Draft Stamped 31.7.2009
Gameplay Stamped 13.7.2013 (4yrs - phew!)
Graphics Stamped 7.9.2013
XML STamped 21.9.2013
Beta Stamped 23.11.13
Map Name: WW1 - Gallipoli
Mapmaker: cairnswk
Number of Territories: 100
Special Features:Starting Neutrals, ranged attacks, losing condition, autodeploy, one-way borders, impassables
Fonts: Vagabond, Bookman Oldstyle
Software:Fireworks CS3 (image), Coreldraw X4 (text and legend)
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made:
1. It is a classic battle that deserves a place on this site

2. The 100th anniversary of Gallipoli will occur in 2015.
3. Descriptions of any unique features or areas.
Battleships, Forts, Sea Mines, Landing Craft, Land Batteries...
Gallipoli was a big milestone in the Australian and New Zealand psyche for standing alongside each other in mateship and battle. It was also a huge disaster, but that didn't reduce the pride of Nationhoods.
The design features the outline of the War Memorial in Canberra atop the legend piece. Much of the Gallipoli collection is held in the Canberra War Memorial and I have viewed this fantastic collection of pieces. Suitable geographic and ship artwork will feature where necessary.
Map size:
Small - 650W x 600H
Large - 780W x 719H (1.2% larger)
Version 39

XML update 8 Aug 2015
iancanton wrote:...
i especially recommend that we reduce the first-turn advantage by increasing the neutrals on 12 of the landing beaches from n3 to n4 and on l06 from n6 to n7, which stops so many of the beaches from being overrun before player two has even had a turn.
Something for everyone in this one!
See special features above.
- 1. Total Territories
100 - 40 starts and 60 neutrals
2. The number of continents.
There are no actual continents for this map. Land positions and landing ships (not battleships) autodeploy to simulate the invasion fleet.
Losing Condition: Players failing to hold any land position will be eliminated
3. Starting Territories (40)
- 8 Battleships - start with 18 (no autodeplay) and can bombard any marked target as per the legend. They cannot be bombared from shore. They can be added to at the beginning of your turn. Use them wisely!
13 Invasion Craft - start with 6
3 Minesweepers - start with 6
8 Turkish terrs (start 6) on the east side of the Dardanelles (includes 1 land battery - represents the force that had to come from the Capital Constantinople after the invasion started).
8 Turkish terrs (start 6) on the western peninsula (includes 1 forts and 2 land batteries)
Each player starts with at least 1 battleship (BS).
That leaves 32 starting positions (SP) to be distributed by the luck of the drop on starting positions (as marked), and 32 is a golden number.
- 2P = 3BS + 10SP + 64N
3P = 3BS + 10SP + 64N
4P = 2BS + 8SP + 60N
5P = 1BS + 6SP + 65N
6P = 1BS + 5SP + 64N
7P = 1BS + 4SP + 65N
8P = 1BS + 4SP + 60N