San Marino [Quenched]
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:27 am
Total Territories: 36
Total Regions: 9
Bonuses: The territories marked in yellow are the regions' capitals. The bonuses for holding them are as follows; 4 = +1, 5 = +2, 6 = +3, 9 = +5.
Impassable Objects: Rivers and Mountains
Map Sizes: Small (614x590), Large (750x721)
Version 1.21 - Added shadow to the San Marinese coin
Version 1.20 - New torri bonus images, Borgo Maggiore bonus down to 5
Version 1.19 - New format for the title and redesign of the map legend and bonus boxes.
Version 1.18d - New rivers, added bridge between Chiesnuova and Fiorentino, replaced mountains between Faetano and Domagnano with a river, made Faetano slightly darker.
Version 1.18a - New rivers and towers
Version 1.16 - New regional borders, new rivers, new mini map, added regions to mini map, moved tre torri bonus
Torri Poll
Total Territories: 36
Total Regions: 9
Bonuses: The territories marked in yellow are the regions' capitals. The bonuses for holding them are as follows; 4 = +1, 5 = +2, 6 = +3, 9 = +5.
Impassable Objects: Rivers and Mountains
Map Sizes: Small (614x590), Large (750x721)
Version 1.21 - Added shadow to the San Marinese coin
Version 1.20 - New torri bonus images, Borgo Maggiore bonus down to 5
Version 1.19 - New format for the title and redesign of the map legend and bonus boxes.
Version 1.18d - New rivers, added bridge between Chiesnuova and Fiorentino, replaced mountains between Faetano and Domagnano with a river, made Faetano slightly darker.
Version 1.18a - New rivers and towers
Version 1.16 - New regional borders, new rivers, new mini map, added regions to mini map, moved tre torri bonus
Torri Poll