The Temple of Jinn [03/02/2014] V9m pg 15

I'm back with my last work.
After the failure of Shannara; after the "accident" with my other work: Fantasitaly, lost with my irreparably damaged 16Gb pen drive, i try to publish a new map: The Temple of Jinn.
Map Name:
The Temple of Jinn
Number of Territories:
This is the first map in isometric, a first experiment which seems to be fully successful.
The map depicts a temple used by a group of worshipers of the spiritual forces called djinns.
The goal is to become masters of the temple and control all the djinns and other creatures in the dungeon.
Special Features:
Bombardments, Conditional Border, Territories with Decay.
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made:
The isometric perspective
Map Image Large version (840x400):
Map Image Small version (630x600):
These are the 3 color blind tests
This is the version with all the neutral troops in the territories (840x800)
This is the 88 test - Large version (840x800)
This is the 88 test - Small version (630x600)
This is the 888 test - Large version (840x800)
This is the 888 test - Small version (630x600)
Old versions
The Copyright Agreement
Basic idea taken from the work of Herwin. The level has been completely redesigned.
Draft Stamp (12 Aug 2013)
Gameplay Stamp (28 Sep 2013)
Graphic Stamp (25 Oct 2013)
Beta Stamp (09 Mar 2014)
This map would better played with fog and nuclear reinforcements.