Czecho Slovak Fragmentation [Quenched]
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:51 pm
Map Name: Fragmentation of CSFR
Mapmaker(s): Oneyed
Number of Territories: it would be a small map. 34 regions
Special Features: bonuses are based on two republics insude Czecho Slovak Federal Republic - Czech Republic and Slovak Republic
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made: history, small map with "not clasic" gameplay
this is map about fragmentation CzechoSlovak federal republic in 1.1.1993.
here are changes.
- the capitals are +1 autodeploy
- the border of CSFR and border between CR and SR are darker
- I asked Gilligan for helpwith xml
last change:
capitals gain +2 for every 4 towns in the same republic.
Brno is not more neutral.
what about to change bonus for capitals and 4 towns to +2 instead +1?
when we look at kraj bonus in the slovak republic here is +2 for each. it is 4 territoreis, 3 to secure. in the czech republic kraj bonus is +4 for every 2 kraje. it is 6 territories, 4 to secure. capital with 4 towns it is 5 territories and 5 to secure.
so I have two ideas:
1, make +2 for every 4 towns (in CR/SR) with capital or
2, make capitals +1 autodeploy.
updated legend.
the xml updated here is the right one.