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Re: Rail S America [21.11.13] BETA READY

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:42 pm
by cairnswk

Image Image Image Image Image

Supersize Approval 5.1.13
Draft Stamped 16.1.13
Gameplay Stamped 21.8.13
Graphics Stamped 30.9.13

1. Map developer - Cairnswk
2. Software: PS5 and Illustrator CS5
3. The number of territories currently on the map - 114 territories less 25 starting neutrals = 89 (golden number)
4. The number of continents/bonus zones 22 continents
5. Descriptions of any unique features or areas. - Straight play railway map (but if someone has good suggestion it might be implemented)
6. Fonts use:Arial on stations, Hobo Std in legend, Samba on titles.
7. Why - This is the last map in the Railway series - it appears there is some support for this map, and it would be good to advance the series - possible Battle Royal contender.

Map Size:
Small: 800 x 850; Larage: 880 x 935

V 33 - small

V 33 - large
Click image to enlarge.

Starting Neutrals

[spoiler=88s & 888s] ... g~original ... g~original ... g~original ... g~original

Starting Positions:
114 Territories - 26 neutral starts results in 88 positions
88 positions start with a max of 22 (underlying neutrals of 2)
26 postions are coded neutrals as follows:

SCI U 4n...............BSB B 1n
GEO K 4n..............BSB R 1n
UIO D 4n...............BSB A 1n
IQT P 4n...............BSB Z 1n
MAO M 4n.............BSB I 3n
TRS Q 4n..............BSB L 1n
REC R 4n
CRS L 3n..............BUA N 3n
ARI C 4n..............BUA E 1n
UYU T 3n..............BUA S 1n
SAO A 3n..............BUA T 1n
ASU Y 4n..............BUA G 1n
SCB E 4n
PVH V 3n

23 "Line" Continent Bonuses
13 "Hat" Bonuses
2 Large City Bonuses

The Drop:
Start Regions..29...29..22..17..14..12...11..9...8.....8.....7

Previous Versions ... a_V06S.jpg ... V01Scd.jpg

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:28 pm
by isaiah40
And here you said you didn't have time to enter the Papau New Guinea contest! I can go for another rail map. ;)

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:33 pm
by DiM
shouldn't this be in the drafting room instead of the ideas?

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:34 pm
by cairnswk
isaiah40 wrote:And here you said you didn't have time to enter the Papau New Guinea contest! I can go for another rail map. ;)

Ah, but this one has been done for some time just sitting on my 'puter. :) Same as i have others that are in file storage. ;)
I really don't have the time to enter that comp. I'm writing notes about partnership law and cases at present, and then have to get onto Corporations Law in preparation for the finals in 4 weeks time.

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:35 pm
by cairnswk
DiM wrote:shouldn't this be in the drafting room instead of the ideas?

No, i don't have time to give to it at a present so it can stay here for a while.

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:54 pm
by Peter Gibbons
First off, amazing start. Really happy you chose to do this one!

cairnswk wrote:(unless players want a complete north american rail map that includes Canada and Central America etc.)

Funny you should mention the above. I was actually thinking the other day about a Canadian Rail map and was wondering if you'd address North America at all. It's a long way of, I'm sure, but count me as someone who loves the rail maps and would be happy to see more. Rail Canada and Rail Central America (with Mexico) would be amazing if you wanted to do both!

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:58 am
by Gillipig
cairnswk wrote:Last one in the series (unless players want a complete north american rail map that includes Canada and Central America etc.
I'm just uploading this now so everyone can see it is there if required.
I'll get onto the title details later.

Click image to enlarge.

The maps look great already! I love the colours you've used! Only question I have is, what about Rail Antarctica??? :)

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 3:47 pm
by Industrial Helix
I would enjoy this map.

Maybe you should think about a rail... Mars

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 3:49 pm
by QoH
I think you need more than 1 postcard in the top right. Just would be better aesthetically imo.

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:47 pm
by cairnswk
Peter Gibbons wrote:First off, amazing start. Really happy you chose to do this one!

Thanks :)

cairnswk wrote:(unless players want a complete north american rail map that includes Canada and Central America etc.)

Funny you should mention the above. I was actually thinking the other day about a Canadian Rail map and was wondering if you'd address North America at all. It's a long way of, I'm sure, but count me as someone who loves the rail maps and would be happy to see more. Rail Canada and Rail Central America (with Mexico) would be amazing if you wanted to do both!

Yes, well that could be on the cards if there is enough support, although i wouldn't do Canada alone but there are severl routes in Cancada that would make it worthwhile in the larger map.

Industrial Helix wrote:I would enjoy this map.
Maybe you should think about a rail... Mars

Surely you jest IH. ;) and in the light of that comment, are you sure you'd enjoy Rail South America, i'm not sure how to take that comment :?:

QoH wrote:I think you need more than 1 postcard in the top right. Just would be better aesthetically imo.

Yes that has been version :)

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:57 am
by koontz1973
cairnswk wrote:
Industrial Helix wrote:I would enjoy this map.
Maybe you should think about a rail... Mars

Surely you jest IH. ;) and in the light of that comment, are you sure you'd enjoy Rail South America, i'm not sure how to take that comment :?:

cairnswk, don't dismiss the idea out of hand. If this or the next one finishes of the series :( (Earthbound), it might be nice to get one that is completely fictional. Basing it on Mars would be different from the moon map. Give it some more thought, it could bring different types of gameplay into the series.

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:19 pm
by Bruceswar
This should be another fine map. Go for it!

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:17 am
by hoschke118
You have 2 Paraguayan and no Uruguayan in your legend.

But more importantly, yay rail SA! +1 support for full rail NA.

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:45 am
by cairnswk
That's careless. adjusted next version. Thanks hoschke118 :)

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:00 am
by cairnswk
Can someone please move this back to shouldn't have been brought out of ideas as i am am not ready to work on it. :)

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:53 pm
by isaiah40
[MOVED] as per request.

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:12 pm
by mr_green_SAFS
this is amazing graphic! Image

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:10 pm
by Teflon Kris
Cant wait for this one to go through the factory - once cairns has done this and new zealand there will be enough maps representing the CC community's nationalities and regions for me to embark further on nationality-based world championship tournaments.


Re: Rail South America V2

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:19 am
by cairnswk
Version 2
Click image to enlarge.

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:49 pm
by sannemanrobinson
Nice images. Only question is why the countries have their own colours, they don't have their own bonuses right?

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:03 pm
by cairnswk
sannemanrobinson wrote:Nice images. Only question is why the countries have their own colours, they don't have their own bonuses right?

Brazil and Argentina have several bonuses, while other countries have their own bonus - it's in the legend.

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:34 am
by sannemanrobinson
cairnswk wrote:
sannemanrobinson wrote:Nice images. Only question is why the countries have their own colours, they don't have their own bonuses right?

Brazil and Argentina have several bonuses, while other countries have their own bonus - it's in the legend.

All the bonuses in the legend have a letter assigned for a corresponding railway line or zone. This makes different the country geometry only confusing in my opinion because the country geometry colours do not correspond exactly with the legend. Other rail series (except Rail Asia) you made also didn't have country geometry so why here?

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:31 pm
by cairnswk
sannemanrobinson wrote:
cairnswk wrote:
sannemanrobinson wrote:Nice images. Only question is why the countries have their own colours, they don't have their own bonuses right?

Brazil and Argentina have several bonuses, while other countries have their own bonus - it's in the legend.

All the bonuses in the legend have a letter assigned for a corresponding railway line or zone. This makes different the country geometry only confusing in my opinion because the country geometry colours do not correspond exactly with the legend. Other rail series (except Rail Asia) you made also didn't have country geometry so why here?

Something a little different... :idea:

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:00 pm
by onbekende
Hello, its your friendly neighbourhood occational, sporadic, hardly around, sometimes, ghostly poster on maps. Yo cairnswk :D

In light of your Rail Asia map I read about this one, popped in to see how it is and throw in totally unwanted and mostly ignorable advice. :D Will do the usual bonus calc and general observations and will do them per line/letter (not nitcpicking every detail). The bonus I calc is my old formula (slightly adjusted) of: [( #terts * 1.5 ) + ( #terts to defend * 4 ) + ( #terts that can be attacks from it * 2 ) + ( #continents adjecent * 1 )] / 9 => #bonus

H - Central America
3 terts, 1 to defend and 1 attackable, 1 continent adjecent => Bonus of 1
no comment

O - Columbian
7 terts, 5 to defend and 5 attackable, 4 continents adjecent => Bonus of 5
Its a spider web! Perhaps move the connection PAN-BOG to PAN-BRR to make it harder to get to or from H to the rest (you can then also create a BRR-SCT rail to make a track around south america!! :D). Bonus of 4 is better cause the person having this will also have H. SCT station letters U and O are switched.

D - Ecuadorian
2 terts, 2 to defend and 2 attackable, 2 continents adjecent => Bonus of 2
Bonus of 1 is indeed sufficient.

P - Peruvian
9 terts, 5 to defend and 5 attackable, 5 continents adjecent => Bonus of 5
6 is an overstatement, 5 perhaps to but I will stick to 5 for now.

C - Chilean
5 terts, 2 to defend and 2 attackable, 2 continents adjecent => Bonus of 2
no comment

V - Bolivean
8 terts, 4 to defend and 6 attackable, 5 continents adjecent => Bonus of 5
Seems alright indeed, won't be a continent taken easely or early

U - Venezuelan
6 terts, 4 to defend and 4 attackable, 3 continents adjecent => Bonus of 4
Bonus of 3 cause this is together with H/O/D/M/K a little stronghold side of the map. SCT station letters U and O are switched.

K - Guyannaian
5 terts, 2 to defend and 3 attackable, 3 continents adjecent => Bonus of 3
Bonus of 2 is indeed correct.

Y - Paraguayan
4 terts, 3 to defend and 3 attackable, 4 continents adjecent => Bonus of 3
Indeed good, will be fought over I believe.

G - Uraguayan
4 terts, 2 to defend and 5 attackable, 6 continents adjecent => Bonus of 3
Bonus of 2 is indeed correct.

B - Belem Line
7 terts, 3 to defend and 8 attackable, 7 continents adjecent => Bonus of 5
Bonus of 4 is more then enough, will be fought over cause of the Brazilia station.

R - Rio Line
8 terts, 6 to defend and 11 attackable, 7 continents adjecent => Bonus of 7
Bonus of 7 or 8, depending on your mood to award the person who fights for it, 9 is to much thou. First wanted to ask to switch out PET and REC to the B-line but then I noticed what you did in Brazilia, NIICE!! :D

A - Sao Paulo Line
6 terts, 5 to defend and 12 attackable, 6 continents adjecent => Bonus of 7
Bonus of 5 is more accurate, won't get taken easely or early but making it high just adds bonus to the winner to early I think.

Z - Porta Alegre Line
5 terts, 4 to defend and 9 attackable, 7 continents adjecent => Bonus of 5
Bonus of 3 or 4, will be fought over so 2 is just silly I think.

I - Campo Grande Line
4 terts, 3 to defend and 6 attackable, 6 continents adjecent => Bonus of 4
Bonus of 2 is fine, is a place to use as a jumpboard for the rest

L - Porto Velho Line
6 terts, 4 to defend and 10 attackable, 8 continents adjecent => Bonus of 6
idea: throw away stations VIT and LET to J for:
L' => 4 terts, 3 to defend and 9 attackable, 7 continents adjecent => Bonus of 5
With a bonus of 4 for L' then.

J - Amazon Line
4 terts, 3 to defend and 5 attackable, 5 continents adjecent => Bonus of 4
idea: add stations VIT and LET of L for:
J' => 6 terts, 4 to defend and 6 attackable, 6 continents adjecent => Bonus of 5
With a bonus of 4 for J' then, will be fought over I believe but not for holding it as it is key for expantion.

M - Manaus Line
3 terts, 2 to defend and 2 attackable, 2 continents adjecent => Bonus of 2
Could even go for a bonus of 1 I think, but 2 is alright.

N - Western Line
3 terts, 2 to defend and 5 attackable, 5 continents adjecent => Bonus of 3
Bonus of 2 is correct for it is in the GNSET-stronghold. STG station looks funny :D

S - Northern Line
4 terts, 2 to defend and 7 attackable, 6 continents adjecent => Bonus of 4
Bonus of 2 is indeed correct.

E - Southern Line
6 terts, 1 to defend and 4 attackable, 4 continents adjecent => Bonus of 3
Bonus of 2 is correct. Isn't SCV station rather SCB, heck you can just toss that one off imo.

T - North-Western Line
3 terts, 2 to defend and 5 attackable, 5 continents adjecent => Bonus of 3
Bonus of 2 is correct.

So we got an obvious GNSET-stronghold and a lesser HODUKM stronghold that is an expantion stronghold (first H => HO => HODU => HODUKM)

Re: Rail South America

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:13 pm
by Nola_Lifer
It would be cool to see some mountains and rivers on this one or some sort of topography.