Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:25 am
Number of Territories:64
Special Features:Strategy over luck.
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made:Completely original and completely balanced for 1v1 games.
Map Image:
Gameplay notes.
Only 2 positions will be programmed into the xml. In 2 player games both will receive 16 territs at the opposite ends of the board. All 32 territs in the middle will be programmed with 1 neutral, no degrading or killer. As stated in the game board, no continents, no normal reinforcements, only 5 troops per round (no matter how many territs you hold) and spoils (if in play).
All other games will have random drops at both ends. The middle will always be neutral. If it becomes available in later updates the xml, this will be done.
3 player games - 10 territs - drop of 5 (2 extra neutrals)
4 player games - 8 territs - drop of 5 (0 extra neutrals)
5 player games - 6 territs - drop of 5 (2 extra neutrals)
6 player games - 5 territs - drop of 5 (2 extra neutrals)
7 player games - 4 territs - drop of 5 (4 extra neutrals)
8 player games - 4 territs - drop of 5 (no extra neutrals)
The extra neutrals will be programmed as 3.
Why this.
A chess map has been tried many times before but without a major update to the xml, this will never come about as all pieces move in different ways. So instead of trying for a normal map set on a chess board, the best solution I feel is to have one type of piece and make all pieces the same. This makes for the most balanced drop in 1v1 games ever. Will be great for all game types. Also thehippo8article in the Dispatch a couple of issues ago got me thinking.
Here is the original articles that got me thinking.