Trench warfare 1917 [Quenched]

Trench warfare 1917.
Germany VS. England/France/USA
Map Name: Trench warfare 1917
Mapmaker(s): Flapcake - XML by Koontz1973
Number of Territories: 92 Map size 840x840
Special Features: 44 Neutral starters.
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made: Trench war was relentless and the soldier lived an nightmare every single day in the trenches, my intentions with this map is not to cover the entire war front, but to make an close up on the trenches and turn it in to that dogfight it was, therefore this map is about staying alive and wipe out your enemy, get out on the ohter side, wounded and exhausted, but to feel the sweet victory of the bloodiest battle.
Game play
Bonus structure.
Wilhelm II + 4
Paul von Hindenburg + 4
Erich Ludendorff + 3
German supply line (GSL) +3
German felt hospital (GFH) +2
Douglas Haig + 4
John J. Pershing + 4
Ferdinand Foch + 3
Allied supply line (ASL) +3
Allied felt hospital (AFH) +2
No man´s land: All troops (N1 --> N18) resets to 1 neutral at starts of next turn.
Shell Holes (S1 --> S4) Bombard closet Fox Hole.
Bombardments (AC + GC)
AC1 --> Fox 7-9, EL1 + EL2
AC2 --> Fox 10-12, EL2 + EL3
GC1 --> Fox 1-3, DH1 + DH2
GC2 --> Fox 4-6, DH2 + EDH3
Bombardments (A1+A2 - L1+L2)
A1 --> GC1, PVH, EL 4,5,6 + L1
A2 --> GC2, GSL, W + L2 (Not GSL4)
L1 --> AC1, JJP, DH 4,5 + A1
L2 --> AC2, ASL, FF + A2 (Not ASL1)
Foxhole Bonus.
Only works when hold on same side.
+ 2 for 3
+ 3 for 4
+ 5 for 6
Troop distribution
Players 2=15 areas + 62 neutral starters
Players 3=16 areas + 39 neutral starters
Players 4=12 areas + 44 neutral starters
Players 5=9 areas + 47 neutral starters
Players 6=8 areas + 44 neutral starters
Players 7=6 areas +50 neutral starters
Players 8=6 areas +44 neutral starters