Kingdom of Denmark [Quenched]

Map Name: Kingdom of Denmark
Mapmaker(s): Map Graphic and Gameplay By Flapcake --- XML By Koontz1973
Number of Territories: 62
Number of bonus areas: 10
Number of cities with shields: 5
Special Features: Victory, claim any 4 cities with a shield and hold it for one round. Cities with shields autodepoly +2 troop. 2 normal areas (searute) always start with 1 neutral.
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made: Denmark is a small country but with so many islands its hard to conquer
History of Denmark (short version) Never any civil wars, occupied by Nazi Germany 1940-1945. Many wars with Sweden and Germany. From about year 960 it has been a kingdom, included Norway, Island and some of sweden untill 1848 where Denmark have been like it is today.
Im sure that Denmark would be a fun game, with so many territorys, borders and small islands it could be a long lasting and hard game for all.
The reason I like the idea that you can win by keeping all 5 cities with a shield is to make it harder to keep a bonus area and perhaps give players more inclined to attack each other. I'm not crazy with games that is over in 4-5 rounds, it's boring, I find it much more entertaining to play games that last long due to the tough obstacles, it is somewhat what I'm trying to find in the game Kingdom of Denmark.
62 areas in total
5 areas always starts with 3 troops neutral (cities with shields = København, Odense, Esbjerg, Århus and Ålborg)
10 Bonus Areas
Nord jylland 2
Øst jylland 5
Vest jylland 3
Midt jylland 6
Syd jylland 5
Sønder jylland 3
Fyn 4
Øst sjælland 5
Syd sjælland 4
Vest sjælland 6
Autodeploy + 2 troop, all cities with shields = København, Odense, Esbjerg, Århus and Ålborg.
Distribution of troops:
2 player - 19 territs each - drop of 6
3 players - 19 territs each - drop of 6
4 players - 14 territs each - drop of 4
5 players - 11 territs each - drop of 3
6 players - 9 territs each - drop of 3
7 players - 8 territs each - drop of 3
8 players - 7 territs each - drop of 3
København, Odense, Esbjerg, Århus and Ålborg always starts 3 neutral.
Kattegat and Østersøen always starts 1 neutral.
obstacle and atack ways:
There is only one positioned obstacle (trees), in addition, the sea and rivers helps to create natural obstacles.
There are 2 different ways to cross the water between the territories, sail rutes and bridges.
When any 4 cities with shields are hold for one round by 1 player (not team) victory is gain.
Final map: V42 - 08-Feb-2012
- Code: Select all
<name>Four Cities</name>
<name>Nord Jylland</name>
<name>Vest Jylland</name>
<name>Øst Jylland</name>
<name>Midt Jylland</name>
<name>Syd Jylland</name>
<name>Sønder Jylland</name>
<name>Vest Sjælland</name>
<name>Øst Sjælland</name>
<name>Syd Sjælland</name>
<territory>Øst Lolland</territory>
<territory>Vest Lolland</territory>
<border>Vest Lolland</border>
<name>Vest Lolland</name>
<border>Øst Lolland</border>
<name>Øst Lolland</name>
<border>Vest Lolland</border>
<border>Øst Lolland</border>