ok here all 3 things(only Coleman can help to put XML to link site)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
- <continent>
<name>Plan A</name>
- <components>
<component>Plan A</component>
<component>Purple 1</component>
<component>Brown 2</component>
<component>Brown 1</component>
<component>White 2</component>
- <continent>
<name>Plan B</name>
- <components>
<component>Plan B</component>
<component>White 1</component>
<component>Kama Rock</component>
<component>Orange 2</component>
<component>Orange 1</component>
<component>Kangoku Rock</component>
- <continent>
<name>5th Marine Division</name>
- <components>
<component>5th M D</component>
<component>Red 1</component>
<component>Red 2</component>
- <continent>
<name>4th Marine Division</name>
- <components>
<component>4th M D</component>
<component>Yellow 1</component>
<component>Yellow 2</component>
<component>Blue 1</component>
<component>Blue 2</component>
- <continent>
<name>109th Infantry Division</name>
- <components>
<component>Mount Suribachi</component>
<component>Tobiishi point</component>
<component>Hill 165</component>
<component>Hill 362 b</component>
<component>Kitano point</component>
<component>Hill 362 c</component>
<component>Tachiiwa point</component>
- <continent>
<name>Air Fields</name>
- <components>
<component>Air fields no 1</component>
<component>Air fields no 2</component>
<component>Air fields no 3</component>
<component>Hill 362 a</component>
<component>Hill 382</component>
- <territory>
<name>Plan A</name>
- <borders>
<border>Plan B</border>
<border>Air fields no 1</border>
<border>Air fields no 2</border>
<border>5th M D</border>
<border>Purple 1</border>
<border>Brown 2</border>
<border>Brown 1</border>
<border>White 2</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Purple 1</name>
- <borders>
<border>Brown 2</border>
<border>Plan A</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Brown 2</name>
- <borders>
<border>Purple 1</border>
<border>Plan A</border>
<border>Brown 1</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Brown 1</name>
- <borders>
<border>Plan A</border>
<border>Brown 2</border>
<border>White 2</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>White 2</name>
- <borders>
<border>Plan A</border>
<border>White 1</border>
<border>Brown 1</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Plan B</name>
- <borders>
<border>Plan A</border>
<border>White 1</border>
<border>Orange 2</border>
<border>Orange 1</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>White 1</name>
- <borders>
<border>Plan B</border>
<border>White 2</border>
<border>Orange 2</border>
<border>Kama Rock</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Orange 2</name>
- <borders>
<border>Plan B</border>
<border>White 1</border>
<border>Orange 1</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Orange 1</name>
- <borders>
<border>Plan B</border>
<border>Orange 2</border>
<border>Kangoku Rock</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Kama Rock</name>
- <borders>
<border>White 1</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Kangoku Rock</name>
- <borders>
<border>Orange 1</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>5th M D</name>
- <borders>
<border>Red 1</border>
<border>Red 2</border>
<border>4th M D</border>
<border>Air fields no 1</border>
<border>Plan A</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
- <borders>
<border>Red 1</border>
<border>5th M D</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Red 1</name>
- <borders>
<border>Red 2</border>
<border>5th M D</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Red 2</name>
- <borders>
<border>Red 1</border>
<border>5th M D</border>
<border>Yellow 1</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>4th M D</name>
- <borders>
<border>5th M D</border>
<border>Yellow 1</border>
<border>Yellow 2</border>
<border>Blue 1</border>
<border>Blue 2</border>
<border>Air fields no 1</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Yellow 1</name>
- <borders>
<border>Yellow 2</border>
<border>4th M D</border>
<border>Red 2</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Yellow 2</name>
- <borders>
<border>Yellow 1</border>
<border>Blue 1</border>
<border>4th M D</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Blue 1</name>
- <borders>
<border>Blue 2</border>
<border>Yellow 2</border>
<border>4th M D</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Blue 2</name>
- <borders>
<border>Blue 1</border>
<border>4th M D</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Mount Suribachi</name>
- <borders>
<border>Air fields no 2</border>
<border>Tobiishi point</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Tobiishi point</name>
- <borders>
<border>Mount Suribachi</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
- <borders>
<border>Hill 362 a</border>
<border>Air fields no 3</border>
<border>Hill 362 b</border>
<border>Hill 165</border>
<border>Plan B</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Hill 165</name>
- <borders>
<border>Hill 362 b</border>
<border>Kitano point</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Hill 362 b</name>
- <borders>
<border>Hill 362 c</border>
<border>Air fields no 3</border>
<border>Hill 165</border>
<border>Kitano point</border>
<border>Air fields no 2</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Hill 362 c</name>
- <borders>
<border>Hill 362 b</border>
<border>Tachiiwa point</border>
<border>Air fields no 3</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Kitano point</name>
- <borders>
<border>Hill 165</border>
<border>Hill 362 b</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Tachiiwa point</name>
- <borders>
<border>Hill 362 c</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Air fields no 1</name>
- <borders>
<border>Air fields no 2</border>
<border>4th M D</border>
<border>5th M D</border>
<border>Plan A</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Air fields no 2</name>
- <borders>
<border>Air fields no 1</border>
<border>Mount Suribachi</border>
<border>Hill 382</border>
<border>Hill 362 a</border>
<border>Plan A</border>
<border>Hill 362 b</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Air fields no 3</name>
- <borders>
<border>Hill 362 c</border>
<border>Hill 362 b</border>
<border>Hill 382</border>
<border>Hill 362 a</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Hill 362 a</name>
- <borders>
<border>Air fields no 2</border>
<border>Air fields no 3</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
- <borders>
<border>Air fields no 2</border>
<border>Air fields no 3</border>
<border>Hill 382</border>
<border>Hill 362 a</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
- <borders>
<border>Hill 382</border>
<border>Air fields no 2</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
- <borders>
<border>Tachiiwa point</border>
<border>Hill 362 c</border>
<border>Hill 382</border>
- <coordinates>
- <territory>
<name>Hill 382</name>
- <borders>
<border>Air fields no 2</border>
<border>Air fields no 3</border>
- <coordinates>
and here links
http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z188 ... X566-1.png
http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z188 ... ncijom.png
Before i put some image, i want to know if somebody work in these project,then i will continue if nobody work in these map.
(i look in developmental atlas and se that these not exist).

From here you can folow proces in these topic.
old version.

new version

Update 1

new update back in previos bacground,more lighter

next work-voting for best solution for barriers and tunnels.
Here examples for these issue.


new barriers and tunnels look.

Page 18
A country - 2
B country - 2
5th M D - 2
4th M D - 2
109 infantry D - 5
air fields - 6
A country - 2
B country - 2
5th M D - 2
4th M D - 2
109 infantry D - 6
air fields - 9
A country - 2
B country - 3
5th M D - 2
4th M D - 3
109 infantry D - 6
air fields - 7


Update 3



small with numbers

large with numbers

