Thanks for the comments TaCktiX,
GAMEPLAYTaCktiX wrote:The Temple of Poseidon heavily depends on drop, unless the inner islands are completely neutral.
Yes, all players will start on the outer rings and have all the territories divided up among the players.
TaCktiX wrote:I would suggest dropping the +2 auto-deploy and letting the bonus stand alone. Looking at it another way, the auto-deploy could be a balancer for expansion, as anyone who gets the Temple region then has to expand out to a very large region. I would suggest finding some more commenters on this issue.
We like the autodeploy, but we could change it back to standalone bonus if more people would prefer it.
TaCktiX wrote:4 boats does not ever justify a +6. I know technically they border 7 territories, but they have enough power by being mobile. Drop the boat bonus to +4.
We agree, dropping the boat bonus to +4
TaCktiX wrote:The continents are too big. The bonuses are appropriate for a continent of that size, but a no cards game will be determined by who manages to drop heavily in the Temple region, or by a TON of luck. I would suggest chopping a lot of the outer ones in half and re-evaluating the bonuses for them based on that. Kamuri, Lyonesse, Mariny, and Lemuria are good candidates for this.
The outer continents were designed to be big to make it harder to get the bonuses. As players all start on the outer rings then no-one will gain an advantage by dropping inner islands.
TaCktiX wrote:Wording on the legend could be better. The boat description is good, but I would suggest moving the graphic to center on the words, and moving the "Boats can bombard" to be in line with the other two lines.
"Ports and boats border each other" is more succinct, and what people are used to reading.
I'm going to talk with Nemesischild about the legend, we'll see what we can come up with.
GRAPHICSTaCktiX wrote:The continent names are inconsistent in their sizing, and very hard to read in some cases due to the bevel on them or their orientation. Going with the same size and trying to put them all "right side up" will help with that a ton.
We will have another look at the names.
TaCktiX wrote:The texture on the continents could be better. In some cases, there's too much texture that makes reading the territory names very difficult. The overall borders are really good, though.
We shall try and change the territory numbers to make them easier to read. I have noticed this myself. Glad you like the borders, Nemesischild spent ages trying to get them right.
TaCktiX wrote:Instead of hoping for people's straight-line reckoning to be good, how about adding dotted lines between the docks? For an example of this, look at Age of Merchants.
We must have tried this hundreds of times by now, but it always looks cramped, perhaps we should just add them to the larger distances?
Comments on that pleaseTaCktiX wrote:The water isn't very believable. I like the two-tone idea between continents and larger parts of water, but the colors could be much better.
We have just changed the sea texture, We think you'll be pleased at the results!
TaCktiX wrote:The bridges don't look "right" for the map. Something more porcelain and Greek-looking (like the Temple) would be more fitting.
They are being changed!
Hope this answers a few of your questions and comments.
Version 6 will be available soon!
Keep the comment coming guys!