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Haiti [Quenched]

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Re: Haiti v4 pg3

Postby oaktown on Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:41 am

cairnswk wrote:3. i like the overall is clean and crisp,,,,even though some have suggested a little bright, but on a map like this bright can be toned down a tad and still retain a sub-tropical flavour.
4. just some attention to differentation between border thickneses and rivers need to be made clearer.

I think the bright colors are fine if it works with the overall theme of the map. Right now it doesn't - some of your colors are a bit dreary, e.g. the sea and the legend. I would also suggest you remove black from the palette entirely - maybe come up with something lighter and friendlier for the borders and text. A dark green, brown, or blue will have the same effect as black if it is used against the right background, without being as heavy (though maybe not blue, because you already have the blue rivers).

The rivers were my first concern in looking at this map. In some places you break up in impassable river with a black border, while in other places you have a bridge. What's the difference? And you'll need to work out the Lac de Peligre/La Finca border - it is so small I can't tell if it's impassable... or that it's a border at all. You can take some liberties with geography there.

And I agree with Cairnswk (again) that the dots seem wrong for this map... maybe something more fun and tropical, like a boat!
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Re: Haiti v6 pg6

Postby edbeard on Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:31 pm

Click image to enlarge.

What you need to know:

1. 28 territories
2. 6 continents

Changes in this update
1. border colours changed
2. territory label text colour changed
3. army circle colours changed
4. water route colour changed
5. Nord continent colour toned down
6. fixed Manneville - Bouli border (made into bridge).

To Do:

1. Gameplay / Bonus Discussion
2. finalize colours

Points of Discussion:

oaktown wrote:In some places you break up in impassable river with a black border, while in other places you have a bridge. What's the difference? And you'll need to work out the Lac de Peligre/La Finca border - it is so small I can't tell if it's impassable... or that it's a border at all. You can take some liberties with geography there.

And I agree with Cairnswk (again) that the dots seem wrong for this map... maybe something more fun and tropical, like a boat!

I fixed the Manneville - Bouli one since I found evidence that was a full river.

The other one is two separate rivers so there wouldn't be a bridge but just a land gap.

I'm not against the dots. boats don't seem right. More ideas here would be helpful. Maybe the colour change has sold you (doubtful).
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Re: Haiti v6 pg6

Postby ZeakCytho on Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:38 pm

The font in the legend looks almost childish when juxtaposed with the straightness/seriousness of the rest of the text on the map. You might want to consider changing it to something a bit more formal. I would not recommend using a font with serifs, however, since that seems too formal.

Also, great work so far :)
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Re: Haiti v6 pg6

Postby t-o-m on Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:59 am

well done edbeard on making it into the main foundry! =D> =D> =D>

i was wondering where the map had gone!
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Re: Haiti v6 pg6

Postby RjBeals on Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:50 am

Ed this font / border / army circle color looks horrible. Your legend colors should also match your territory colors. And in my opinion, your legend is too big. For just bonus names and amounts (no explanation paragraphs or any other text), your legend is about 1/3 the size of the map.
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Re: Haiti v6 pg6

Postby edbeard on Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:13 pm

RjBeals wrote:Ed this font / border / army circle color looks horrible. Your legend colors should also match your territory colors. And in my opinion, your legend is too big. For just bonus names and amounts (no explanation paragraphs or any other text), your legend is about 1/3 the size of the map.

well I gave it a shot. I'm going back to the black then.

noted on the legend size

I think the colours are fine. As long as they're close and no confusion can happen. I'll make them closer but being exact isn't a huge deal. I think if the legend looks better with colours that are slightly off but still distinguishable then it's ok.
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Re: Haiti v6 pg6

Postby Kaplowitz on Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:19 pm

I dont like the colors on the map, it might be the borders but it looks dirty...I cant think of a better word.
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Re: Haiti v6 pg6

Postby RjBeals on Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:10 pm

edbeard wrote:I think the colours are fine. As long as they're close and no confusion can happen. I'll make them closer but being exact isn't a huge deal. I think if the legend looks better with colours that are slightly off but still distinguishable then it's ok.

That's cool - your map. I really just thought the hot pink & fluorescent green on the legend looked out of place. And I think the black borders will be way better than these brown ones. Why not try a complimentary color for the territ names depending on the region your in? Like green Artibonite could have red territory names. Or Orange Ouest could have blue names? Or you could go all black. That would be okay also.

Are you going to redo your water routes?
And your army circles?
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Re: Haiti v6 pg6

Postby oaktown on Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:25 pm

edbeard wrote:well I gave it a shot. I'm going back to the black then.

The current colors don't exactly work, but I still think staying away from black might be a good way to go.

I think that what's needed here is something to inspire a color palette... Puget Sound had the same color problem until the mapmaker came up with the northwest tribes/totem pole theme.

Here's some haitian art I've found on the web - I'm not saying use the images themselves (copyright) but you could sample the colors from one of them and create a palette in photoshop. What I find surprising is that the colors in each - by different artists - are remarkably similar. Lots of strong reds and blue, perhaps a nod to the Haitian flag.

Click image to enlarge.

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Haiti v6 pg6

Postby whitestazn88 on Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:18 pm

the legend colors and map colors don't match
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Re: Haiti v6 pg6

Postby t-o-m on Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:46 pm

whitestazn88 wrote:the legend colors and map colors don't match

no they dont :roll:

:roll: umm ed you intended to do that didnt yu ;) :roll:

wow i havnt posted on this thread for yearrrsss
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Re: Haiti v6 pg6

Postby Ruben Cassar on Fri Apr 18, 2008 1:51 pm

I'm not sure but there is something that is not convincing me 100% about the colours. They seem slightly too bright but perhaps it's part of the theme?

On a separate note you are missing the accent on the letter "o" in the word "Côtes".
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Re: Haiti v6 pg6

Postby TaCktiX on Fri Apr 18, 2008 6:12 pm

With this latest version, I don't like the territory name text color. With exception of Centre, you could get away with a pure or off white (which I suggest you do). The brown-ish-thingy detracts from the map's much-improved look.
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Re: Haiti v7 pg6

Postby edbeard on Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:04 pm

Click image to enlarge.


What you need to know:

1. 28 territories
2. 6 continents

Changes in this update
1. redid border colour scheme
a. inside continent borders made into colour of continent
b. back to black for between border continents. glow added to distinguish further from rivers

2. new colours for water routes. match the continents going to and from

3. no more army circles

4. glow added to territory label text

5. Centre changed from white to orange

6. legend colours made to be exactly like continent colours.

Tom I nvr sed I in10ded to do that. I'd always sed that there wasn8 any problem of distinguishing what went to what continent so it wasn8 a big deal to be off colour.

I liked it better before so I might go back to it.

To Do:

1. Gameplay / Bonus Discussion

2. fix Cote name. add accent per Ruben Cassar

Points of Discussion:
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Re: Haiti v7 pg6

Postby TaCktiX on Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:12 pm

And now the territory names are lost at sea...different color on the ocean, I suppose. The other ones look just fine.
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Re: Haiti v7 pg6

Postby edbeard on Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:37 pm

Responses to a few random comments:

legend 1/3 of the size of the map - actually it's 1/6

water routes - well I'm not sure about putting boats in there. How do you like the dots with the new colours?

territory names - how are they lost at sea? They are quite readable. Without the glow they are not as evident.

You might say, "hey. you can fit them on the map instead of over water." Yes. I realize this. But, some of them cannot be put onto land as there are islands and Port-au-Prince. Also, these type of things can be done when I need to add somehing to a mini-update to boost it up a bit. So shush.

You might also say, "The Bouli - Saint-Marc border is smaller at one end than another." - Yes thanks I can see this. Why don't you give me feedback on the map as a whole instead of just nitpicking? You'd respond, "that isn't fair because you're writing what I'm saying so I have no control over the feedback whatsoever." Well you shouldn't have opened your mouth. Then you'd walk away in shame with your tail between your legs.

repost for new page:
Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Haiti v7 pg6

Postby ZeakCytho on Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:48 pm

I liked the old borders much better. These new ones require me to strain to accurately see them, which I don't enjoy :cry:

Also, you may have missed my comment earlier about the legend font. It's hard to read and doesn't seem to fit with the graphical style of the rest of the map at all.
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Re: Haiti v7 pg6

Postby edbeard on Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:23 pm

I saw it. I just disagree. I meant to put it in the above post, but forgot.

I don't think the legend needs to match exactly the map itself in terms of font style. The legend is more like what someone would write out by hand.

Which borders specifically are giving you trouble. They seem fine to me so I can't fix something that I can't see.

These ones are more subtle, but when you combine that with the text and the army counts, I think it'll be clear.
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Re: Haiti v7 pg6

Postby mibi on Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:54 pm

edbeard wrote:I saw it. I just disagree. I meant to put it in the above post, but forgot.

I don't think the legend needs to match exactly the map itself in terms of font style. The legend is more like what someone would write out by hand.

Which borders specifically are giving you trouble. They seem fine to me so I can't fix something that I can't see.

These ones are more subtle, but when you combine that with the text and the army counts, I think it'll be clear.

The legend blows. Its sloppy and a terrible use of space. The font is really inappropriate as well. Its borderline graf. And all the borders are unclear. I don't know what you were thinking using green borders on green land and blue borders on blue land, etc. Its pretty ridiculous.

I think I actually preferred the boring textbook style map than this half-assed Haiti-ish version.
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Re: Haiti v7 pg6

Postby edbeard on Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:51 am

oh well, mibi. I can't please everyone.
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Re: Haiti v7 pg6

Postby Ruben Cassar on Sat Apr 19, 2008 4:39 am

Font Colours: The ones on land are fine. The ones in the sea are not. They are barely legible. Perhaps removing the stroke and using a lighter colour for the font could fix the problem.

Border Colours: No go. I cannot see the borders in the green territory. The colours needs to be changed. I would consider using only 1 colour for the border lines.
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Re: Haiti v8 pg7

Postby edbeard on Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:58 pm

Click image to enlarge.


What you need to know:

1. 28 territories
2. 6 continents

Changes in this update
1. changed inside continent border colours. If I want these continent colours, I can't do the inside borders the way I wanted so I just went the simpler way like the other borders.

2. changed water routes. quite a bit smaller they are.

3. moved territory labels around. moved the ones that fit on land onto the land.

4. increased the glow of the territory label text on the water to make it more readable (hopefully).

5. added accents to the territory names. hopefully I didn't miss any

To Do:

1. Gameplay / Bonus Discussion
2. Small map

Points of Discussion

1. XML completed (except for small map coordinates).

Code: Select all

  <territory>Baie de Henne</territory>
  <territory>Ile de la Tortue</territory>
  <territory>Le Borgne</territory>


  <territory>La Finca</territory>
  <territory>Lac de Peligre</territory>

  <territory>Ile de la Gonave</territory>

  <territory>Les Cayes</territory>
  <territory>Cotes de Fer</territory>


  <name>Baie de Henne</name>

  <border>Baie de Henne</border>
  <border>Ile de la Tortue</border>

  <name>Ile de la Tortue</name>

  <name>Le Borgne</name>

  <border>Le Borgne</border>
  <border>Ile de la Tortue</border>

  <border>La Finca</border>




  <border>Ile de la Gonave</border>


  <name>La Finca</name>

  <border>La Finca</border>
  <border>Lac de Peligre</border>

  <name>Lac de Peligre</name>

  <name>Ile de la Gonave</name>

  <border>Ile de la Gonave</border>




  <border>Les Cayes</border>

  <name>Les Cayes</name>

  <border>Les Cayes</border>
  <border>Ile de la Gonave</border>

  <border>Les Cayes</border>
  <border>Cotes de Fer</border>

  <name>Cotes de Fer</name>

  <border>Cotes de Fer</border>
  <border>Ile de la Gonave</border>

  <border>Cotes de Fer</border>




Click image to enlarge.

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Re: Haiti v8 pg7

Postby Ruben Cassar on Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:11 am

Great update. Looking very good.

The only things I still don't like are the text on the sea and the font used for the legend.

As I said in the earlier post I think you should remove the stroke and use a lighter colour for the sea text.

I don't like the font used in the legend, it does not seem to fit with the rest of the map.
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Re: Haiti v8 pg7

Postby edbeard on Sun Apr 20, 2008 3:14 pm

Ruben Cassar wrote:Great update. Looking very good.

The only things I still don't like are the text on the sea and the font used for the legend.

As I said in the earlier post I think you should remove the stroke and use a lighter colour for the sea text.

I don't like the font used in the legend, it does not seem to fit with the rest of the map.


1. sea text - is it totally illegible? I could try using white text on the water I guess.

2. I like the legend. It's as if someone actually wrote it out so I don't think the font needs to be similar to the rest of the map.
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Re: Haiti v8 pg7

Postby Ruben Cassar on Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:26 pm

edbeard wrote:
Ruben Cassar wrote:Great update. Looking very good.

The only things I still don't like are the text on the sea and the font used for the legend.

As I said in the earlier post I think you should remove the stroke and use a lighter colour for the sea text.

I don't like the font used in the legend, it does not seem to fit with the rest of the map.


1. sea text - is it totally illegible? I could try using white text on the water I guess.

2. I like the legend. It's as if someone actually wrote it out so I don't think the font needs to be similar to the rest of the map.

1. Yes can you try that? The important thing is removing the stroke or changing its thickness or glow perhaps.

2. That's okay. It's a matter of personal taste. There's nothing wrong with it and if you like the way it is then so be it. A map maker needs to make his own creative decisions as well. After all that's what gives a map that personal touch.

Looking forward to play on this one. I noticed you fixed all the accents as well. Great.
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