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Czecho Slovak Fragmentation [Quenched]

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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby Jippd on Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:21 am

Why would you want n1 on bratislava? especially if he plans to make the capitals into auto deploys that would no be a good balance i don't think.
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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby Oneyed on Sun Mar 30, 2014 3:07 am

iancanton wrote:oneyed, if u do not have the time to do any graphics changes just now, then can i suggest that u simply amend the xml so that praha and bratislava both start with n2 neutrals (or, alternatively, n2 for praha and n1 for bratislava), then post it in the xml checks thread? this ought to take only a few minutes.

after u are able to spend more time on the map, u can add the auto-deploy and improved explanation of attacks.

ian. :)

I can do all changes (graphics, xml) at onece. the problem is not free time, but I changed my hard disc and I lost much things.
please be patient, the old broken hard disc has my friend who will save some data.

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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby iancanton on Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:07 am

Jippd wrote:Why would you want n1 on bratislava? especially if he plans to make the capitals into auto deploys that would no be a good balance i don't think.

correct! bratislava remains neutral in most games, so i suggested n1 without auto-deploy as a quick way to bring bratislava into play without changing the graphics of the map. however, oneyed says he'll be able to change both the xml and graphics soon, after he recovers his files.

ian. :)
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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:34 am

iancanton wrote:
Jippd wrote:Why would you want n1 on bratislava? especially if he plans to make the capitals into auto deploys that would no be a good balance i don't think.

correct! bratislava remains neutral in most games, so i suggested n1 without auto-deploy as a quick way to bring bratislava into play without changing the graphics of the map. however, oneyed says he'll be able to change both the xml and graphics soon, after he recovers his files.

ian. :)

Ian, if you have time, you might want to check the data from my Presov tournament:
One of my goals in that tournament was to incentivize capturing the capitals. You might want to see what percentage of those who capture and early capital go on to win the game. I don't have time to do any number-crunching this week, but if somebody else could, that would be great.

My theory is that adding an autodeploy to the capitals is better than reducing the starting neutrals. However, it would be good if someone would check the data. I'll get to it when I can, but if you guys are this close to making an irrevocable decision then you should have a look.
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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby Jippd on Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:37 am

I would also prefer autodeploys for capitals instead of reducing the neutral count on capitals
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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby Oneyed on Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:59 pm

now capitals strat as n2.
I think that after change to +1 auto for capitals they could start n3.

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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby Jippd on Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:28 pm

Are you going to make the auto deploy added to capitals soon or are you trying the capitals out at n2 first? What is your plan?
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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby Oneyed on Thu Apr 03, 2014 1:04 pm

Jippd wrote:Are you going to make the auto deploy added to capitals soon or are you trying the capitals out at n2 first? What is your plan?

this weekend I will have some data. so during next week I will change wording about attacks and about bonuses. and then I will change xml.

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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby iancanton on Sun Apr 06, 2014 3:33 pm

Oneyed wrote:now capitals strat as n2.

at the moment, both capitals start with n3 neutrals.

Oneyed wrote:I think that after change to +1 auto for capitals they could start n3.

on cairnswk's cricket map, the bowler +2 auto-deploy used to be ignored in most games because it started with n3 neutrals. after cairnswk changed the bowler to start as n1, players stopped complaining about that map. i recommend that both capitals start with n2 neutrals.

ian. :)
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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby Yynatago on Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:48 am

Nice Map. Played a Poly game on it for the first time.

I didn't quite get the region bonuses. In particular, it is either not clear or not obvious which Kraj are Czech and which Kraj are Slovak.

I love the different ways off attacking neighbouring Kraj.
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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:12 am

Yynatago wrote:Nice Map. Played a Poly game on it for the first time.

I didn't quite get the region bonuses. In particular, it is either not clear or not obvious which Kraj are Czech and which Kraj are Slovak.

I love the different ways off attacking neighbouring Kraj.

The two little inset maps (top right and bottom left) show you the Czech and Slovak parts of the the country, respectively.

Also, the borders between Kraje are broken lines, while the main border between the Czech and Slovak areas is a solid line. That's a little harder to see, though. When in doubt, check those inset maps.
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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby mlmarcelo on Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:34 am

A little question about the map. The towers must be adjacent to receive the bonus? It's my first time on the map and I saw that the bonus is not being computed.

Game: 14740151 (

"Dualta" starts with Liberec, Kladno, Olomouc and Ostrava, all the towers in the Czech Republic. If I understand correctly, he should get "+1 with every four towns in the CR"

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:06 pm

mlmarcelo wrote:A little question about the map. The towers must be adjacent to receive the bonus? It's my first time on the map and I saw that the bonus is not being computed.

Game: 14740151 (

"Dualta" starts with Liberec, Kladno, Olomouc and Ostrava, all the towers in the Czech Republic. If I understand correctly, he should get "+1 with every four towns in the CR"

Thanks in advance!

You must hold either a province or the capital to collect a bonus for the towns. So, with what you're listing above, you do not have a bonus. There's a few ways you could get one:
  1. Capture the Severo Moravsky Kraj (SMK on the map) to complete "Kraj and two towns" (Olomouc and Ostrava that you have in the SMK) then complete another "Kraj and two towns" somewhere else on the Czech side. Since you have Liberec and Kladno, you could
    • capture SČK (Severočeský kraj) and Ústí n/Labem to complete "Kraj and two towns" in the SČK, or
    • capture StČK (Středočeský kraj) and Beroun to complete "Kraj and two towns" for StČK
    The combination of 2 times "Kraj and two towns" gives you a +4 bonus, probably the most common way to get a bonus on the Czech side.

    Your other option is
  2. Capture the Czech capital (Praha) to collect the "+1 for Praha and 4 towns" bonus.

It's a pretty complex bonus structure, but since you're high rankers, I imagine you appreciate complexity...:)
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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby mlmarcelo on Fri Aug 15, 2014 10:12 am

Dukasaur wrote:
mlmarcelo wrote:A little question about the map. The towers must be adjacent to receive the bonus? It's my first time on the map and I saw that the bonus is not being computed.

Game: 14740151 (

"Dualta" starts with Liberec, Kladno, Olomouc and Ostrava, all the towers in the Czech Republic. If I understand correctly, he should get "+1 with every four towns in the CR"

Thanks in advance!

You must hold either a province or the capital to collect a bonus for the towns. So, with what you're listing above, you do not have a bonus. There's a few ways you could get one:
  1. Capture the Severo Moravsky Kraj (SMK on the map) to complete "Kraj and two towns" (Olomouc and Ostrava that you have in the SMK) then complete another "Kraj and two towns" somewhere else on the Czech side. Since you have Liberec and Kladno, you could
    • capture SČK (Severočeský kraj) and Ústí n/Labem to complete "Kraj and two towns" in the SČK, or
    • capture StČK (Středočeský kraj) and Beroun to complete "Kraj and two towns" for StČK
    The combination of 2 times "Kraj and two towns" gives you a +4 bonus, probably the most common way to get a bonus on the Czech side.

    Your other option is
  2. Capture the Czech capital (Praha) to collect the "+1 for Praha and 4 towns" bonus.

It's a pretty complex bonus structure, but since you're high rankers, I imagine you appreciate complexity...:)

Uhmmm, interesting and strategic. I liked. Thanks for the explanation. =D> =D> =D>
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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby RedBaron0 on Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:12 pm

iancanton wrote:
Oneyed wrote:now capitals strat as n2.

at the moment, both capitals start with n3 neutrals.

Oneyed wrote:I think that after change to +1 auto for capitals they could start n3.

on cairnswk's cricket map, the bowler +2 auto-deploy used to be ignored in most games because it started with n3 neutrals. after cairnswk changed the bowler to start as n1, players stopped complaining about that map. i recommend that both capitals start with n2 neutrals.

ian. :)

Are we altering the n3's or not?
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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby Oneyed on Sat Aug 16, 2014 3:44 am

at the first, sorry me for absention here. I know that I promised to complete this map, what I want, but I had several problems with computer (unfortunately I did not get all files which I need). and also real life catch me :) .

I need to instal some programs to my computer and see which files of this map I have and which not.

thanks to everybody for interest and advices.

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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby Oneyed on Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:50 am

here are changes.
- the capitals are +1 autodeploy
- the border of CSFR and border between CR and SR are darker
- I asked Gilligan for helpwith xml

Click image to enlarge.

Click image to enlarge.

and here is xml where is needed made just capitals (Praha, Bratislava) +1 autodeploy.

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Last edited by Oneyed on Mon Aug 18, 2014 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - bonus change?

Postby iancanton on Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:24 am

welcome back, oneyed! if u add <bonus>1</bonus> to each of praha and bratislava in the xml, as below, then this will fix the xml.

Code: Select all

ian. :)
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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - changes are done

Postby Oneyed on Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:47 am

thank you very much iancanton :). have you any notices to graphic? or somebody?

here is correct xml.

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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - changes are done

Postby iancanton on Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:16 pm

the darker solid border between the czech and slovak republics looks good. for the bonus wording, i prefer +1 autodeploy (no s on the end because only one troop is being auto-deployed).

have u tested the new xml (which seems to be correct) on the test site? after fixing the bonus legend, this is the next step, to help to prevent unexpected things from happening in a live beta game (such as troop counts appearing outside of their boxes or games failing to start properly). if u haven't used the test site before, then Gilligan or RedBaron0 can help u.

ian. :)
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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - changes are done

Postby Oneyed on Mon Aug 18, 2014 5:10 pm

autodeploys changed to autodeploy and also made some small graphics things.
I will ask Gilligan for help with xml test.
again thanks ian.

Click image to enlarge.

Click image to enlarge.

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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - changes are done

Postby RedBaron0 on Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:43 pm

Files check out, and are live!
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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - changes are done

Postby Oneyed on Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:20 am

RedBaron0 wrote:Files check out, and are live!

just now I play game with new xml. thanks :)

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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - changes are done

Postby Oneyed on Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:49 am

are there any feedbacks after change of xml, where capitals are +1 autodeploy?
what I know players like it.
could capitals start as n3? is it not too much +1 with 4 towns and +1 autodeploy for region which starts n2?

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Re: Czecho Slovak Fragmentation - changes are done

Postby RedBaron0 on Sun Oct 05, 2014 9:39 pm

Without any issues commented on this'll be last call on this map, any further issues should be mentioned within the next couple days. After that, quench.
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