DiM wrote:i was thinking the same about xi and i'm considering upping each rune by 1 neutral or at least rock rune 1.
as for the sanctuary, i've heard mixed rumours of it being either too powerful or too weak. i think it is neither. if used properly it can be a really good starting point. if not then it can be your death.
ive been in sanctuary 3 times!
and on each of them ive managed to get ALL of the blood water terits in the 1st round. (well nearly all)
so i feel satisfied!
one thing i dislike is:
i was in Mua, had 1army re-enforcement, then i attacked ubb because i needed a card. the next round i couldnt get ANYWHERE because i was in Ubb and i had 1 re-enforcement!
so i didnt get a card or a terit!
so dont play this map with cards i say!