by Industrial Helix on Sat Nov 05, 2011 7:40 pm
Yep sorry its taken me so long to reply on this but its mainly because I have a lame response. And that is: that's just part of the map.
I think Jefjef, either in this thread or 13 colonies, and he made a good point about maps with 12 terrs per player and that was that he enjoys the little challange and it provides a fun little aspect to the map making it enjoyable to play. While everyopne doesn't seem to agree, but I made up my mind that "well, it may not be optimal for 2 players, but some people will enjoy it so therefore no point in adding two territories" and since no one insisted that 2 more be added and there wasn't an uproar when it was in Beta.. it is as it is.
I mean, if the admins insist that a change be made I will do it. I don't know where I'll put them, but I'll figure something out. Really though, one would think it would be relatively easy to adjust the game engine to not alot territories at 12 per player. Thus eliminating this sort of thing for all the maps