Mjinga wrote: * The words “Impassable Terrain” on the legend overlap with the impassables icons. Please separate.
I personally dont see that much of a problem, but i cant separate if needed.
Mjinga wrote:Your mountains have a line on the underside that cuts them off from the land. They look like pita chips. Any way to remove the bottom line?
Mjinga wrote: Is there a reason Haute and Vato have periods after the territ names when A-M does not?
I did this because i cut out some of the name on Haute. and Vato., however on A-M I simply shortened the name to it's initials.
Mjinga wrote: Tulear is the old spelling of Toliara. Why do you use it?
I got it from a site on the internet which claimed it was an area there.
Mjinga wrote:Why do you use Tulear (Toliara) and Manja, which are cities (unless you were using Manja as a subregion of Menabe) and entirely leave out the state of Atsimo-Andrefana ?
Again, it was from a website which said they were regions in that area.
Mjinga wrote:Why do you use Ankazobe and Betafo (towns) instead of Analamanga and Vakinankaratra, which are the other regions of the Antananarivo province?
Again still, it was from websites.
I would change these right away however im still looking for the PSD, which ive lost.