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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:25 pm
by Teya
The rivers look much better. They stand out more.
As for the yellow triangles. I get that they are an unpassable border, but yellow triangles dont fit in with the map.
cowshrptrn made a good suggestion with the line of machine gun turrets. They at least fit with the map better.
I do also agree that maybe just have 1 colour for the arrows.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:42 pm
by Lupo
Why Poland and Rumenia have got a green background?
I don't like it! Shouldn't it be red, white and black?
moreover is forbidden to reproduce the real nazi symbol?i mean the nazi cross...

shouldn't Lenjingrad be located a bit norther?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:43 pm
by happysadfun
qwert wrote:wath these is's has with game?
Did generals in Nato with stars at uniform comunist?
If you gain 3000 points in Conquer Club you become General with star sign, probably become a comunist?

The jaune star on a red background is a communist star. China, USSR, they all have it. Sorta Kinda... it's NoKo, by the way China USSR Nam

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:44 pm
by cowshrptrn
Lupo wrote:Why Poland and Rumenia have got a green background?
I don't like it! Shouldn't it be red, white and black?
moreover is forbidden to reproduce the real nazi symbol?i mean the nazi cross...

depends on the coutrny, also the rule is mroe symbolic than anything.

In america its not ofrbidden, but gratly frowned upon if done in an anti-semitic manner. This usage is just fine by pretty much every country's standards

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:47 pm
by Sargentgeneral
The territories are worth too much. Nobody will take the 2 if the 6 is just as easy to take. I suggest you bring down the bonuses a bit.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 5:02 pm
by Qwert
Sargengeneral wrote
The territories are worth too much. Nobody will take the 2 if the 6 is just as easy to take. I suggest you bring down the bonuses a bit.
Becouse 2 have 5 teritoru and 2 borders and 6 have 7 teritory and 3 borders.

Lupo wrote
Why Poland and Rumenia have got a green background?
I don't like it! Shouldn't it be red, white and black?
moreover is forbidden to reproduce the real nazi symbol?i mean the nazi cross...

If you dont know Romania fight with Germany against Ussr and Poland gets divide between Germany and Ussr.
And these
It's a symbol of German army Wermacht it's not a nazi symbol.
Today it's a symbol of Bundesvehr ofcours a litle diferent but same present a iron cross

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 7:35 pm
by Qwert
ok i work even better defens line with original tank stone baricade.
It's lok god.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 7:43 pm
by Teya
I think the new defence lines look much better than the triangles did.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:02 pm
by s.xkitten
yes they do

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:04 pm
by Qwert
Tanks Teya and s.xkitten :) :P :D

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:16 pm
by Sargentgeneral
I really think this map is going to be great. it looks fantastic!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:04 pm
by Qwert
Tanks sargentgeneral :) :P :D

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:06 am
by gavin_sidhu
New unpassables much better. Why is there a light blue line in the top left corner? it doesnt look too pretty.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:27 am
by Marvaddin
Its startig to become interesting. I didnt read all, so let me know if Im missing something.

Unpassable borders are very good, but looks like we have 2 types, one like rivers and one like barricades. In fact, having only 4 places to connect West and East is an interesting idea, but, for what 2 types of unpassable, and, its just my or nazi are defending against each other, and same to russians? This is very strange.

About playability, countries dispersion: germans have 5, 7, 7, total 19; while russians have 7, 8 and 10, so 25. Total is 44, not very good number. Anyway, the main problem is, we just have one small continent, and I would recommend at least 2. I think we can have one more russian continent, or maybe you can join some in the south, and split some german areas in the center.

Looks like you are giving a bonus of 3 to 3 important russian cities, and maybe 1 for each. Anyway, in the legend "Extra bonus 3x" is simply terrible, we cant get the right info by it.

I also think the title is not good (due to its colours), and you could test other fonts.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:43 am
I think the new version looks great.

A couple of minor things I think could be improved:
- Territory names need to be a consistent size and maybe a different font would be better.
- The font used could be better for Bonus Troop Key as well.
- Should probably add a key for impassable borders, but can you try something different to what you've been doing. I feel it's a bit cluttered.
- I'm not a huge fan of the army shadows, I think a light or slightly dark grey would be better.

All up though, I think the map has really improved. It's easy enough to understand, and is nice visually with the room for minor improvement. It'd be nice to see a similar style for your 1914 Europe map.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:40 am
by Qwert
Ok let first finis vith visual part of map here a map with explain.

Heresgrupe north have 5 teritory and 2 borders
heresgrupe mitte have 7 teritory and 3 borders
heeresgrupe sud have 7 teritory and 4 borders
lenjingrad have 7 teritory and 3 borders
moskva have 10 teritory and 4 borders
staljingrad have 8 teritory and 3 borders.
Holding tri star teritory jointly give extra bonus
I think it's god share of teritory and atak borders
if somebody knowe have many each land get bonuses please tell.
I hope you now understand these map better.


PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:32 am
by gavin_sidhu
The Donets, Dvina and Dneiper River were a large part of the Eastern Front and thus i don't like how you have removed them and added the fortifications. Try and keep this map as historically correct as possible plz.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 8:12 am
by Qwert
gavin_sidhu wrote1
New unpassables much better.

gavin_sidhu wrote2
The Donets, Dvina and Dneiper River were a large part of the Eastern Front and thus i don't like how you have removed them and added the fortifications. Try and keep this map as historically correct as possible plz.

YOu are confusing me. nobody can create map with historically correct, do you know have many Battles and fronts and defenses lines present in Eastern front. It imposible create map in 800x600.
Sory but i can do these.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 8:19 am
by gavin_sidhu
qwert wrote:gavin_sidhu wrote1
New unpassables much better.

gavin_sidhu wrote2
The Donets, Dvina and Dneiper River were a large part of the Eastern Front and thus i don't like how you have removed them and added the fortifications. Try and keep this map as historically correct as possible plz.

YOu are confusing me. nobody can create map with historically correct, do you know have many Battles and fronts and defenses lines present in Eastern front. It imposible create map in 800x600.
Sory but i can do these.
By my quotes i meant that the grey stone like barriers looked better than the yellow triangles.

In your latest update with the description of everything, you have replaced the Donets with those grey stones, which i don't like. I think you should keep the borders between Germany and USSR like they were here: ... ikaod1.png

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 10:28 am
by Qwert
For these map Marvadin wrote
its just my or nazi are defending against each other, and same to russians? This is very strange.
Have can i pleased you or Marvadin?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 10:46 am
by gavin_sidhu
please us both then, get the map that I linked to in my past post and change the stones between Heresgrupe sud and heresgrupe mitte to rivers, change the stones between Blajistok and Brest to rivers, change Rzev and Demjansk to river and leave the rest as it was, so you will only have stones between Kursk and Dnjepropetrovsk.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:53 pm
by Qwert
ok i hope it's a last change of unpasabile borders

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:47 pm
by Qwert
well i think is good
Have can i put a wote in post.


PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 8:12 pm
by gavin_sidhu
To put a vote in, edit your first post in this thread. The map looks much better. You need to redo the unpassable borders key. You also spelt unpassable incorrectly.

If you wanted you could go all out on this map and add tanks and aircraft in the background. Like the jet in CCU, the spaceship in USApocolypse and the horses in Circus Maximus.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 10:10 pm
by Marvaddin
Much better.

Title could be simpler, its still not good, I think. The "unpasabile borders" is out of place (I think it could be with the legend), and its very bad compared to the rest of the map. I think you can remove the arrows connecting german areas, or it could be confusing. Like, people would think about difference between two black arrows, and black and red arrows.

We could surely adjust some bonuses, but for now Im more worried about country dispersion. Will you really leave countries as they are?