Actually - you're right...
This is the XML...
- Code: Select all
<continent>Straight from Ace to Five</continent>
<continent>Straight from Two to Six</continent>
<continent>Straight from Three to Seven</continent>
<continent>Straight from Four to Eight</continent>
<continent>Straight from Five to Nine</continent>
<continent>Straight from Six to Ten</continent>
<continent>Straight from Seven to Jack</continent>
<continent>Straight from Eight to Queen</continent>
<continent>Straight from Nine to King</continent>
<override>Three of a Kind</override>
<override>Two Pairs</override>
<override>One Pair</override>
<override>High Card</override>
It's missing the continent "Straight from Ten to Ace"
And I know why... Our good friend Copy and Paste... I copied and pasted the "Straight Flush" - and of course 10 - A in Straight Flush - is a Royal Flush.
Apologies - I'll get a fixed version up ASAP... and great spot.