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Three Kingdoms of Korea [Quenched]

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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby natty dread on Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:47 am

Ok, I hope they're better now.

New XML is also done.

Click image to enlarge.

Click image to enlarge.

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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby pamoa on Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:19 pm

I hate to repeat myself but it seems you don't want to answer this
I was hoping better from you
pamoa wrote:you need to reorder both of your legends to help players to find bonus area
please follow the left-right top-bottom order

De gueules à la tour d'argent ouverte, crénelée de trois pièces, sommée d'un donjon ajouré, crénelé de deux pièces
Gules an open tower silver, crenellated three parts, topped by a apertured turret, crenellated two parts
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby natty dread on Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:20 pm

I answered it last page.

Anyway, yeah, I forgot to do the right legend. So much shit to do. I'll do it in the next update.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby thenobodies80 on Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:00 pm

Sent to lackattack. ;)
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby HighlanderAttack on Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:56 pm

Game 9515412

so I come to this game and see that in a 1v1 game my opponent took one territ and now has 13 armies due--is this right--first time on the map but damn really?
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby Coleman on Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:27 pm

natty_dread wrote:Ok, I hope they're better now.

Awesome thanks. :D I was surprised to see a territory name change so late but I hadn't been following this one that closely.

HighlanderAttack wrote:Game 9515412

so I come to this game and see that in a 1v1 game my opponent took one territ and now has 13 armies due--is this right--first time on the map but damn really?

seems to still be the old image so I had to change to large to read these

daegaya, aragaya, geumgwangaya, and sakju all become worth +2 with the ownership of gyaongju, which itself seems to be worth +2 under the same rule.
3 + (5 x 2) = 13

So the map is working as intended. Your situation isn't as bad as it first appears though, daegaya has to advance through jinhan to take it back if you break it, and teng-chou can attack there as well.

Additionally, if all those other neutrals were a 3rd player green's position would be nowhere near as powerful. 1v1 has always been flawed in my opinion (not that I'm not happy we have it).
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby natty dread on Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:10 am

HighlanderAttack wrote:Game 9515412

so I come to this game and see that in a 1v1 game my opponent took one territ and now has 13 armies due--is this right--first time on the map but damn really?

I suggest you wait until this update goes live before starting any more games. The old version is very unbalanced.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby HighlanderAttack on Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:40 am

natty_dread wrote:
HighlanderAttack wrote:Game 9515412

so I come to this game and see that in a 1v1 game my opponent took one territ and now has 13 armies due--is this right--first time on the map but damn really?

I suggest you wait until this update goes live before starting any more games. The old version is very unbalanced.

I do not control tourney games and when they are sent out but that is good to hear
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby HighlanderAttack on Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:41 am

Coleman wrote:
natty_dread wrote:Ok, I hope they're better now.

Awesome thanks. :D I was surprised to see a territory name change so late but I hadn't been following this one that closely.

HighlanderAttack wrote:Game 9515412

so I come to this game and see that in a 1v1 game my opponent took one territ and now has 13 armies due--is this right--first time on the map but damn really?

seems to still be the old image so I had to change to large to read these

daegaya, aragaya, geumgwangaya, and sakju all become worth +2 with the ownership of gyaongju, which itself seems to be worth +2 under the same rule.
3 + (5 x 2) = 13

So the map is working as intended. Your situation isn't as bad as it first appears though, daegaya has to advance through jinhan to take it back if you break it, and teng-chou can attack there as well.

Additionally, if all those other neutrals were a 3rd player green's position would be nowhere near as powerful. 1v1 has always been flawed in my opinion (not that I'm not happy we have it).

Thanks--hope I get good dice :)
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby PLAYER57832 on Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:13 pm

OK, looks like you might already be addressing this. From a 1 vs 1 perspective only (and understanding that not every map needs to play well 1 vs 1 ;) ), I think you need to reduce the bonuses across the board.

Also, you have 2 basic "buildings" that I can see. However, the bonuses vary widely. If you want to vary the bonuses, then try varying the structures somehow. That is, all castles "should" more have the same basic bonus, if you want one more, maybe make it a "palace" or some such. OR, just skip the "castle" label and give each individual names.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby natty dread on Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:15 am

All castles give +1. Capitals give no bonus, they only activate the bonus of their corresponding Kingdom.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby osujacket on Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:08 pm

much better on the graphics....ty

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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby thenobodies80 on Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:44 pm

natty_dread wrote:
HighlanderAttack wrote:Game 9515412

so I come to this game and see that in a 1v1 game my opponent took one territ and now has 13 armies due--is this right--first time on the map but damn really?

I suggest you wait until this update goes live before starting any more games. The old version is very unbalanced.

The updated version is now available. ;)
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby natty dread on Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:43 pm

Great! On to testing...

If Silla is still overly powerful, we can tweak it to give +2 for 3 like Tang. Although I have a feeling it won't be necessary - Silla's capital has 8 neutrals now, which might even run the risk of it being left ignored... but we'll see about that.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby PLAYER57832 on Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:37 am

looks like you are already fixing the issue, but one thought.. if you want to keep certain capitals, etc as main targets, what about making this an objective map? That makes it more "up front" .. that those are the goal, instead of just a lack of balance.

Not sure its what you want or that it would work, just and idea. (reject or accept at whim)
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby greenoaks on Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:49 am

why continue to call this Three Kingdoms of Korea, CC has decided it shall be Korea.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby DiM on Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:14 am

greenoaks wrote:why continue to call this Three Kingdoms of Korea, CC has decided it shall be Korea.

because CC is wrong.
if somebody makes a modern day map of Korea then that's Korea. this is Three Kingdoms of Korea, or Korea 57-668AD but it's not just Korea.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby greenoaks on Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:05 pm

DiM wrote:
greenoaks wrote:why continue to call this Three Kingdoms of Korea, CC has decided it shall be Korea.

because CC is wrong.
if somebody makes a modern day map of Korea then that's Korea. this is Three Kingdoms of Korea, or Korea 57-668AD but it's not just Korea.

you should spend more time in other forums, CC is never wrong.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby natty dread on Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:11 pm

I would also like to have it entered as "three kingdoms of korea"... What if someone makes a modern day korea map? What will they call it then?

But alas, it seems that once a map is entered in the database, it's name is final... nothing you can do...

... maybe I should make that modern korea map just out of spite... :twisted:
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby ProudKorean on Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:47 pm

I think I'm the only Korean in this game, so if anybody needs help on the map, I'm willing to help
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby natty dread on Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:43 am

No you're not, but thanks for the offer.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby neanderpaul14 on Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:10 pm

natty_dread wrote:Great! On to testing...

If Silla is still overly powerful, we can tweak it to give +2 for 3 like Tang. Although I have a feeling it won't be necessary - Silla's capital has 8 neutrals now, which might even run the risk of it being left ignored... but we'll see about that.

I totally agree that something needed to be done about the rapid massive bonuses, but the 8 neutral seems a bit extreme,I believe it will remain totally ignored, perhaps a 5 neutral for Pyongyang, Gyeongju, and Bon-Gaya would be in order, although Qingdao and Namgyeong should have more as these are the only 2 that can only be hit from only one terrie so these should have more, maybe a 7.
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby ProudKorean on Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:46 pm

natty_dread wrote:No you're not, but thanks for the offer.

Really? May I inquire who the other Korean(s) is?
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby natty dread on Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:03 am

There are 40 koreans on the site. Go to scoreboard and search with country filter..
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Re: Three Kingdoms of Korea [4 Jul 2011]

Postby joriki on Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:29 am

The new legend has "it's" instead of "its".
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