Ass "Stared teritory" issue, these not my decision ,some player say these and i apply these.
Moderator: Cartographers
qwert wrote:Can i ask you something?What is porpose for you to open these Political topic in ConquerClub? Why you mix politic with Risk? Why you not open topic like HOT AND SEXY,or something like that.
Ruben Cassar wrote:Another minor thing...I would prefer the wording to be Hold all three Red Star territories as the Red Star is synonymous with the Red Army but that's up to you.
qwert wrote:Can i ask you something?What is porpose for you to open these Political topic in ConquerClub? Why you mix politic with Risk? Why you not open topic like HOT AND SEXY,or something like that.
Guiscard wrote:Qwert, why not take the fact that three or four people have said it needs to be changed (and NO people have said it should stay the same) as a general consensus that that option is the correct one? It doesn't need a vote. You do have the power to make a decision, based on the advice of others, without going to vote every time. You managed it with the colour of the text so why not just changed the bonus wording?
qwert wrote:ufff i look all and here all yours sugestion of star bonuses
wcaclimbing- sugestion"one army bonus for holding stars"
Ruben Cassar-sugestion"Hold all red star territories".
cowshrptrn-sugestion"Hold all three starred territories"
Teya-sugestion"holding all three stars"
KEYOGI-sugestion"Hold All Three Stars"
definitly i must put in vote
qwert wrote:Can i ask you something?What is porpose for you to open these Political topic in ConquerClub? Why you mix politic with Risk? Why you not open topic like HOT AND SEXY,or something like that.
DublinDoogey wrote:You could combine them to say: "Hold all red star territories for a three army bonus"
qwert wrote:Can i ask you something?What is porpose for you to open these Political topic in ConquerClub? Why you mix politic with Risk? Why you not open topic like HOT AND SEXY,or something like that.
qwert wrote:Can i ask you something?What is porpose for you to open these Political topic in ConquerClub? Why you mix politic with Risk? Why you not open topic like HOT AND SEXY,or something like that.
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