Moderator: Cartographers
thenobodies80 wrote:Personally I still don't like the trees. Why not to add some nuance of color and also shadows to give to them a bit of "additional depth"? Right now they look like, pass me the word, "just a shape".
Chariot of Fire wrote:Can you change the word "de-board" to one that's actually a real word? ;-)
'Alight' or 'Disembark' are two options.
lostatlimbo wrote:Chariot of Fire wrote:Can you change the word "de-board" to one that's actually a real word?
'Alight' or 'Disembark' are two options.
Deboard is a word:
Disembark sounds equally awkward to me and I've never heard anyone refer to it as "Alight" in this country.
I could change it to "Exit", I suppose.
lostatlimbo wrote:I can't get this @(#$*&(* poll to work right. When I preview the options they look fine, but whenever I submit it duplicates some options and deletes others.
Any suggestions?
lostatlimbo wrote:So far, I've never seen the rose or microbrew bonuses come into play.
lostatlimbo wrote:Hold 4 brews or 4 roses for 6 troops
betiko wrote:i personally never go for the brewery bonus or the roses; it's just impossible to get them all during one full turn (ok sorry, i've always played it in team games, maybe in 1vs1 it's possible) but for team games sake, make a bonus for having just 3 I think.
iancanton wrote:in 1v1, it certainly is possible. u do have a valid point for team games. one way to adapt this bonus for team games is to increase it to +10 for holding 4 breweries or 4 roses, instead of the current +6. +10 can make it worthwhile, especially in fog games, to give up a brewery or a rose in favour of a teammate. this can be implemented with no changes to start positions (unlike a bonus for holding 3) if lostatlimbo considers it to be a good idea.
ian. :)
lostatlimbo wrote:However, I would be willing to try 7 for 4 as a compromise.
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<territory>Old Town-Pioneer MAX</territory>
<territory>Alberta Arts</territory>
<territory>Beaverton MAX</territory>
<territory>Expo Center MAX</territory>
<territory>Nob Hill</territory>
<territory>Mt. Tabor MAX</territory>
<territory>St. Johns</territory>
<territory>Hollywood-Laurelhurst MAX</territory>
<territory>Washington Park</territory>
<territory>Overlook-Mississippi MAX</territory>
<territory>Portland Airport MAX</territory>
<territory>Alameda MAX</territory>
<territory>St. Johns</territory>
<territory>Expo Center</territory>
<territory>Swan Island</territory>
<territory>Columbia Slough</territory>
<territory>Portland Airport</territory>
<territory>Alberta Arts</territory>
<territory>Mt. Tabor</territory>
<territory>Southwest Hills</territory>
<territory>Forest Park</territory>
<territory>Sylvan Heights</territory>
<territory>Washington Park</territory>
<territory>Nob Hill</territory>
<territory>Old Town</territory>
<territory>Goose Hollow</territory>
<territory>Nob Hill</territory>
<territory>Alberta Arts</territory>
<name>Rose Gardens</name>
<territory>Washington Park</territory>
<territory>St. Johns</territory>
<name>Blue MAX</name>
<territory>Beaverton MAX</territory>
<territory>Old Town-Pioneer MAX</territory>
<territory>Fareless Zone MAX</territory>
<name>Yellow MAX</name>
<territory>Expo Center MAX</territory>
<territory>Overlook-Mississippi MAX</territory>
<territory>Fareless Zone MAX</territory>
<name>Red MAX</name>
<territory>Fareless Zone MAX</territory>
<territory>Hollywood-Laurelhurst MAX</territory>
<territory>Mt. Tabor MAX</territory>
<territory>Alameda MAX</territory>
<territory>Portland Airport MAX</territory>
<border>Beaverton MAX</border>
<border>Southwest Hills</border>
<name>Southwest Hills</name>
<border>Southwest Hills</border>
<border>SW Bike Path</border>
<border>SW Bike Path</border>
<border>Old Town-Pioneer MAX</border>
<name>Old Town</name>
<border>Old Town-Pioneer MAX</border>
<border>Nob Hill</border>
<border>Old Town</border>
<border>Nob Hill</border>
<name>Nob Hill</name>
<border>Old Town</border>
<border>Goose Hollow</border>
<border>Washington Park</border>
<border>Forest Park</border>
<name>Goose Hollow</name>
<border>Nob Hill</border>
<name>Washington Park</name>
<border>Nob Hill</border>
<border>Sylvan Heights</border>
<border>Forest Park</border>
<name>Sylvan Heights</name>
<border>Washington Park</border>
<border>Forest Park</border>
<name>Forest Park</name>
<border>Sylvan Heights</border>
<border>Washington Park</border>
<border>Nob Hill</border>
<border>St. Johns</border>
<border>NW Bike Path</border>
<name>St. Johns</name>
<border>Forest Park</border>
<border>Expo Center</border>
<border>St. Johns</border>
<border>Nob Hill</border>
<name>Expo Center</name>
<border>St. Johns</border>
<border>Expo Center MAX</border>
<border>Swan Island</border>
<border>Overlook-Mississippi MAX</border>
<border>Nob Hill</border>
<name>Swan Island</name>
<border>Overlook-Mississippi MAX</border>
<border>Alberta Arts</border>
<name>Columbia Slough</name>
<border>Portland Airport</border>
<name>Portland Airport</name>
<border>Columbia Slough</border>
<border>Portland Airport MAX</border>
<border>Portland Airport</border>
<border>Columbia Slough</border>
<border>Alameda MAX</border>
<border>NE Bike Path</border>
<border>Alberta Arts</border>
<name>Alberta Arts</name>
<border>NE Bike Path</border>
<border>NE Bike Path</border>
<border>Hollywood-Laurelhurst MAX</border>
<border>NE Bike Path</border>
<border>Alberta Arts</border>
<border>Fareless Zone MAX</border>
<name>Mt. Tabor</name>
<border>Mt. Tabor MAX</border>
<border>Mt. Tabor</border>
<border>Hollywood-Laurelhurst MAX</border>
<border>Mt. Tabor</border>
<border>Mt. Tabor</border>
<border>SE Bike Path</border>
<border>Fareless Zone MAX</border>
<name>Fareless Zone MAX</name>
<border>Old Town-Pioneer MAX</border>
<border>Overlook-Mississippi MAX</border>
<border>Hollywood-Laurelhurst MAX</border>
<name>Old Town-Pioneer MAX</name>
<border>Old Town</border>
<border>Fareless Zone MAX</border>
<border>Beaverton MAX</border>
<name>Beaverton MAX</name>
<border>Old Town-Pioneer MAX</border>
<name>Hollywood-Laurelhurst MAX</name>
<border>Fareless Zone MAX</border>
<border>Mt. Tabor MAX</border>
<name>Mt. Tabor MAX</name>
<border>Mt. Tabor</border>
<border>Hollywood-Laurelhurst MAX</border>
<border>Alameda MAX</border>
<name>Alameda MAX</name>
<border>Mt. Tabor MAX</border>
<border>Portland Airport MAX</border>
<name>Portland Airport MAX</name>
<border>Portland Airport</border>
<border>Alameda MAX</border>
<name>Overlook-Mississippi MAX</name>
<border>Fareless Zone MAX</border>
<border>Expo Center MAX</border>
<name>Expo Center MAX</name>
<border>Overlook-Mississippi MAX</border>
<border>Expo Center</border>
<name>NW Bike Path</name>
<border>Forest Park</border>
<border>NE Bike Path</border>
<border>SW Bike Path</border>
<border>SE Bike Path</border>
<neutral killer="yes">1</neutral>
<name>SW Bike Path</name>
<border>NW Bike Path</border>
<border>NE Bike Path</border>
<border>SE Bike Path</border>
<neutral killer="yes">1</neutral>
<name>SE Bike Path</name>
<border>SW Bike Path</border>
<border>NW Bike Path</border>
<border>NE Bike Path</border>
<neutral killer="yes">1</neutral>
<name>NE Bike Path</name>
<border>Alberta Arts</border>
<border>SE Bike Path</border>
<border>SW Bike Path</border>
<border>NW Bike Path</border>
<neutral killer="yes">1</neutral>
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