Moderator: Cartographers
porkenbeans wrote:I noticed that the map image is an odd size, (623X600). In the example below, I just went ahead an squared things up. (so to speak). I added 23pxl to make it 623X623. The extra pxls. were added to the bottom of the map. This gave the opportunity to move things around a bit., and also do some re-scaling here and there.
The two things that I think need to be rescaled are the title and legend. Both suffer from the same thing. They are just to large in scale, and compete too much with the map itself. I had to do a lot of cutting and stretching, so the detail in the text has been severely compromised. But, it does show the scale and placement, of my suggestion.
The color filter overlay that I added, is not meant as a suggestion. Just thought it might give you something new to look at.
I wanted to give the legend area more room. So that it could better fit the rescaled legend and sig and cross w/poem.why is it a problem?
Yes, I like the cross. But the tree of life is a good choice as well. Either way you go here, you will get no arguments from me.do you have an opinion about the 4 new versions I posted?
I explained earlier that all of the text and such will loose its detail as it has been rasterized and then stretched. That is because I did not have the psd to work with. The suggestion is mostly to show layout, proportions, and placement.ender516 wrote:So, we just rub it with the mouse pointer before rolling?
Another interesting colour scheme, but I still find the figure and ground a little confusing. At least this time, the playable territories seem to lie above the ocean, but the ocean seems above the non-playable territories. I do like the new legend border, but the existing one doesn't need to be changed. Same with the outer border. The signature block has lost something, as the henge is now muddled.
No CRAZY filter,what is that crazy filter you used?
ender516 wrote:It might be nice to include the author's name at the end of the poem, but that is entirely up to you.
The Bison King wrote:I have no idea what you are talking about. I think the poem has everything to do with the map. It's saying that the Celtic people are strong and will be pushed no further. Despite the fact that they are a "scattered Race" They have their father land and no one can take it from them.
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