cairnswk wrote:Yes i would like a check now. Can't you read from the post above. I find this business about having to post a request to have xml checked all very beauocratic.
It's not meant to sound like that. I just don't have time to check all the topics each time, so sending me a PM will get your XML checked sooner.
I found these things still not correct in the XML:
-You need to have an override in the Flughaven bonus if you want to have a total bonus of 7. Now you will get 12, since you have both Flughaven (7) and 15 Flughaven (5). And on the map it might be clearer to say that you get +1 for each 3, as now people might think you only get bonus for having 3, 6 and 17 (and not 9, 12 and 15).
-The same for Stadt. Without an override at Stadt bonus you get 13, while it’s meant to have a total of 7 I believe
-You have 2 times a bonus called Casey 2, the first should be Casey 1
-Checkpoints have both a normal –1 bonus and an autodeploy –1 bonus. Think they should only have 1 of them
-borders Pvt. Rip: AC is missing