Moderator: Cartographers
koontz1973 wrote:So you would like the starting troops to go up to 3 for each of the territs. How about two for now and then we can go up to 3 later if that does not solve it for you.
Pyrhhus wrote:I would like to know the reasons why you made the map this way so I can better understand what you are trying to do. I like the layout and the overall idea that each player builds up until one decides to "go over" and then they slug it out, I just think the starting settings need some tweak(s). As far as what that tweak should be, I am unsure.
sparkyball wrote:I'm in a game on this map and am trying to understand how someone was able to jump into the GFH area in the back corner without going thru our foxholes..... stupid question I know but my partner and I are both staring at map to figure it out all of our territories surrounding the area are still there but its like he jumped right into the middle of us and not just bombarding but actually put guys there.
sparkyball wrote:I'm in a game on this map and am trying to understand how someone was able to jump into the GFH area in the back corner without going thru our foxholes..... stupid question I know but my partner and I are both staring at map to figure it out all of our territories surrounding the area are still there but its like he jumped right into the middle of us and not just bombarding but actually put guys there.
boow wrote:I am currently playing a game on this map with the trench game play option in effect.
Isn't it possible that if the two players are exclusively on each side of the trench, there would be no way to finish the game, as it is impossible to move across the trench without being able to attack from a newly won territory.
its a fun map, but not sure it can work with the trench warfare option in effect.
Jippd wrote:My thoughts are on 1 v 1 game that I played with a friend.
I thought this map was meant to be played on trench. I realized that you can't though since no mans land means you cant move across the NM area. Since there are spots on the map that can't be bombarded the game can and would be a stalemate. Am I missing something?
koontz1973 wrote:Jippd wrote:My thoughts are on 1 v 1 game that I played with a friend.
I thought this map was meant to be played on trench. I realized that you can't though since no mans land means you cant move across the NM area. Since there are spots on the map that can't be bombarded the game can and would be a stalemate. Am I missing something?
Yes, trench setting allows you to carry on moving when you attack a killer neutral.
nolefan5311 wrote:It's amazing how many times this question has come up in this thread. The same question was literally answered 4 posts before your post.
koontz1973 wrote:nolefan5311 wrote:It's amazing how many times this question has come up in this thread. The same question was literally answered 4 posts before your post.
Anyone taking bets on how many more times it will be asked?
Something needs to be done, not on this map but in general over this trench setting.
Jippd wrote:Sorry nole but I am very busy in real life and don't have time to read any posts and barely have time for playing as of late. I did not have the time to read this thread but I did have time to come here and post that. I should have realized you can advance past killer neutrals because I knew that already but it was late after a 12 hour shift of work and my brain wasn't working. Just because you have all day to devote to reading threads upon threads does not mean everyone else in the world does buddy. Consider being more positive and less negative.
So I'm assuming by interpreting your post that your point is that I should have read the whole thread or even the posts above my post. I didn't have time for that with my real life schedule so I'm sorry that me asking the question offended you so much. I'll make sure to never post in the forums again unless I have read all previous posts in a thread because that is obviously a requirement of a forum.
Thank you koontz for politely answering the question.
You need to realize that most of the users on conquer club do not check the forums constantly and spend hours upon hours on here a day. When you are negative to people that post in the forums because you figure they should know better because it is all over the forums you are wrong. A majority of the users I would be willing to bet barely check the forums or even know how to navigate them.
It may be irritating to you to see "repeat" questions on the site because you spend an obscene amount of time on here, but you should not assume that everyone else should know everything that you know.
Consider being friendlier instead of carrying an egotistical you should have known better attitude and maybe that would help the forum usage and community participation grow. Just a thought
mr_chopper wrote:Hello,
I quite enjoy playing this map. My only quibble is that it is somewhat difficult to distinguish between some of the colours of the 'bomb' icons - for which the planes target as a bombardment. It might be my graphics card or my old XP windows PC that doesn't show the difference. But, I have made the mistake of taking out the wrong plane - I think it is the blue and green 'bombs' which I can't distinguish too well from.
One other very minor quibble: why isn't there a Canadian flag on the board? You have the 'stars and stripes' - but the Americans didn't enter the war until, I believe, 1917.
koontz1973 wrote:xml raising the starting troops to 3 in 1v1 games.
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