lgoasklucyl wrote:Sorry to bust into your thread and not have constructive comments towards the map (besides how great it looks

), but do you hand draw all your graphics like the battleship you made?
Thanks !goasklucy! Yes i usually hand drawn all the graphics like the battelships etc.
I get an original plan from the net, then re-create that plan in vector form with suitable colouring, texture etc.
I ask because I just purchased myself a tablet for design/photography work and have gotten into doing maps/hand drawing but am practicing before I plop anything into the forge. I'm curious because I need all the helpful advice I can get, and it looks like you use a tablet. (if not- holy crap that's amazing

). If so, did you actually draw the ship 100% or did you use polygon tools to outline etc... ? A very steady hand would be required to draw it 100%, so if you did I figured I would ask for any possible advice

i don't use a tablet. i use a mouse, and yes i have a steady hand but that also comes from using a paint-brush for canvas artwork for years.
I draw the ships at what ever size will make them look good using outline and texture fill, usually 100% of their plan size, then reduce them to size for the map.
Nearly all the aspects of my maps are vectors using pens and polygons. Things like mines and forts, tanks in Gazala etc i make up from pictures of the real thing. It helps if you also have studied perspective....vanishing point is very important in getting the gradients right for colour fills.
Thanks for asking. Good luck.