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Postby cairnswk on Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:37 pm

yeti_c wrote:No - Killer Neutrals always revert to their neutral value.


so how does this work....

1. you have a tert occupied with an army of say 5.
2. the killer neutral is marked in the xml
3. and each turn you lose an army until it reverts to neutral

is that it?


If you want you can make these neutrals come back after someone takes the territory. We call these killer neutrals. To make Alberta a killer neutral so that it goes back to being 10 after someone takes it you just change the tag like so:

Ah understand (i think)!

but that still takes the fun and objective out of trying to "disarm" that tert.
It would be more helpful if everyone lost a point if the killer neutral wasn't kept "alive"

is that possible?
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Postby yeti_c on Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:49 pm

I didn't follow your latter half of the post... but basically the killer neutrals work as...

You take over the territory and leave 5 on it... at the beginning of your next turn - those 5 are replaced with X neutrals.

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Postby cairnswk on Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:54 pm

yeti_c wrote:I didn't follow your latter half of the post... but basically the killer neutrals work as...

You take over the territory and leave 5 on it... at the beginning of your next turn - those 5 are replaced with X neutrals.


ok...i understand that...

but is it possible to have gameplay whereby everyone "still alive" loses an army per territory if that neutral killer is not kept alive with armies.

for this map, i see no sense in having a killer neutral and placing 5 armies on it, if it is simply going to change back to neutral on the next turn.
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Postby yeti_c on Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:57 pm

cairnswk wrote:
yeti_c wrote:I didn't follow your latter half of the post... but basically the killer neutrals work as...

You take over the territory and leave 5 on it... at the beginning of your next turn - those 5 are replaced with X neutrals.


ok...i understand that...

but is it possible to have gameplay whereby everyone "still alive" loses an army per territory if that neutral killer is not kept alive with armies.

for this map, i see no sense in having a killer neutral and placing 5 armies on it, if it is simply going to change back to neutral on the next turn.

a) No
b) Actually the strategic question is slightly less clear cut - You coulld leave a huge army on the square - yes it will get annihilated at the beginning of your next turn - but it *could* hem in the other players until your next turn...

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Postby cairnswk on Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:01 pm

yeti_c wrote:
cairnswk wrote:
yeti_c wrote:I didn't follow your latter half of the post... but basically the killer neutrals work as...

You take over the territory and leave 5 on it... at the beginning of your next turn - those 5 are replaced with X neutrals.


ok...i understand that...

but is it possible to have gameplay whereby everyone "still alive" loses an army per territory if that neutral killer is not kept alive with armies.

for this map, i see no sense in having a killer neutral and placing 5 armies on it, if it is simply going to change back to neutral on the next turn.

a) No
b) Actually the strategic question is slightly less clear cut - You coulld leave a huge army on the square - yes it will get annihilated at the beginning of your next turn - but it *could* hem in the other players until your next turn...


OK, well i'll have to suggest that idea also.
Mmmm. i understand the killer neutral and its relevance, but for this map killer neutrals wouldn't be ideal in those positions on the checkpoints....

back to the drawing board.
I have to be off to will catch up over easter to continue this very interesting discussion....development on line!
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Postby edbeard on Thu Mar 20, 2008 12:52 am

yeti_c wrote:What are you lot on about!!!

It's literally...

Code: Select all
  <name>2 airport terits

  <name>5 airport terits
    <overide>2 airport terits

  <name>9 airport terits
    <overide>2 airport terits
    <overide>5 airport terits


So, you're saying that if we hold four territories, we won't get two of the '2 airport terits' bonuses? That seems a bit unlikely.
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Postby tim02 on Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:49 pm

great map like the game play, but don't like how everybody starts in the castle to begin with, also the helipads should double thier neutral count otherwise theres no point for the gondolas. and what would be cool if (if XML could handle it) the neutrals regenerated so if I attack it but don't conquer at the end of the round it would go back to 3
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Postby cairnswk on Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:50 pm

tim02 wrote:great map like the game play, but don't like how everybody starts in the castle to begin with, also the helipads should double thier neutral count otherwise theres no point for the gondolas. and what would be cool if (if XML could handle it) the neutrals regenerated so if I attack it but don't conquer at the end of the round it would go back to 3

helipads....what about 12 and not 16, is that OK?

Mmmm the regenerating neutrals wo-uld be cool, but i don't think the xml works that way yet.
Last edited by cairnswk on Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cairnswk on Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:52 pm

Current V17

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Postby cairnswk on Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:08 pm

OK,,,what about rather than fiddle around with killer neutrals etc.

use the Batteries to knock out any of the starting position bonuses at any time.
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Postby DiM on Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:12 pm

one small issue.

on the small version the blue text on the top of the map looks smooth and nice but on the large map it looks strange.

it looks like you pressed the spacebar randomly in the middle of words.

it looks like this:

A n adap ted fi cti onal......
“In the beginning God said, the four-dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric, second rank tensor equals zero, and there was light, and it was good. And on the seventh day he rested.”- Michio Kaku
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Postby cairnswk on Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:15 pm

DiM wrote:one small issue.

on the small version the blue text on the top of the map looks smooth and nice but on the large map it looks strange.

it looks like you pressed the spacebar randomly in the middle of words.

it looks like this:

A n adap ted fi cti onal......

yes Dim....that's simply kerning issues that i have to deal with. on the small map all the text sits OK, but when it is propogated up to the large map, u have to turn the kerning on. i'll fix temp for now. please refresh in a few minutes.
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Postby DiM on Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:21 pm

cairnswk wrote:
DiM wrote:one small issue.

on the small version the blue text on the top of the map looks smooth and nice but on the large map it looks strange.

it looks like you pressed the spacebar randomly in the middle of words.

it looks like this:

A n adap ted fi cti onal......

yes Dim....that's simply kerning issues that i have to deal with. on the small map all the text sits OK, but when it is propogated up to the large map, u have to turn the kerning on. i'll fix temp for now. please refresh in a few minutes.

i have no idea what kerning is. :oops:

anyway a spelling issue. the bottom legend says eleiminate instead of eliminate
“In the beginning God said, the four-dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric, second rank tensor equals zero, and there was light, and it was good. And on the seventh day he rested.”- Michio Kaku
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Postby cairnswk on Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:24 pm

DiM wrote:
cairnswk wrote:
DiM wrote:one small issue.

on the small version the blue text on the top of the map looks smooth and nice but on the large map it looks strange.

it looks like you pressed the spacebar randomly in the middle of words.

it looks like this:

A n adap ted fi cti onal......

yes Dim....that's simply kerning issues that i have to deal with. on the small map all the text sits OK, but when it is propogated up to the large map, u have to turn the kerning on. i'll fix temp for now. please refresh in a few minutes.

i have no idea what kerning is. :oops:

Kerning increases or decreases the spacing between certain pairs of letters to improve their appearance. Most fonts include information that automatically reduces the amount of space between certain letter pairs, such as "TA" or "Va." Fireworks auto-kerning uses a font's kerning information when displaying text, but you may want to turn it off at smaller point sizes, or when the text has no anti-aliasing. Kerning is measured as a percentage.

anyway a spelling issue. the bottom legend says eleiminate instead of eliminate

ah...that shouldn't be there now if you refresh becaause i have changed that altogether.
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Postby DiM on Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:29 pm

cairnswk wrote:
DiM wrote:
cairnswk wrote:
DiM wrote:one small issue.

on the small version the blue text on the top of the map looks smooth and nice but on the large map it looks strange.

it looks like you pressed the spacebar randomly in the middle of words.

it looks like this:

A n adap ted fi cti onal......

yes Dim....that's simply kerning issues that i have to deal with. on the small map all the text sits OK, but when it is propogated up to the large map, u have to turn the kerning on. i'll fix temp for now. please refresh in a few minutes.

i have no idea what kerning is. :oops:

Kerning increases or decreases the spacing between certain pairs of letters to improve their appearance. Most fonts include information that automatically reduces the amount of space between certain letter pairs, such as "TA" or "Va." Fireworks auto-kerning uses a font's kerning information when displaying text, but you may want to turn it off at smaller point sizes, or when the text has no anti-aliasing. Kerning is measured as a percentage.

anyway a spelling issue. the bottom legend says eleiminate instead of eliminate

ah...that shouldn't be there now if you refresh becaause i have changed that altogether.

cool thanks for the info on kerning.
“In the beginning God said, the four-dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric, second rank tensor equals zero, and there was light, and it was good. And on the seventh day he rested.”- Michio Kaku
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Postby edbeard on Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:56 pm

I don't get the being able to bombard starting positions. Do you just mean the eight at the bottom left?

Also, what's the point of it? It doesn't really show anywhere on the map that you need the start for any of the bonuses. This seems like something that will just confuse people. Also I don't like the idea at all because it was cool when you would get bonuses no matter what.

The text doesn't match on the small and large for this.

Also, the bonus for Flughaven confuses me. Why do you say All = 4? Do you mean All = +4

If you do, then that bonus seems quite low to me. There's 14 territories there.

Where'd the names go for the bridge territories?
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Postby cairnswk on Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:11 pm

edbeard wrote:Where'd the names go for the bridge territories?

The germans decided they didn't like them...they preferred Strasse Eins, Strasse Zwei....etc and so they buried them under that snow LOL....

hehehehehe! no ed...i had them in another layer and they got lost temporarily. :wink:
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Postby cairnswk on Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:13 pm

edbeard wrote:I don't get the being able to bombard starting positions. Do you just mean the eight at the bottom left?

No, i mean all 16 terts that allow bonuses.
they will continue to accumulate bonuses for you each what better way to alleviate this as part of the game play, then to be able to bombard them and stop you opponent from getting starting troops...that's provided you hold any of the Batteries AA, AB, AC. :)
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Postby cairnswk on Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:16 pm

edbeard wrote:
The text doesn't match on the small and large for this.

That is getting fact if you refresh
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Postby edbeard on Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:18 pm

cairnswk wrote:
edbeard wrote:I don't get the being able to bombard starting positions. Do you just mean the eight at the bottom left?

No, i mean all 16 terts that allow bonuses.
they will continue to accumulate bonuses for you each what better way to alleviate this as part of the game play, then to be able to bombard them and stop you opponent from getting starting troops...that's provided you hold any of the Batteries AA, AB, AC. :)

OK. But you can't bombard the 8 territories where they actually start right?

Otherwise the Objective portion of the map becomes somewhat useless.

I think a rewording of this instruction is needed. Maybe have it say, "Can bombard any of the 16 territories labeled as bonus to the left" or something similar
Last edited by edbeard on Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby cairnswk on Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:19 pm

edbeard wrote:
Also, the bonus for Flughaven confuses me. Why do you say All = 4? Do you mean All = +4

If you do, then that bonus seems quite low to me. There's 14 territories there.

OK,,,i'll change that next version to "4 for All".
if 4 is too low, what would you suggest. given that there is only two ways in and out of the airport.

on my bonus calculator......14 terts, 2 defending, 3 attacking, 2 nideghbours, only makes a bonus of 5
Last edited by cairnswk on Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby edbeard on Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:23 pm

hmm well I thought the castle had a higher bonus than +5 so I was figuring something closer to that. But, it's only 5 over there so I guess 5 for the airport makes sense? Might not make much of a difference though.

also I just want to make sure you didnt miss my post above (since it was in between your posts) so I'm mentioning it.
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Postby cairnswk on Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:27 pm

cairnswk wrote:
edbeard wrote:
cairnswk wrote:
edbeard wrote:I don't get the being able to bombard starting positions. Do you just mean the eight at the bottom left?

No, i mean all 16 terts that allow bonuses.
they will continue to accumulate bonuses for you each what better way to alleviate this as part of the game play, then to be able to bombard them and stop you opponent from getting starting troops...that's provided you hold any of the Batteries AA, AB, AC. :)

OK. But you can't bombard the 8 territories where they actually start right?

no, that would be pointless since everyone is probably going to move from there first go....if they've got any sense they will.

So does that make sense to you know and are you happy with that...i figure that is a good way to get around not using those killer neutrals, which for me seem a bit pointless in this map.
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Postby cairnswk on Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:15 am

Version 18

This version simply adds some landscaping to the map in the form of snow covered trees.

Does this work?

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Postby TaCktiX on Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:15 am

The black trees don't look like trees, they look like starfish. But the green ones look tree-y just fine.
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