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Postby Geoster on Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:58 am

I agree with MR. Nate on all points.

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Postby cairnswk on Tue Aug 14, 2007 4:33 pm

Hi all....

i am reading the concerns about the Washington <-> New York lines, and the attacks for Cincinnati etc.

Below is a simple diagram i prepared for you to try to explain this concept as to why every station borders every other station and why the xml is written like it is.

Certainly the bonuses may have to be increased to cover for this and i would be happy to reommend that happen.

Because all lines join at some point via switches, yes it is possible to attack SAS (any line) from FTW (any line)

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Postby WidowMakers on Tue Aug 14, 2007 4:56 pm

cairnswk wrote:Hi all....

i am reading the concerns about the Washington <-> New York lines, and the attacks for Cincinnati etc.

Below is a simple diagram i prepared for you to try to explain this concept as to why every station borders every other station and why the xml is written like it is.

Certainly the bonuses may have to be increased to cover for this and i would be happy to reommend that happen.

Because all lines join at some point via switches, yes it is possible to attack SAS (any line) from FTW (any line)


Then why are there 3 colored lines from WAS and NYP? I am sure there is not 1 single rail line connecting cities. I still agree with Mr. Nate.

If this is how we are doing it, then there is no reason to have colored rail lines.
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Postby KEYOGI on Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:11 pm

I'm with MR. Nate and others on this one.
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Postby MR. Nate on Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:45 pm

I really just think that this new attack / border method will be overwhelming. I like the deep borders in concept, but on this map it doesn't seem to work.

I think what your saying is that if you leave a station on one line, you can stop the train, get off it, flip the switch, get back on, and drive through. Seems like you need a territory for switches too. Because whoever holds the switch would have the real power.

And I don't think that trains pull in then back out. I think that they just pull through on their route. All the tracks headed, say, North, may pull out then switch off, but if a track runs North-South, and another East-West, they don't usually share any track at all, they're in different parts of the building.

Sp I could understand your method if the tracks are parallel, like DEN - OMA - CHI. OK, there's switches because they're parallel. But say you own CHI Cardinal Station. That's the end of the line, all the trains head East from there. But the way you've got it, that train can pull out heading east, then take OMA. I'm not seeing trains doing U-turns.

Also, if what you're saying with the switches is correct, you shouldn't need to conquer stations at all. Pull in past the switch, flip it, and drive on.

If the point of the maps is playing on railroad tracks, shouldn't they be forced to always follow the tracks that they're one?
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MeDeFe wrote:This is a forum on the internet, what do you expect?

End the Flame Wars.
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Postby cairnswk on Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:23 am

I am hearing what everyone is saying, and the xml will be re-written.
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Postby KEYOGI on Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:10 pm

              Final Forge

--- The RAIL USA map has reached the ā€˜Final Forgeā€™ Stage. I've revived this thread from the pits of the Foundry furnace and have examined the contents. Nearly every major concern has been addressed. If there are any other current concerns, please make your voice heard. If after a reasonable amount of time there has not been any objection or protest, the map will be deemed finished with the 'Foundry Brand' of approval and will be submitted for live play. As long as there is still discussion or posts that have yet to be commented on, the map will remain in Final Forge until said discussion has reached the conclusion that the map has reached its final and polished version.

Post questions and concerns if any.
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Postby WidowMakers on Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:14 pm

I feel the main issues left (if any are the bonuses and the clearness of the text in the lower left corner. Please give suggestions.
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Postby edbeard on Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:30 pm


with regard to the recent discussion, say something like "Attacks occur along tracks" and/or "All rails at one station can attack one another"

maybe that's obvious so it might be confusing to add that, and the current text is satisfactory?

as for the bonuses, I think they are all relatively good. I do think you could lower each bonus by 1 with the following exceptions

chicago, empire builder, coastal starlight, pioneer, california zephyr, and sunset limited
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Postby cairnswk on Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:23 am

edbeard wrote:congrats.

with regard to the recent discussion, say something like "Attacks occur along tracks" and/or "All rails at one station can attack one another"

So edbeard, something like this at Seattle

<name>SEA Seattle COA</name>
<border>SEA Seattle EMP</border>
<border>SEA Seattle PIO</border>
<border>PDX Portland</border>
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Postby unriggable on Thu Aug 16, 2007 7:19 pm

I agree with edbeard. I personally think you should hold the color at a multistation to attack along the lines. So for the example the way I thought it would work is where purple NY cannot attack Washington since it doesn't go through there.
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Postby WidowMakers on Thu Aug 16, 2007 7:46 pm

unriggable wrote:I agree with edbeard. I personally think you should hold the color at a multistation to attack along the lines. So for the example the way I thought it would work is where purple NY cannot attack Washington since it doesn't go through there.
Yes. That is correct. CairnsWK is changing the XML and I will be updating the pics.
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Postby WidowMakers on Thu Aug 16, 2007 8:20 pm

OK here is a new estimate for the bonuses. I calculated them with the change in borders. All of the line had a major decrease in Column C (Number of territories that can attack continent). They are pretty close to the same as last time but several adjustments.
I know edbeard had made some suggestion but I wanted to see what he and everyone else thought of after this update.

Here are the new pics. I have reworded the text in the bottom left corner.


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XML ???

Postby cairnswk on Fri Aug 17, 2007 6:34 am

Hi all, below is the new XML that yo'all wanted.

Please let me know if there is any adjustments to be made.
I am well aware about the <territory> replacing <country> tag so please don't post anything about that.

This is purely for look-see to determine if this is what you want. :)

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<title>RAIL USA</title>

<name>Coastal Starlight</name>
<component>SEA Seattle COA</component>
<component>PDX Portland</component>
<component>EUG Eugene COA</component>
<component>SAC Sacremento</component>
<component>EMY Emeryville COA</component>
<component>LAX Los Angeles COA</component>

<name>Empire Builder</name>
<component>SEA Seattle EMP</component>
<component>SPK Spokane EMP</component>
<component>WGL West Glacier EMP</component>
<component>HAV Havre EMP</component>
<component>FAR Fargo EMP</component>
<component>MSP St Paul Minneapolis EMP</component>
<component>MIL Milwaukee EMP</component>
<component>CHI Chicago EMP</component>

<name>Cailfornia Zephyr</name>
<component>EMY Emeryville CAL</component>
<component>SAC Sacremento</component>
<component>RNO Reno CAL</component>
<component>SLC Salt Lake City</component>
<component>DEN Denver CAL</component>
<component>OMA Omaha</component>
<component>CHI Chicago CAL</component>

<name>Sunset Limited</name>
<component>LAX Los Angeles SUN</component>
<component>TUS Tuscon SUN</component>
<component>ELP El Paso SUN</component>
<component>SAS San Antonio SUN</component>
<component>NOL New Orleans SUN</component>
<component>ORL Orlando SUN</component>

<name>City of New Orleans</name>
<component>NOL New Orleans CIT</component>
<component>MEM Memphis CIT</component>
<component>CHI Chicago CIT</component>

<name>Heartland Flyer</name>
<component>FTW Fort Worth HEA</component>
<component>OKC Oklahoma City HEA</component>
<component>LMR Lamar</component>
<component>DEN Denver HEA</component>

<name>South West Chief</name>
<component>LAX Los Angeles SOU</component>
<component>FLG Flagstaff SOU</component>
<component>ABQ Albuquerque SOU</component>
<component>LMR Lamar</component>
<component>KYC Kansas City SOU</component>
<component>CHI Chicago SOU</component>

<name>Lakeshore Limited</name>
<component>NYP New York Penn LAK</component>
<component>ALB Albany LAK</component>
<component>BOS Boston LAK</component>
<component>BUF Buffalo LAK</component>
<component>TOL Toledo LAK</component>
<component>CHI Chicago LAK</component>

<name>Silver Meteor</name>
<component>NYP New York Penn SIL</component>
<component>WAS Washington SIL</component>
<component>CHS Charleston SIL</component>
<component>ORL Orlando SIL</component>
<component>MIA Miami SIL</component>

<name>Texas Eagle</name>
<component>SAS San Antonio TEX</component>
<component>FTW Fort Worth TEX</component>
<component>STL St Louis TEX</component>
<component>CHI Chicago TEX</component>

<component>NYP New York Penn CAR</component>
<component>WAS Washington CAR</component>
<component>CIN Cincinnati CAR</component>
<component>CHI Chicago CAR</component>

<component>NYP New York Penn CRE</component>
<component>WAS Washington CRE</component>
<component>CVS Charlottesville CRE</component>
<component>ATL Atlanta CRE</component>
<component>NOL New Orleans CRE</component>

<component>SEA Seattle PIO</component>
<component>PDX Portland</component>
<component>BOI Boise PIO</component>
<component>OGD Ogden PIO</component>
<component>SLC Salt Lake City</component>
<component>DEN Denver PIO</component>
<component>OMA Omaha</component>
<component>CHI Chicago PIO</component>

<component>CHI Chicago EMP</component>
<component>CHI Chicago PIO</component>
<component>CHI Chicago CAL</component>
<component>CHI Chicago CIT</component>
<component>CHI Chicago SOU</component>
<component>CHI Chicago LAK</component>
<component>CHI Chicago TEX</component>
<component>CHI Chicago CAR</component>

<!-- Coastal Starlight -->

<name>SEA Seattle COA</name>
<border>SEA Seattle EMP</border>
<border>SEA Seattle PIO</border>
<border>PDX Portland</border>

<name>PDX Portland</name>
<border>SEA Seattle COA</border>
<border>SEA Seattle PIO</border>
<border>BOI Boise PIO</border>
<border>EUG Eugene COA</border>

<name>EUG Eugene COA</name>
<border>PDX Portland</border>
<border>SAC Sacremento</border>

<name>SAC Sacremento</name>
<border>EUG Eugene COA</border>
<border>RNO Reno CAL</border>
<border>EMY Emeryville COA</border>
<border>EMY Emeryville CAL</border>

<name>EMY Emeryville COA</name>
<border>SAC Sacremento</border>
<border>EMY Emeryville CAL</border>
<border>LAX Los Angeles COA</border>

<name>LAX Los Angeles COA</name>
<border>EMY Emeryville COA</border>
<border>LAX Los Angeles SUN</border>
<border>LAX Los Angeles SOU</border>

<!-- Empire Builder -->

<name>SEA Seattle EMP</name>
<border>SPK Spokane EMP</border>
<border>SEA Seattle PIO</border>
<border>SEA Seattle COA</border>

<name>SPK Spokane EMP</name>
<border>SEA Seattle EMP</border>
<border>WGL West Glacier EMP</border>

<name>WGL West Glacier EMP</name>
<border>SPK Spokane EMP</border>
<border>HAV Havre EMP</border>

<name>HAV Havre EMP</name>
<border>WGL West Glacier EMP</border>
<border>FAR Fargo EMP</border>

<name>FAR Fargo EMP</name>
<border>HAV Havre EMP</border>
<border>MSP St Paul Minneapolis EMP</border>

<name>MSP St Paul Minneapolis EMP</name>
<border>FAR Fargo EMP</border>
<border>MIL Milwaukee EMP</border>

<name>MIL Milwaukee EMP</name>
<border>CHI Chicago EMP</border>
<border>MSP St Paul Minneapolis EMP</border>

<name>CHI Chicago EMP</name>
<border>MIL Milwaukee EMP</border>
<border>CHI Chicago PIO</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAL</border>
<border>CHI Chicago SOU</border>
<border>CHI Chicago TEX</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CIT</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAR</border>
<border>CHI Chicago LAK</border>

<!-- Pioneer -->

<name>SEA Seattle PIO</name>
<border>SEA Seattle EMP</border>
<border>SEA Seattle COA</border>
<border>PDX Portland</border>

<name>BOI Boise PIO</name>
<border>PDX Portland</border>
<border>OGD Ogden PIO</border>

<name>OGD Ogden PIO</name>
<border>BOI Boise PIO</border>
<border>SLC Salt Lake City</border>

<name>SLC Salt Lake City</name>
<border>OGD Ogden PIO</border>
<border>RNO Reno CAL</border>
<border>DEN Denver PIO</border>
<border>DEN Denver CAL</border>

<name>DEN Denver PIO</name>
<border>SLC Salt Lake City</border>
<border>OMA Omaha</border>
<border>DEN Denver CAL</border>
<border>DEN Denver HEA</border>

<name>OMA Omaha</name>
<border>DEN Denver PIO</border>
<border>DEN Denver CAL</border>
<border>CHI Chicago EMP</border>
<border>CHI Chicago PIO</border>

<name>CHI Chicago PIO</name>
<border>OMA Omaha</border>
<border>CHI Chicago EMP</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAL</border>
<border>CHI Chicago SOU</border>
<border>CHI Chicago TEX</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CIT</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAR</border>
<border>CHI Chicago LAK</border>

<!-- California Zephyr -->

<name>EMY Emeryville CAL</name>
<border>SAC Sacremento</border>
<border>EMY Emeryville COA</border>

<name>RNO Reno CAL</name>
<border>SAC Sacremento</border>
<border>SLC Salt Lake City</border>

<name>DEN Denver CAL</name>
<border>SLC Salt Lake City</border>
<border>OMA Omaha</border>
<border>DEN Denver PIO</border>
<border>DEN Denver HEA</border>

<name>CHI Chicago CAL</name>
<border>CHI Chicago EMP</border>
<border>CHI Chicago PIO</border>
<border>CHI Chicago SOU</border>
<border>CHI Chicago TEX</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CIT</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAR</border>
<border>CHI Chicago LAK</border>
<border>OMA Omaha</border>

<!-- Heartland Flyer -->

<name>DEN Denver HEA</name>
<border>DEN Denver PIO</border>
<border>DEN Denver CAL</border>
<border>LMR Lamar</border>

<name>LMR Lamar</name>
<border>OKC Oklahoma City HEA</border>
<border>DEN Denver HEA</border>
<border>ABQ Albuquerque SOU</border>
<border>KYC Kansas City SOU</border>

<name>OKC Oklahoma City HEA</name>
<border>LMR Lamar</border>
<border>FTW Fort Worth HEA</border>

<name>FTW Fort Worth HEA</name>
<border>OKC Oklahoma City HEA</border>
<border>FTW Fort Worth TEX</border>

<!-- Sunset Limited -->

<name>LAX Los Angeles SUN</name>
<border>TUS Tuscon SUN</border>
<border>LAX Los Angeles COA</border>
<border>LAX Los Angeles SOU</border>

<name>TUS Tuscon SUN</name>
<border>ELP El Paso SUN</border>
<border>LAX Los Angeles SUN</border>

<name>ELP El Paso SUN</name>
<border>TUS Tuscon SUN</border>
<border>SAS San Antonio SUN</border>

<name>SAS San Antonio SUN</name>
<border>ELP El Paso SUN</border>
<border>SAS San Antonio TEX</border>
<border>NOL New Orleans SUN</border>

<name>NOL New Orleans SUN</name>
<border>SAS San Antonio SUN</border>
<border>ORL Orlando SUN</border>
<border>NOL New Orleans CIT</border>
<border>NOL New Orleans CRE</border>

<name>ORL Orlando SUN</name>
<border>ORL Orlando SIL</border>
<border>NOL New Orleans SUN</border>

<!-- City of New Orleans -->

<name>NOL New Orleans CIT</name>
<border>MEM Memphis CIT</border>
<border>NOL New Orleans SUN</border>
<border>NOL New Orleans CRE</border>

<name>MEM Memphis CIT</name>
<border>NOL New Orleans CIT</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CIT</border>

<name>CHI Chicago CIT</name>
<border>CHI Chicago EMP</border>
<border>CHI Chicago PIO</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAL</border>
<border>CHI Chicago SOU</border>
<border>CHI Chicago TEX</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAR</border>
<border>CHI Chicago LAK</border>
<border>MEM Memphis CIT</border>

<!-- South West Chief -->

<name>LAX Los Angeles SOU</name>
<border>FLG Flagstaff SOU</border>
<border>LAX Los Angeles SUN</border>
<border>LAX Los Angeles COA</border>

<name>FLG Flagstaff SOU</name>
<border>LAX Los Angeles SOU</border>
<border>ABQ Albuquerque SOU</border>

<name>ABQ Albuquerque SOU</name>
<border>FLG Flagstaff SOU</border>
<border>LMR Lamar</border>

<name>KYC Kansas City SOU</name>
<border>LMR Lamar</border>
<border>CHI Chicago EMP</border>
<border>CHI Chicago SOU</border>

<name>CHI Chicago SOU</name>
<border>CHI Chicago EMP</border>
<border>CHI Chicago PIO</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAL</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CIT</border>
<border>CHI Chicago TEX</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAR</border>
<border>CHI Chicago LAK</border>
<border>KYC Kansas City SOU</border>

<!-- Lakeshore Limited -->

<name>NYP New York Penn LAK</name>
<border>NYP New York Penn SIL</border>
<border>NYP New York Penn CRE</border>
<border>NYP New York Penn CAR</border>
<border>ALB Albany LAK</border>

<name>ALB Albany LAK</name>
<border>NYP New York Penn LAK</border>
<border>BOS Boston LAK</border>
<border>BUF Buffalo LAK</border>

<name>BOS Boston LAK</name>
<border>ALB Albany LAK</border>

<name>BUF Buffalo LAK</name>
<border>ALB Albany LAK</border>
<border>TOL Toledo LAK</border>

<name>TOL Toledo LAK</name>
<border>BUF Buffalo LAK</border>
<border>CHI Chicago LAK</border>

<name>CHI Chicago LAK</name>
<border>CHI Chicago EMP</border>
<border>CHI Chicago PIO</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAL</border>
<border>CHI Chicago SOU</border>
<border>CHI Chicago TEX</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CIT</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAR</border>
<border>TOL Toledo LAK</border>

<!-- Silver Meteor -->

<name>NYP New York Penn SIL</name>
<border>NYP New York Penn LAK</border>
<border>NYP New York Penn CRE</border>
<border>NYP New York Penn CAR</border>
<border>WAS Washington SIL</border>

<name>WAS Washington SIL</name>
<border>NYP New York Penn SIL</border>
<border>WAS Washington CRE</border>
<border>WAS Washington CAR</border>
<border>CIN Cincinnati CAR</border>
<border>CHS Charleston SIL</border>

<name>CHS Charleston SIL</name>
<border>WAS Washington SIL</border>
<border>ORL Orlando SIL</border>

<name>ORL Orlando SIL</name>
<border>CHS Charleston SIL</border>
<border>MIA Miami SIL</border>
<border>ORL Orlando SUN</border>

<name>MIA Miami SIL</name>
<border>ORL Orlando SIL</border>

<!-- Texas Eagle -->

<name>SAS San Antonio TEX</name>
<border>SAS San Antonio SUN</border>
<border>FTW Fort Worth TEX</border>

<name>FTW Fort Worth TEX</name>
<border>FTW Fort Worth HEA</border>
<border>STL St Louis TEX</border>
<border>SAS San Antonio TEX</border>

<name>STL St Louis TEX</name>
<border>FTW Fort Worth TEX</border>
<border>CHI Chicago TEX</border>

<name>CHI Chicago TEX</name>
<border>CHI Chicago EMP</border>
<border>CHI Chicago PIO</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAL</border>
<border>CHI Chicago SOU</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CIT</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAR</border>
<border>CHI Chicago LAK</border>
<border>STL St Louis TEX</border>

<!-- Cardinal -->

<name>NYP New York Penn CAR</name>
<border>NYP New York Penn LAK</border>
<border>NYP New York Penn CRE</border>
<border>NYP New York Penn SIL</border>
<border>WAS Washington CAR</border>

<name>WAS Washington CAR</name>
<border>NYP New York Penn CAR</border>
<border>WAS Washington CRE</border>
<border>WAS Washington SIL</border>
<border>CIN Cincinnati CAR</border>

<name>CIN Cincinnati CAR</name>
<border>WAS Washington CAR</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAR</border>

<name>CHI Chicago CAR</name>
<border>CHI Chicago EMP</border>
<border>CHI Chicago PIO</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CAL</border>
<border>CHI Chicago SOU</border>
<border>CHI Chicago TEX</border>
<border>CHI Chicago CIT</border>
<border>CHI Chicago LAK</border>
<border>CIN Cincinnati CAR</border>

<!-- Crescent -->

<name>NYP New York Penn CRE</name>
<border>NYP New York Penn LAK</border>
<border>NYP New York Penn CAR</border>
<border>NYP New York Penn SIL</border>
<border>WAS Washington CRE</border>

<name>WAS Washington CRE</name>
<border>NYP New York Penn CRE</border>
<border>WAS Washington CAR</border>
<border>WAS Washington SIL</border>
<border>CVS Charlottesville CRE</border>

<name>CVS Charlottesville CRE</name>
<border>WAS Washington CRE</border>
<border>ATL Atlanta CRE</border>

<name>ATL Atlanta CRE</name>
<border>CVS Charlottesville CRE</border>
<border>NOL New Orleans CRE</border>

<name>NOL New Orleans CRE</name>
<border>ATL Atlanta CRE</border>
<border>NOL New Orleans SUN</border>
<border>NOL New Orleans CIT</border>

* Pearl Harbour * Waterloo * Forbidden City * Jamaica * Pot Mosbi
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Postby Coleman on Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:03 am

You have some in there titled with CRE. I can't find CRE on the map.

Example: NOL New Orleans CRE.
Warning: You may be reading a really old topic.
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Postby cairnswk on Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:12 am

Coleman wrote:You have some in there titled with CRE. I can't find CRE on the map.

Example: NOL New Orleans CRE.

Thanks Coleman.....

CRE stands for CRESCENT per the STATION legend....Station names are:
3 letter station name
3 first letters of the service line

NOL New Orleans CRE
represents New Orleans on the CRESCENT line which is the light blue line.

Also the station legend on the maps....
it reads
3 first three letters of the service line...
one three needs to come out. :)
* Pearl Harbour * Waterloo * Forbidden City * Jamaica * Pot Mosbi
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Postby Coleman on Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:34 am

I get it now, finally. People are going to be really confused. Maybe even more confused then they are by Crosssword, AoM and Valley of the Kings, which are all maps I understood very quickly. Or maybe something about this only breaks my brain specifically and you have nothing to worry about.
Warning: You may be reading a really old topic.
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Postby cairnswk on Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:45 am

Coleman wrote:I get it now, finally. People are going to be really confused. Maybe even more confused then they are by Crosssword, AoM and Valley of the Kings, which are all maps I understood very quickly. Or maybe something about this only breaks my brain specifically and you have nothing to worry about.

Challenging?? :)
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Postby KEYOGI on Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:31 am

Anyone interested in playing trains?

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Postby mibi on Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:46 am

I liked the old train back ground better.

Is the new one from washington D.C? if so te Metro doesnt really conjure up transatlantic train travel.
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Postby yeti_c on Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:50 pm

AFAIK - no trains do Transatlantic?!

That's mainly reserved for planes and boats!?

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Postby mibi on Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:50 pm

yeti_c wrote:AFAIK - no trains do Transatlantic?!

That's mainly reserved for planes and boats!?


yes ofcourse...heh.. i meant transcontinental.

it just doesn't make sense that this map would appeal to train buffs, yet the background is a picture of an urban subway station.
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Postby AndyDufresne on Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:01 pm

Hm, I think I may agree with Mibi...scary. ;)

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Postby WidowMakers on Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:34 pm

AndyDufresne wrote:Hm, I think I may agree with Mibi...scary. ;)

Well this change has been taking place since paage 10. I tis a little late to come in and say it is a bad idea.

What would you suggest? After the old legend was deemed "bad" I trired to make a more arrival /departure style board. You only see these boards inside stations. Thus the inside of a station.

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Postby cairnswk on Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:48 pm

WidowMakers wrote:
AndyDufresne wrote:Hm, I think I may agree with Mibi...scary. ;)

Well this change has been taking place since paage 10. I tis a little late to come in and say it is a bad idea.


WM...I agree. I have had this situation happen before.
It is unfortunate, but in this case you are the artist and I beleive you have the final say, don't you? :)

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