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Re: First Nations of North America.. UPDATE 06/27, pg. 12

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 3:18 am
by MrBenn
If you're having problems making the background transparent, you could always screenshot CC, take a sample of the background colour, and add a solid fill of that colour as your base layer... The effect should be the same ;-)

Re: First Nations of North America.. UPDATE 06/27, pg. 12

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:57 am
by lanyards
MrBenn wrote:If you're having problems making the background transparent, you could always screenshot CC, take a sample of the background colour, and add a solid fill of that colour as your base layer... The effect should be the same ;-)
Maybe for the screen when actually playing a game, but for posting it in updates, the background color of each post alternates between shades or greenish-gray. Not that it really matters, and that might be a better idea since PNG files tend to be larger than JPEG. But the white really looks awful in my opinion.

Re: First Nations of North America.. UPDATE 06/27, pg. 12

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:07 am
by Tisha
MrBenn wrote:If you're having problems making the background transparent, you could always screenshot CC, take a sample of the background colour, and add a solid fill of that colour as your base layer... The effect should be the same ;-)

I have thought of that too..
and since lackattack has no plans to update the website any year soon.. :lol:

and I had already said earlier in the thread that I had plans on getting rid of the white.. so no need to tell me how awful it looks..

Re: First Nations of North America.. UPDATE 06/27, pg. 12

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 8:38 pm
by lancehoch
What if instead of trying to get rid of it, you put the map on a wood background, almost as if someone had unrolled the map on an old table?

Re: First Nations of North America.. UPDATE 06/27, pg. 12

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:32 pm
by Risky_Stud
lancehoch wrote:What if instead of trying to get rid of it, you put the map on a wood background, almost as if someone had unrolled the map on an old table?

=D> Great idea!

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:00 am
by Tisha
72 territories
14 bonus regions

added some wood..
split artic..

Click image to enlarge.

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:08 pm
by neanderpaul14
Awesome looking map Tisha, can't wait to play on this one.

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:17 am
by Erland
great graphics--the trees and mountains are more realistic than on many maps. Get it done!

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:53 pm
by Gamefreakguy
I really like the idea for the map, as well as the impressive graphics! Keep it up! :D

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:21 pm
by Echospree
Absolutely gorgeous, with a good spread of bonuses across the map. I can't find any faults at all, beyond the names of territories crossing boundaries, but I can't see a good solution for any of those.

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:26 pm
by cairnswk
(if xml is done and checked) QUENCH =D> =D>
imho. :)

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:25 am
by grandin
Maybe you should try moving the territory names around? Don't know how your going to fit the army numbers in some of the territories otherwise... :-s

I played around a bit:


Didn't have your font, so i just picked a random one that didn't look too bad.

* Black letters, opacity 90%
** 2px outside stroke, color from within the territory, blend mode: 'lighter color'.

Dunno. I kinda liked it. Frees up space and is still readable.

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:53 am
by SultanOfSurreal
Why is the greenland region called the "far north"? Weird map projection aside, Greenland is basically on the same latitude as north canada. Why not just call it "greenlandic tribes" or somesuch?

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:08 pm
by phantomzero
Looking good! Nice to see the history of the lands we now live on!

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:33 pm
by MrBenn
Hi Tisha - looking good (still) ;-)

I've just run the numbers through a bonus calculator:
(T=Terrs, D=Defenders, A=Attackers, N=Neighbours)
Code: Select all
CONTINENT   T   D   A    N   Bonus/Round  Current
Far North   3   1   1    1   0.7   1      1
Arctic      8   5   5    3   5.4   5      7
SubArctic   8   5   11   6   6.7   7      7
Northeast   4   2   4    3   2.3   2      2
Northwest   4   4   5    4   3.8   4      3
Plateau     2   2   5    4   2.0   2      1
California  4   2   3    3   2.1   2      2
Great Basin 3   3   6    4   3.1   3      2
Plains      9   6   7    6   6.9   7      8
Woodlands   7   3   6    4   4.1   4      4
Southeast   7   4   5    4   4.6   5      5
Southwest   6   5   6    4   5.2   5      6
MesoAmerica 4   3   3    2   2.7   3      3
CircumCarib 3   2   2    2   1.6   2      2

In general, the bonus values you've gone for are more-or-less spot-on ;-)

The only change I'd suggest would be in the Circum-Caribbean area, which offers good option of expansion into MesoAmerica - which is still well protected. This would possibly be the best start, and allows you to defend a +5 with only 3 border terrs - one of the most lucrative combos on the map. With that in mind, I'd suggest dropping Circum to +1. Either that, or I'd suggest dropping MesoAmerica to a +2 - From Meso you can expand into Circum without much effort, and can stagger into the southwest a little without putting yourself at risk. +4 would be a fair bonus for that relatively-easily-held area - I'd favour dropping MesoAmerica to +2

I'd recommend dropping the Arctic to a 6, as it offers the better expansion from Far North/Northeast. Just bringing it down would feel a bit more balanced; a tweak to bring the Southeast to +4 would also make sense. This way the smaller bonuses don;t give direct access to stronger bonuses - if that makes sense.

Other than that, I can;t see too much to change about the gameplay ;-)

As for army numbers, I can't see anything that will obviously be a squeeze - but we'll have to wait and see :P

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:02 pm
by owenshooter
has this thing been moved to the scrap heap yet? abandoned? JOKING!!! TISHA!!! GET TO WORK ON MY MAP!!! and don't forget the hidden "i love owen" in that top left hand corner!! a few more pixels will make it a bit more visible for me!! love the map! let's get going on it!!! looking wonderful!! love the changes!!! now get working!-0

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:44 am
by Teflon Kris
Looking great - I'd consider whether the Arctic bonus should be as much as 7? Artic+Far North combination would be+8 with not that many territories to defend,and defending mostly from the Sub Artic (one difficult bonus region which players may not tend to go for). Similarly, a Carribbean & Mesomerica combination is a bit much at +5.

Edit - sorry, MrBenn has already looked at this above.

Graphically, I'm no expert but I like the style, particularly the shading, mountains and trees. Maybe the canoes would look better if they were very slightly shorter?

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:40 pm
by Risky_Stud

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 7:59 pm
by Tisha
there enough room in these? I mean by the time you get to 100 troops, you should have an idea what attacks what.. :|




Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:55 am
by Bruceswar
If the XML is done then QUENCH! Well done Tisha!!

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:59 am
by Scott-Land
Bruceswar wrote:If the XML is done then QUENCH! Well done Tisha!!

Isn't her orange armies hard to see ? : P

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:04 am
by Tisha
Scott-Land wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:If the XML is done then QUENCH! Well done Tisha!!

Isn't her orange armies hard to see ? : P

get glasses n shut it..


Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:24 am
by Bruceswar
Scott-Land wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:If the XML is done then QUENCH! Well done Tisha!!

Isn't her orange armies hard to see ? : P

Not for me :D But those slate men well.... ;)

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update 07/27, pg. 14

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:25 am
by Bruceswar
BTW I cannot wait to play a quads on this! or a FS 8 man Esc :D Oh the possibilities!

Re: First Nations of North America.. Update: pg. 15

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:25 am
by Tisha
ANYTHING ELSE? give me some stamps or something.. :?

First Nations of North America
72 territories
14 bonus regions
Click image to enlarge.

Click image to enlarge.