Does this need to be updated? Because the map says "Hold III."
Many of the Town territories are also Region territories - this could lead to some big bonuses!
Yes mine mistake,i will change these to "Hold III"
Town Terittories-you mean Legions?
regarding Bryguy's comments about the readability of the text: I don't think it's as bad as bryguy says, but much o the text is a little muddy. The black against the blue sea looks blurry, and in some of the smaller text on the regions the letters tend to blend in with each other.
Well you know that i have problems,before with Names in terittories,and i try to create something what people can read,and i think that i manage to do these.
The Rome defense map is much better than when I last looked... I would lose the fancy border between Rome and the Alpes map, and make them two distinct insets - this way it looks like they somehow connect.
Why to lose? How you mean "Somehow connect"?Please need more info about that to understand these opinion.
I see from your first post that you are still working out the start. If you're going to stick with the +2 for towns I would suggest you make them neutral to start, or else somebody could start with an unfair early bonus. Other than that I'd leave it open for discussion.
Well i can create to get one bonus per town,but i have several options and option who is best for gameplay will be in map.