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Rorke's Drift. [QUENCHED]

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Re: Rorke's Drift [30 07 2011] V.24 Pg 1/13 - Gameplay?

Postby koontz1973 on Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:40 am

iancanton wrote:
koontz1973 wrote:How about 3 neutrals and +2AD. for the same reasons as above.

this certainly provides more early-game options than 5 neutrals for +3 auto-deploy. the castle in castle lands, which is +2 auto-deploy, has 4 neutrals and it's not always taken.

koontz1973 wrote:11 territs start as river warriors (Need to be programmed with start position) Max of 3 per player.

code these as underlying neutral start positions otherwise, in 2-player and 3-player games, at least one player will probably start with +3 for holding 4 river warriors. underlying neutral means that a region will start as neutral only if not allocated to a player as a start position.

koontz1973 wrote:19 territs surround the 7 kings (Need to be programmed with start position), Max of 5 per player.

consider whether it's more advantageous to set the 19 decaying regions (instead of the 19 adjacent to the 7 kings) as the second category of start positions. many won't play dust bowl again because they've started a game with many more decaying regions than their opponent.

ian. :)

With setting up of the regions (river warriors and around the Chieftains), I will take the advice given by someone who is more experienced than me. With the kings being the key to bonuses, I wanted to eliminate the lucky drop of one player getting a lot in the drop as much a possible. More than happy to do the decaying regions as well so everyone starts with the same amount.

Will edit first post to reflect this.
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Re: Rorke's Drift[30 07 2011]V.24.1 Pg 1/13 -New bonus-Gamep

Postby Sniper08 on Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:47 am

if neutrals reduced to 3 then the bonuses will be very easy to take and hold. if a player gets 5 troops then its 8v3 to take the chief and an easy fort to the chief makes it easy to hold. puting it up to 4 neutral and 2 auto makes it more of a challenge to take and hold but still gives a big enough incentive to go for it.

also koonitz in the legend it has 4500 Zulus attacked the british i was under the impression it was atmost 4000 zulus that were involved at rorkes drift.
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Re: Rorke's Drift[30 07 2011]V.24.1 Pg 1/13 -New bonus-Gamep

Postby koontz1973 on Sun Jul 31, 2011 8:09 am

Sniper08 wrote:if neutrals reduced to 3 then the bonuses will be very easy to take and hold. if a player gets 5 troops then its 8v3 to take the chief and an easy fort to the chief makes it easy to hold. puting it up to 4 neutral and 2 auto makes it more of a challenge to take and hold but still gives a big enough incentive to go for it.

also koonitz in the legend it has 4500 Zulus attacked the british i was under the impression it was atmost 4000 zulus that were involved at rorkes drift.

One of the problems with the neutrals and autodeploy is getting the right balance. Due to the size of map, I believe that more large and team games will be played than small 1v1. If that is the case then the 3 is correct but most games on CC are played as 1v1. This makes the 3 to small. I am inclined to put it back up to 5 with 2 auto deploy. This might make it harder to grab the chieftains but as there is so few opportunities for bonuses then players should go for them. Even if players have to wait for round 3 - 5 for spoils, then it will mean players will tackle the normal territs first to gain a large bonus when they can grab a chieftain.

iancanton mentioned Castle Lands with 4 neutrals not being taken in some games. I cannot see a reason to take it anyway. It is surrounded by a better bonus and hard to defend. Conquer man has 4 neutrals for conquerman, 6 for the cupcake and 3 for the daimonds. These all get taken in games so with neutrals it really depends on what you get back for your trouble. I think 5 is the best number but leave it at +2 autodeploy.

As for the figure of 4500 Zulus attacking Rorke's Drift, figures vary.

wiki wrote:3,000 to 4,000 Zulu warriors.

rorkes wrote:4000

british wrote:4,500

I chose one figure that seems to be repeated more often than the others. This is also why I placed the "around" just before the figure.
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Re: Rorke's Drift[30 07 2011]V.24.1 Pg 1/13 -New bonus-Gamep

Postby Sniper08 on Sun Jul 31, 2011 8:23 am

koontz1973 wrote:
One of the problems with the neutrals and autodeploy is getting the right balance. Due to the size of map, I believe that more large and team games will be played than small 1v1. If that is the case then the 3 is correct but most games on CC are played as 1v1. This makes the 3 to small. I am inclined to put it back up to 5 with 2 auto deploy. This might make it harder to grab the chieftains but as there is so few opportunities for bonuses then players should go for them. Even if players have to wait for round 3 - 5 for spoils, then it will mean players will tackle the normal territs first to gain a large bonus when they can grab a chieftain.

iancanton mentioned Castle Lands with 4 neutrals not being taken in some games. I cannot see a reason to take it anyway. It is surrounded by a better bonus and hard to defend. Conquer man has 4 neutrals for conquerman, 6 for the cupcake and 3 for the daimonds. These all get taken in games so with neutrals it really depends on what you get back for your trouble. I think 5 is the best number but leave it at +2 autodeploy.

As for the figure of 4500 Zulus attacking Rorke's Drift, figures vary.

wiki wrote:3,000 to 4,000 Zulu warriors.

rorkes wrote:4000

british wrote:4,500

I chose one figure that seems to be repeated more often than the others. This is also why I placed the "around" just before the figure.

indeed this seems like a map thats gonna be more large games than small ones but putting it back up to 5 might not be the best idea. 4 seems like a good number,lets see what others think of this.

british web sites always try to scew the numbers to make their win more "impressive". i wouldnt trust their biased opinion on the numbers of enemy troops.around 4000 seems like a better description IMO.
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Re: Rorke's Drift[30 07 2011]V.24.1 Pg 1/13 -New bonus-Gamep

Postby koontz1973 on Sun Jul 31, 2011 8:26 am

Will change it to 4000 then. No big difference really, but 4000 is also the number mentioned by wiki and when was the last thing on there that was reliable. :D

No problem with the compromise of 4 neutrals, we can always change it later if it seems to low or high.

Will have both done within the hour as I am just finishing the latest changes.
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Re: Rorke's Drift[31 07 2011]V.25Pg 1/14 -New bonus-Gameplay

Postby koontz1973 on Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:00 am

Click image to enlarge.

New neutral limits to 4. As reasoned above, 5 is thought to be to high, 3 is to low so 4 is as good a compromise as any. This can be changed though.
Zulu's lost 500 men to diarrhoea on the way to Rorke's Drift. :D
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Re: Rorke's Drift[31 07 2011]V.25Pg 1/14 -New bonus-Gameplay

Postby TaCktiX on Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:16 pm

Aside from some minor nitpicks that'll certainly get handled before Beta, I'd say this one's good to go. Now fix those textures like I was telling you to do. :P

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Re: Rorke's Drift[31 07 2011]V.25Pg 1/14 -New bonus-Gameplay

Postby koontz1973 on Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:22 pm

TaCktiX wrote:Aside from some minor nitpicks that'll certainly get handled before Beta, I'd say this one's good to go. Now fix those textures like I was telling you to do. :P


Thank you! :D
Thank you! :D :D
Thank you!
:D :D :D
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Re: Rorke's Drift[31 07 2011]V.25Pg 1/14 -Graphics Time. HEL

Postby koontz1973 on Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:31 pm

Now we have the graphics to sort out. Fun time.

To everyone who comes into the thread, is there anything, and I do mean anything that needs to be changed. No idea is to outlandish. What is good, what is bad. I am willing (within reason) to try anything out.
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Re: Rorke's Drift[31 07 2011]V.25Pg 1/14 -Graphics Time. HEL

Postby natty dread on Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:20 pm

Ok, now we're getting to business.

Firstly... the dry river: when I last told you to make the borders follow the edges, I meant that they should be exactly on the edge where the colour/texture changes. When the borders are on the side like that, it looks less clear... the borders define the territories, and people are used to territories to be a single colour each - it's how most people visualize the territories. Now, you sort of have two borders for those territories - one black (or red) line, and one colour change. Make it just one border, it helps players to visualize the areas and connections.

Similarly, to keep consistent with that idea, move the impassables also on top of the edges of the river.

Next.. the red border: it's a bit blurry. You should make it more crisp and defined, since it has an important gameplay purpose, and also because blurry, thick lines like that just don't look so good.

Reynolds, Jones, Dalton etc. territories: The walls around these territories are too plain - they don't pop up from the image like walls should. Try some shading, more contrast with the surroundings... The same is true with the Shaka area walls, and to a lesser extent, the central brown area... all of those impassables could use more "pop". Make them look more 3d... the current shadings are not consistent, and look too weak. Some drop shadow, dark outer glow, things like that... or higher contrast...

Which brings me to another point: you have a sort of mess with so many different impassables, so many different textures and colours... you should have a clear contrast between the playable lands & impassables.

Ok, I have more things, but I think this is plenty of things to look into for now... I don't want to overwhelm you or anything ;)
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Re: Rorke's Drift[31 07 2011]V.25Pg 1/14 -Graphics Time. HEL

Postby Sniper08 on Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:48 pm

On another point from Natty , the grey impassibles in the bottem right need some redesign. i cant tell what the yare supposed to be, mountains,hills, giant slabs of rock.

some other things aswell, try to add more contrast to the ibutho's mpande, cest , nbada and buth. they all have a brown type colour and i think atleast one of them could be changed to a different colour entirely while the others need to have more contrast between them.

the nbada ibutho to the right of the river bed is darker and much different to the left which is lighter.

since natty gave u a bunch of stuff aswell ill hold off on other stuff until next version is done.
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Re: Rorke's Drift [30 07 2011] V.24 Pg 1/13 - Gameplay?

Postby MrBenn on Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:42 pm

koontz1973 wrote:V.24
Click image to enlarge.

This is the latest image in the thread, and is the one I've been poring over...

Overall, the map looks alright - but part of me thinks it's a case of being damned by feint praise! Please accept the following criticisms in the manner in which they are intended - which is to help turn the map from an "alright" map into a "good" map ;-)

In no particular order then:

1. The image feels very cluttered... there are lots of different impassables, which while it makes sense for the terrain, actually distracts the eye. You have two types of wall (I'll assume that they are walls) in the central British area - I don;t really see any need for the different colour backgrounds to the british outpost, nor for the different walls... It would be much nicer to have walls that looked like some kind of fortification/walls, with a bit more depth/height to them.

2. The outer glow/stroke on the Chieftain names needs to be adjusted - at the moment I'm guessing you have the same effect on each piece of text; whereas you would be better to adjust the colour of the glow/stroke to a slightly lighter shade of the relevant territory/terrain colour

3. The trees are too uniform - and perhaps too large? It would be nice to have a slight mix to the forests, with less uniformity to the trees... try different sizes, slight colour variation, turn some trees around etc etc...

4. Natty already mentioned about the black territory borders needing to be on the edge of the terrain changes - I would also suggest changing the colour of the lines (you can do it by adding a colour overlay to the layers(s) ) to something more brown or grey - and perhaps increase the opacity a bit... you can probably afford to make the borders a little more subtle. Along the regional/tribal borders, I would make the lines a little stronger/heavier to help emphasise those divisions.

5. I don;t know if this is just me being stupid, but what exactly are the "Zulus inside the 150 yard line"? I cannot see any warrior symbols, so assume you're referring to the green (Zulu?) territories... If this is the case then that legend instruction needs to be made much much clearer.

6. I get that the British Front Line Officers are supposed to be firing, but to me it looks like they're leaning/falling over too much ?

7. There are two river warriors in the (wet) river... One of them has one-way attack arrows, the other does not. For some reason this looks like an oversight/omission ? If this is not the case, then I would suggest adding double-headed arrows to the other warrior so that it is obvious that the borders are two-way.

8. The legend at the bottom of the map needs a complete overhaul. It has no style and feels very much like an afterthought. The explanation of the battle is reasonable, but the "11 British soldiers named" who won the Victoria Cross feels like random trivia and a bit nondescript - especially as there are not 11 British Soldier (icons) on the map. There is no mention of the VC being the highest reward for bravery, nor that the Battle of Rorkes Drift saw the most of them awarded for a single campaign. In any case, whether or not the backstory is expanded, that green text is a bugger to read and needs to be changed to something better.

9. Still on the legend, the instructions are not clearly laid out, and it is not apparent where the bonuses accrue. It would be better if you could link the text about the river warrior bonus to the river warrior icon, for example!

10. The warrior/soldier icons are good, but in some places feel indistinct, and look very "stuck on" to the map, rather than an integral part of it. This is particularly the case for the River Warriors - and is probably due to the difference in contrast between the icons and the map itself.

11. The title text feels a little lame and lifeless. I stumbled across this image which looks like you could take the text and use it as your title, but I don;t know if you have enough room currently?

That's it for now... although I feel like I've only skimmed the surface :?
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Re: Rorke's Drift[31 07 2011]V.25Pg 1/14 -Graphics Time. HEL

Postby koontz1973 on Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:52 pm

THanks guys, lots to do and lots of fun to be had. Will take everything you have said and work on it. Expect a new image in a couple of days.
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Re: Rorke's Drift[31 07 2011]V.25Pg 1/14 -Graphics Time. HEL

Postby koontz1973 on Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:12 am

natty_dread wrote:Ok, now we're getting to business.

Firstly... the dry river: when I last told you to make the borders follow the edges, I meant that they should be exactly on the edge where the colour/texture changes. When the borders are on the side like that, it looks less clear... the borders define the territories, and people are used to territories to be a single colour each - it's how most people visualize the territories. Now, you sort of have two borders for those territories - one black (or red) line, and one colour change. Make it just one border, it helps players to visualize the areas and connections.


Similarly, to keep consistent with that idea, move the impassables also on top of the edges of the river.

Next.. the red border: it's a bit blurry. You should make it more crisp and defined, since it has an important gameplay purpose, and also because blurry, thick lines like that just don't look so good.

fixed. It was blurry and the opacity was turned way down. Should be clearer now.

Reynolds, Jones, Dalton etc. territories: The walls around these territories are too plain - they don't pop up from the image like walls should. Try some shading, more contrast with the surroundings... The same is true with the Shaka area walls, and to a lesser extent, the central brown area... all of those impassables could use more "pop". Make them look more 3d... the current shadings are not consistent, and look too weak. Some drop shadow, dark outer glow, things like that... or higher contrast...

Had a drop shadow in previous version and took it out as it made the rocks float. Been trying lots of different shades of shading. Let me know what has worked.

Which brings me to another point: you have a sort of mess with so many different impassables, so many different textures and colours... you should have a clear contrast between the playable lands & impassables.

Removed 2 of the impassables. The brick walls in the outpost have been replaced by what I call the sandbags. Also the brown bushes have turned green.
Ok, I have more things, but I think this is plenty of things to look into for now... I don't want to overwhelm you or anything ;)

Sniper08 wrote:On another point from Natty , the grey impassibles in the bottem right need some redesign. i cant tell what the yare supposed to be, mountains,hills, giant slabs of rock.

giant slabs of rock.
some other things aswell, try to add more contrast to the ibutho's mpande, cest , nbada and buth. they all have a brown type colour and i think atleast one of them could be changed to a different colour entirely while the others need to have more contrast between them.

Gave the middle of the 3 a yellow look which fits the map.
the nbada ibutho to the right of the river bed is darker and much different to the left which is lighter.

That was due to the lighting effect. Got rid of it for now. Looks better as the sun would of shined evenly over the whole map anyway.
since natty gave u a bunch of stuff aswell ill hold off on other stuff until next version is done.

Never hold back what you think. In the end we will all get to play on this map
MrBenn wrote:This is the latest image in the thread, and is the one I've been poring over...

Overall, the map looks alright - but part of me thinks it's a case of being damned by feint praise! Please accept the following criticisms in the manner in which they are intended - which is to help turn the map from an "alright" map into a "good" map ;-)

Please do not think that anything said in this thread causes me offence. I am going to do my best to get all of the aspects right. Do you really think I want to play on a map that looks bad.

In no particular order then:

1. The image feels very cluttered... there are lots of different impassables, which while it makes sense for the terrain, actually distracts the eye. You have two types of wall (I'll assume that they are walls) in the central British area - I don;t really see any need for the different colour backgrounds to the british outpost, nor for the different walls... It would be much nicer to have walls that looked like some kind of fortification/walls, with a bit more depth/height to them.

Removed some and consolidated others.

2. The outer glow/stroke on the Chieftain names needs to be adjusted - at the moment I'm guessing you have the same effect on each piece of text; whereas you would be better to adjust the colour of the glow/stroke to a slightly lighter shade of the relevant territory/terrain colour

Done as you suggested. Looks way better and added to the British names.

3. The trees are too uniform - and perhaps too large? It would be nice to have a slight mix to the forests, with less uniformity to the trees... try different sizes, slight colour variation, turn some trees around etc etc...

Did this before and it did not look right. Did it for this version and still does not look right. Looked at lots of photos of this region and most of the trees do seem to go in one direction. If no one objects, next version will have the trees back to what they were before.

4. Natty already mentioned about the black territory borders needing to be on the edge of the terrain changes - I would also suggest changing the colour of the lines (you can do it by adding a colour overlay to the layers(s) ) to something more brown or grey - and perhaps increase the opacity a bit... you can probably afford to make the borders a little more subtle. Along the regional/tribal borders, I would make the lines a little stronger/heavier to help emphasise those divisions.

Tried the colours and with the palate that I have used, none seem to work or look right IMO. Kept with the black. Natty suggested that I put a glow along the edges of each region. If I do this, then a couple of questions. Do I put it all along the dry river bed as this is technically a different region. If so then what about the wet river. Also, Rorke's Drift, put it around that as well. And the 150 yard line. That would be a lot of glowing lines. :D

5. I don;t know if this is just me being stupid, but what exactly are the "Zulus inside the 150 yard line"? I cannot see any warrior symbols, so assume you're referring to the green (Zulu?) territories... If this is the case then that legend instruction needs to be made much much clearer.

Changed the word Zulu to territories so it should be 100% clear now. The wording in the legend is also surrounded by the red line. If that does not work, I can put it by the side and how would you word it to not include Rorke's Drift in that statement.
6. I get that the British Front Line Officers are supposed to be firing, but to me it looks like they're leaning/falling over too much ?

Should look better now.

7. There are two river warriors in the (wet) river... One of them has one-way attack arrows, the other does not. For some reason this looks like an oversight/omission ? If this is not the case, then I would suggest adding double-headed arrows to the other warrior so that it is obvious that the borders are two-way.

Added a 2 way arrow and placed in legend as well.

8. The legend at the bottom of the map needs a complete overhaul. It has no style and feels very much like an afterthought. The explanation of the battle is reasonable, but the "11 British soldiers named" who won the Victoria Cross feels like random trivia and a bit nondescript - especially as there are not 11 British Soldier (icons) on the map. There is no mention of the VC being the highest reward for bravery, nor that the Battle of Rorkes Drift saw the most of them awarded for a single campaign. In any case, whether or not the backstory is expanded, that green text is a bugger to read and needs to be changed to something better.

I always thought the legend was an afterthought :P
With the 11 British soldiers, I did say named.
Added the line about VC being British highest award.
Rorke's Drift did not win the most VC's for a single action so by putting it in would be wrong.
The text was yellow :-$ but changed it.
9. Still on the legend, the instructions are not clearly laid out, and it is not apparent where the bonuses accrue. It would be better if you could link the text about the river warrior bonus to the river warrior icon, for example!

Can do this and will be on the To Do list for next version. Missed it when doing this one.

10. The warrior/soldier icons are good, but in some places feel indistinct, and look very "stuck on" to the map, rather than an integral part of it. This is particularly the case for the River Warriors - and is probably due to the difference in contrast between the icons and the map itself.

Are they better and if not, some pointers in the right direction would help.

11. The title text feels a little lame and lifeless. I stumbled across this image which looks like you could take the text and use it as your title, but I don;t know if you have enough room currently?

Added your text. Not happy. Tell me what you think though. To make it match the legend I used the same background.

That's it for now... although I feel like I've only skimmed the surface :?

Thanks everyone. Here is the next image. Tell me what works not, what does not.

Click image to enlarge.

To Do List.
Legend overhaul.

Things to look at.
The texture for the iButhos and dry riverbed. I wanted to keep these as plain as possible to distinguish that these are the main playing areas. Do I need to add more detail?
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Re: Rorke's Drift [2 08 2011] V.26 Pg 1/15 - Graphics Time.

Postby Sniper08 on Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:41 am

ok with regards to what you did

i dont like the brown trees at all, i thought they were fine the way they were.

The title needs reworking in the top right,it looks like ROR in rorkes is on a slant.

In the legend on impassibles looks out of place as you have 3 impassables blocked up and 2 on their own so either block them all up or separate them all.

Could u switch the 5 and the allen icon so that the icon is at the wall like the others.

The wall doesnt look like a wall but rather sandbags. Perhaps you could make it like there is a stone wall in one section ,sandbags in another ,carts blocking in another. just an idea not neccessarly needed.i know mr benn wanted you to change the front line which took some of the feel out of a wall type area imo.

i feel like you need to add banks to the river bed to give it that river type feel , perhaps also throw tiny rocks on the river bed as any normal dried up river would have on the bottem of it.

koonitz1973 wrote:Sniper08 wrote:On another point from Natty , the grey impassibles in the bottem right need some redesign. i cant tell what the yare supposed to be, mountains,hills, giant slabs of rock.

giant slabs of rock.

they still looks wrong IMO(maybe others feel differently) , possible change could be to mountains or hills for the "slabs" on the far right of the map. i remember from the movie that there were hills close by(i know the movie isnt all that historically accurate) but its still worth seeing if they look better if im wrong then you can revert back to the slabs for the next version
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Re: Rorke's Drift [2 08 2011] V.26 Pg 1/15 - Graphics Time.

Postby koontz1973 on Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:46 am

Sniper08 wrote:ok with regards to what you did

i dont like the brown trees at all, i thought they were fine the way they were.

The title needs reworking in the top right,it looks like ROR in rorkes is on a slant.

In the legend on impassibles looks out of place as you have 3 impassables blocked up and 2 on their own so either block them all up or separate them all.

Could u switch the 5 and the allen icon so that the icon is at the wall like the others.

The wall doesnt look like a wall but rather sandbags. Perhaps you could make it like there is a stone wall in one section ,sandbags in another ,carts blocking in another. just an idea not neccessarly needed.i know mr benn wanted you to change the front line which took some of the feel out of a wall type area imo.

i feel like you need to add banks to the river bed to give it that river type feel , perhaps also throw tiny rocks on the river bed as any normal dried up river would have on the bottem of it.

koonitz1973 wrote:Sniper08 wrote:On another point from Natty , the grey impassibles in the bottem right need some redesign. i cant tell what the yare supposed to be, mountains,hills, giant slabs of rock.

giant slabs of rock.

they still looks wrong IMO(maybe others feel differently) , possible change could be to mountains or hills for the "slabs" on the far right of the map. i remember from the movie that there were hills close by(i know the movie isnt all that historically accurate) but its still worth seeing if they look better if im wrong then you can revert back to the slabs for the next version

Trees look awful. Will revert back. As I have said, with the photos I have looked at, nearly all of the trees are the same size colour and of one type. Cannot remember the exact name of them but the are common around this area. Will try and find the name of them and a photo to show. They also go in one direction, this I believe is due to being closer to the equator.

Title, I am not happy with but MrBenn suggested it so I gave it a go. Can work on making it better for next version.

Agree with impassable in legend. Just finished a test of the new legend, but the impassables are still blocked.

With the sandbags, I had walls in previous versions (up to the current one) and a couple of guys said to make the impassables less. By putting the walls (carts etc) back in, then I am at square one again.
Allen icon - can do.

Do not want to draw a mountain in, most maps have a far away perspective, where this one is right in the thick of things.
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Re: Rorke's Drift [2 08 2011] V.26 Pg 1/15 - Graphics Time.

Postby koontz1973 on Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:49 am

Legend Test
Click image to enlarge.

Does this one work. All information is on there and I believe very clear.

Sniper08 mentioned the slabs of rock. Would like to make better and now I cannot think of a way to do that. Can anyone give me guidance on this. He also mentioned drawing in mountains, I believe this would be wrong but if you can show me how to draw one to be an impassable, without the use of an icon I will give that a go. Third option would be to remove them completely and use the trees and green bushes instead.

Anything more to add.
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Re: Rorke's Drift [2 08 2011] V.26 Pg 1/15 - Legend test-pg

Postby Sniper08 on Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:16 am

if you dont want mountains/hills in the map then impassibles become hard to think of,i mean its absurd to think there would be huge giant slabs or rock just lying around in South Africa.ill try to think of something else for impassible.

The legend on the left with the icons and descriptions is great id definetly keep it as it is.

i assume the legend impassibles will be sorted as you said in the previous post.

The red line that only goes half around the text doenst look good. you can make it go all the way around the text or place it under the text.

i think the history element in the legend needs more distinction, perhaps put a box around it and change the backround colour or if possible add a image of something relevent.
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Re: Rorke's Drift [2 08 2011] V.26 Pg 1/15 - Legend test-pg

Postby isaiah40 on Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:17 am

Change the fort walls back to how you had them, but maybe put a slight dark outerglow to them to make them stand out a bit. Please don't put a mountain in, as you said this map is a close in view. Legend looks mucho better!! Cleaner and easier to read. =D>

I'll make some more suggestions later today.
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Re: Rorke's Drift [2 08 2011] V.26 Pg 1/15 - Graphics Time.

Postby AndyDufresne on Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:37 am

koontz1973 wrote:Legend Test
Click image to enlarge.

Does this one work. All information is on there and I believe very clear.

Sniper08 mentioned the slabs of rock. Would like to make better and now I cannot think of a way to do that. Can anyone give me guidance on this. He also mentioned drawing in mountains, I believe this would be wrong but if you can show me how to draw one to be an impassable, without the use of an icon I will give that a go. Third option would be to remove them completely and use the trees and green bushes instead.

Anything more to add.

The information order of this legend I like better than the previous.

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Re: Rorke's Drift [2 08 2011] V.26 Pg 1/15 - Legend test-pg

Postby koontz1973 on Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:39 am

isaiah40 wrote:Change the fort walls back to how you had them, but maybe put a slight dark outerglow to them to make them stand out a bit. Please don't put a mountain in, as you said this map is a close in view. Legend looks mucho better!! Cleaner and easier to read. =D>

I'll make some more suggestions later today.

Thanks, any help you can give is always helpful.

I am going to keep the current sandbag configuration for a couple of version to see how it looks to others. If others say to put it back in then it will go back in.
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Re: Rorke's Drift [2 08 2011] V.26 Pg 1/15 - Legend test-pg

Postby koontz1973 on Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:35 am

Test shot.
Click image to enlarge.

Legend fixed to the way suggested. Shrunk it a few pixels to allow more room for the territs above. If this is good then I am going to put the legend to bed. Sniper, cannot put a picture behind the wording so gave it a different glow for the story.
Rocks have had some work to them, are they better?
Moved Allen to other side.

One major change and this might have to be fixed.
If you look at the corner of legend, Dabulamanzi iButho now touches Betheleze iButho. It has never done this before. It does not really change much but it makes Betheleze a bit more vulnerable. Is it OK to stay like this or does it need to be re drawn to as it was before?
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Re: Rorke's Drift [2 08 2011] V.26 Pg 1/15-PG15Test shot.HEL

Postby Sniper08 on Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:42 am

its one extra terr opened up on that region and its small enough as it is, the max bonus from that ibutho is +4 and 3 terr are open which will make it hard to defend so i think a redesign of thabo/thembelani border is needed so that only 2 terr border that bonus.

the 150 yard line is thicker when it goes towards the legend at thabo/thembelani and its narrower when it goes towards the bushes.

the impassibles look nice on the legend
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Re: Rorke's Drift [2 08 2011] V.26 Pg 1/15-PG15Test shot.HEL

Postby isaiah40 on Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:59 am

Now that I was able to take a closer look at this there are a few areas to take care of.
1. Go through the map and make sure all territory borders are touching each other and not overlapping. i.e. here

2. Redraw the dry river border as it is very pixelated.

3. Move the grass down a pixel or two to touch the dry river bed.

4.The grass is too sharp, it looks like someone cut it that way. Smooth it out so it flows together.

5.Is this suppose to tell me that the two territories are connected? If not, make it look like the other rocks, instead of the rock has a section cut out of it. If it is telling me that the territories are connected, why have it there?

6. As for the title area and the legend area, get rid of the outline and have it raised up from the surface a little. Right now the outline is pixelated. I think that will add a little more to the map. Also for the title if you are looking to have it look like it is carved out of rock, try using an inner bevel to the text, that might help make it pop-out out little as well.
7. And what is this snake doing here? :lol:

For now this is all I have, looking forward to your next update.
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Re: Rorke's Drift [2 08 2011] V.26 Pg 1/15-PG15Test shot.HEL

Postby koontz1973 on Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:45 am

Click image to enlarge.

isaiah40. All points you raised fixed. Hopefully to your satisfaction.
Sniper08, with the new border, I have PM TaCktiX to have a look at it. The 150 yard line was the same thickness all around but with the curve at that corner it looked thicker. Re adjusted it so it looks better. What do you think?

Redrew the trees, went for a cross between last version and the original. Less brown and only one type of green works.

isaiah40 wrote:7. And what is this snake doing here? :lol:

You forgot the dog, England and the happy man. ;) :lol:
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