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Postby Ruben Cassar on Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:21 am

Come on Qwert don't give up. The map is coming along nicely and I am sure there are a lot of people who would want to play it.

Sargentgeneral...maybe that comment about his mother was a bit too offensive. I don't know if there is someone filtering these fora but I think comments like that shouldn't be allowed here because they can offend people. I know that we might not always agree on everything but there are other ways to solve these issues.

Keep in mind that Qwert's first language isn't English and maybe he doesn't understand everything you say, so people should be a bit more patient. I am sure he is doing his best to try to please everyone and after all he is only trying to provide the community with a new map which will benefit all of us and we should all encourage him.
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Postby Qwert on Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:52 am

Ruben- sargentgeneral not be warning from andy for these write,maybe got suport for these write?
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Postby AndyDufresne on Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:18 pm

Qwert, I'm not ingoring you. If there was 30 hours in a day, I could spend more time here in the Foundry. I do my best to try to keep up, and I'll check in later once I have some more time to go over everything.

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Postby Sargentgeneral on Sun Dec 31, 2006 2:18 pm

hey, maybe that comment was over the top. Im not going to stand here and be disrespected though. But apparently, all qwert wants to do is keep his little map the way it is even if that means he would be playing on it by himself. I am suggesting things that would possibly bring the map closer to a Final Forge, but im was completely being ignored. Although it was primitive, with that comment i am no longer being ignored now, am i?

So are you going to try that mountain change or not qwert?
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Postby Sargentgeneral on Sun Dec 31, 2006 2:19 pm

There, i also removed that comment. Everyone ok now?
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Postby Qwert on Sun Dec 31, 2006 2:22 pm

wery well i will stop with work in map and wait for your comment.
see you.
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Postby Sargentgeneral on Sun Dec 31, 2006 2:24 pm

another thing you could do is drop that mountain rock thing and just continue the river all the way into the sea.
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Postby Qwert on Sun Dec 31, 2006 2:27 pm

sargentgeneral go to page 4 and you understand wath these "mountain"present and read people thinkin of these PLEASE>

Sargentgeneral wrote in page 5
I really think this map is going to be great. it looks fantastic!

you see map before and you know what "mountain" present. What react to change you mine please explain.
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Postby Sargentgeneral on Sun Dec 31, 2006 2:53 pm

I DID. I know they used to be little stupid triangles. And about my comment, i meant that the progression was looking fantastic, and it was. The map was improving greatly when i posted it. I said is WAS going to be a great map. It has slowed way down since then. Dont accuse me of not looking back because i have looked at all of the maps on the forum, every one of them. I also have noticed is that maps get better by taking suggestions and applying them to your map. somethimes they work out, sometimes they dont. The important thing is that this also gives others a chance to see the map a different way. This map still has a lot of potential, so dont let your pride get in the way of finishing it.
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Postby Qwert on Sun Dec 31, 2006 3:10 pm

you see that people wery pleased with, Not mountain,defense stone line,and i then think that its finish whit unpasabile borders.
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Postby Qwert on Sun Dec 31, 2006 6:28 pm

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Postby Sargentgeneral on Sun Dec 31, 2006 7:27 pm

ah ha! now i have you in your own trap! now if YOU look back, it says that the stones or whatever looks "better than the yellow triangles." I do agree with this, but it does not mean that the stones are the best choice. I mean, that is the only other thing you tried so between the stones and the little yellow triangles, of course they are going to pick the stones. Again, i would just like to see another option. You can do better i think.

Im just trying to get this map (and this issue) finished! I still dont quite understand why you dont even try what i suggest.
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Postby Qwert on Sun Dec 31, 2006 8:07 pm

What other option, i find something to put a visual like umpasabile border and look prete good and you want something, please help put pictures what you think ITS BEST OPTION FOR UMPASABILE BORDERS.

i realy dont understand you, i dont see any maps in CONQUER CLUB who have best and real umpasabile borders, I realy think that every map must have some level who must content.
If we have some wery high standard for maps and all maps will never can be playabily,
i hope that you agree with me that every map have some imperfection but we must help in any way to these map be better.
I ask help and nobody answer to these,example Ruben Casar ask me to help impasabile borders and i send him some pictures of umpasabile borders, these for me its most great help and i ask from others to help me if others got better choice.
If you dont satisfy with these borders, i realy like borders, you can send me some pictures what you like and problem will be solved in big content of you and me.
Some say"i dont know its your map" and these i dont like becouse Andy say in each map others player helping you to bring map in playability.
Wel i hope you understand me Happy new year SARGENTGENERAL.
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Postby Marvaddin on Mon Jan 01, 2007 9:21 am

Well, qwert, you cant talk about lack of suggestions from my part, but as sargentgeneral, Im also having the feeling that my suggestions are simply being ignored. You didnt give any reason to refuse to change some borders, when it wouldnt change any attack routes between territories, just create more room for some names (I dont know if you had realized this was my goal, because looks like you misunderstand almost all we say due to bad english). And you talk about walk in circles, but when you accepted to adjust your bonuses? Many people mentioned it, but you are being a bit stubborn, arent you?

We all know you are doing your best, and no one is intending to make you give up, but when you get suggestions you can explain better why you are refusing them... Of course, all maps have problems, there is no perfect thing, but we shouldnt let pass a problem when the maker can correct it, and it can be discussed here... Your usual replies are like this:

2.I will not change area and arrows.

So looks like you dont want suggestions. Suggestions? Read again my posts with an open mind, then lets discuss, post why you dislike them, and maybe we can offer another idea.

And Happy 2007 to all :)
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Postby Qwert on Mon Jan 01, 2007 10:25 am

marvadin wrote
My opinion:
North 2 (or 3), Center 4 (its equal to Russian North, so...), South 5 (but not more - wouldnt be strange a region with only 7 countries having a bonus of 6?)
North 4, Center 6, South 5.

If you would be satisfy i put yours bonus opinion(i hope that others be satisfy too)
i see what to do with borders.
Just 1 think, do you understand that i can not aply everything what you say, what i to do when other say "i do not like what you change these and these". And what i must tell others player "Marvadin tell me to do these and these".
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Postby Marvaddin on Mon Jan 01, 2007 10:43 am

Sure, mate. If most people dislike my opinion, no need to use it, or if you have a reason to dont implement them, ok too. I would only like you can explain your points, if you refuse people opinions... But I dont intend have the map exactly as I would like, you can be sure of this. :)
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Postby Qwert on Mon Jan 01, 2007 4:55 pm

First- my map will go very slowly if i dont do these.
In past several days 2-3 people ask me why i dont aply their sugestion,like she is a voice of every players in conquer club, but my opinion that many players wery like my maps and dont say nothing in my topic, and these a way to in easy way ask what like and what dont, becouse i dont wont pleased 2 or 3 players.
These way i pleased everybody.

1. vote for map.These vote pass well-people vote for i like map.
2.Language. People vote for english name map.Somebody ask for native russian-german legend-i put these in vote and show 2 maps with-english legend-russian german legend.
3.compas(these dont have influence on game but some people say dont like) go to vote after2.
4. defense stone line-Unpasabile borders.
For me its good visual present of umpasabile borders some say dont like. go to vote after 3.
These for now.
Every 7 day i will put 1 vote qwestion.

here maps of 2 version legend.




Last edited by Qwert on Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby everywhere116 on Mon Jan 01, 2007 5:41 pm

If you do the English one, could you make the German armies names like this: North Army Group, Central Army Group, and South Army Group?
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Postby Qwert on Mon Jan 01, 2007 5:49 pm

original translate- Heere>Army=Grouppe>Group=Sud>South

its mystake in maps place SUD and NORD, but these not problem i just replace up and down
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Postby Qwert on Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:52 am

i put yours bonuses Marvadin and change borders for Text.
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Postby Qwert on Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:47 pm

:D :shock: :roll:
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Postby Teya on Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:50 pm

I like the russian ones in english, but the "army group" ones just look plain stupid.
Could you try to name them something else?
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Postby Qwert on Tue Jan 02, 2007 3:44 pm

soory its original translate see Wikipedia
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Postby AndyDufresne on Tue Jan 02, 2007 3:57 pm

How about you keep 'Stalingrad Army' and the other Russian ones in english, and for the German ones, either do something like 'Deutsch Army North' etc. Perhaps you could combine it and make it 'Deutsch Army Nord'...etc. I am not sure. But army group has got to go.

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Postby Qwert on Tue Jan 02, 2007 6:11 pm

Andy why you close my vote topic please explain? I put to people vote for these problem with legend and you stop these why. I vant to put many problems with my map in vote.
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