Shall again start with saying what an excellent map this is. cairnswk, EXCELLENT MAP (now don't forget your signature).
Shall follow your Bonus board
but first your legend and perhaps a 3 note's:
- your forth note, let it also state the Railway Station of said POW camp, might get confusing (0.1)
- I understand why under The Bridge the water is light, you just state people crosse the river at light river color, perhaps switch this to not confuse people (thus dark = crossable) (0.2)
- and with the crossing of Rail section 2 <=> Mae Klong River, that line isn't needed, make it so Non Baradai isn't at a crossing (0.3)
- People will start annoying themself over the POW camps, perhaps a +3 bonus for holding a total POW camp (Station + Grd's) would be nice, but this gets absorbed into the total bonus, thus not added!!(0.4)
Rail Section 4:
9 terr, 5 needind def, 3 continents bordering => Bonus of 6, thus good!
Burma West:
2 terr, 2 def, 3 cont => Bonus of 2, thus good
that friendly curl of Kyondaw at the bottom is nice, but perhaps lessen it and make it straighter (1.1)
Burma East:
4 terr, 4 def, 3 cont => Bonus of 4, thus good
Put the terr name of Phu Jue outside its terr (2.1)
terr name of Winyaw can be misread, perhaps only the "W" inside the terr (2.2)
The Borders:
6 terr, 4 def, 4 cont => Bonus of 5, thus good
"Tha Sao" ter name, move to the right (3.1)
"Tennaserim" terr name, again might be misread (the first "n") (3.2)
Rail Section 3:
11 terr, 6 def, 6 cont => Bonus of 7, this is depatable, but perhaps 7 is better, seeing it can overpower when having north (4.1)
Aperon terr color is going to the terr color of Rail Section 4, perhaps darken it? (4.2)
The Highlands:
6 terr, 6 def, 5 cont => Bonus of 6, mkay, 7 is good too, no objection
NE Kanchanaburi:
3 terr, 2 def, 2 cont => Bonus of 2, thus good
in bonus legend, the "2" is smaller then the rest (5.1)
Rail Section 2:
12 terr, 8 def, 6 cont => Bonus of 9, once again depatable, but in favor of 10, thus good
The Lowlands:
6 terr, 5 def, 3 cont => Bonus of 5, if I see it right "Kui Yong" can't be attacked from outside the continent, thus a bonus of 6 is suitable, 7 too much me thinks (6.1)
E Kanchanaburi:
5 terr, 4 def, 3 cont => Bonus of 4, thus good
"The Thong Mong" terr name can go down a bit (7.1)
"Bo Phloi" terr name can go right abit (7.2)
"Phanom Thuan" terr name is a bit ackword there, perhaps widen the terr itself to encompass the name? (7.3)
Mae Klong River:
6 terr, 4 def, 3 cont => Bonus of 5, thus good
Encompass "Ban Bak Dong" terr name perhaps? (8.1)
"Tha Muang" terr name can go up (8.2)
The Bridge:
2 terr, 2 def, 2 cont => Bonus of 2, thus good
see (0.2) so those 2 terr name's get more room if you switch
Rail Section 1:
terr 9, 2 def, 3 cont => Bonus of 4, atmost 5, when someone has the upper 2 he has that cont, perhaps note (0.4)? (9.1)
now you might wonder what those numbers between brackets are, now I know you like to quote people, and mine post you don't have to quote

just use the numbers