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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby madcow270 on Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:13 am

I'm not an official anyone... but if your were to be looking for some sort of theme or something to call it beside the hex map, i think it kind of looks like a honeycomb or bee hive...maybe you've already decided to keep it vague...

But nevertheless I applaud the ingenuity...
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby djak. on Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:30 am

I realise the columns are a-s, but lowercase letters would make them much easier to read except for L. Maybe skip all the hard to disambiguate letters: b, i, L, o, q, and s; the letters will then go to y.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby sunshining on Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:31 am

looks realy good a realy challange i shla play it

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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby adam666 on Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:34 am

first thank u 4 the pm about your map i think u r onto a good thing and i would play on your map cheers and good luck with it :twisted:
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby brownstonie on Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:39 am

I didn't read all post; it's a Great map but without some special I think it's too much depending on the dices\luck.

Theme: how about a lawn with ant colonies and create the nodes as aerosol to kill the vermin :twisted: in the surrounding area of 3 hexes max. so not all hexes are in the dangerzone (limit bombard to 1 each turn?).

Keep up the good work =D> .
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby barnyard monkey on Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:53 am

Do you have a number in mind for total players?? I would set a min and max for a game with this many territories. I think it'll work fine.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby frozen_flame on Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:54 am

Yea, stumbled upon this via PM, and I remember the other huge maps, one based on the CC star, the other I think RJBeals (sp) started.

Do want this map, hard.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby shortcake710 on Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:57 am

I agree the borders need to be more clear. It would definately make a more interesting game. Good luck with your endeavor.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby Master Yoda on Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:06 am

great idea
great map
when can I start playing ;> ? :P
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby mingotta on Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:12 am

I personally would play this map! Go ahead and make it happen! Thanks!
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby e_i_pi on Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:40 am

Yes, great idea for a map. I don't see any problems with the borders, but the instructions on bonus aren't clear. I can't understand what constitutes a bonus - perhaps a rewording of the instructions would help?
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby g4s racerke on Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:42 am

Surely would play this map. =D>
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby Swiftscot on Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:45 am

I' play, I think the idea has merit.

If you still have niggling doubts about a theme, as you said the theme is huge so why not go intergalactic. Each hex as a solar system and nodes as worm holes or stargates.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby General Brewsie on Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:04 am

I'd try it, but I'm skeptical, because it looks like it would take forever to play a game. That investment in time and effort (analysis, communication, waiting for slow players, etc.) may be disproportionate to the potential gains made in points and rank, relative to other games available.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby Titanic on Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:12 am

I like it, seems like it would be a great map to play, especially for team games.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby nippersean on Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:21 am

Hi and thanks for asking for input,

Would I like to see it made yes.
Would I play it myself, no. Too much looking up ters n dice rolling for me.
But that's what's great about CC. Should cater for all styles n tastes.

It looks clear enough and playable enough.

Good luck and I hope it gets made

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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby Lt. Strike on Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:23 am

I think the map is a really good idea but there should be a minimun of players preferably 8 of some way to distribute the territories so people won't get bonusses in the first round.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby SouthernWarrior on Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:29 am

How about MegaPlex for a name?
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby Ogrecrusher on Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:32 am

Seems interesting to me, not sure how it would play, but I'd try it at least once!!
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby ufjohnny16 on Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:53 am

i voted no on the specific map even though i like ur idea. if u can tie in some theme, whether it be made up lands, or countries. the hexagons just look too plain and jumbled.i would still probably play on it as is, but u can create an amazing board if u can put that basic map and tie itinto some theme with better graphics
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby Premier2k on Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:05 am

I LOVE this idea! I would definately play it!

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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby shimmydig on Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:06 am

i do not like the max of 10 tert bonus as that means once you have a purple continint your at your biggest size your going to get. i think the max should be twice that.

i would however enjoy playing this map and would like to see it produced.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map

Postby stringybeany on Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:19 am

cairnswk wrote:...
But i also ask the foundry to consider that in creation of this map perhaps we can no longer deny other creations such as the beehive, yes??? :)

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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby josta59 on Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:19 am

Like Pickalock said back on page 4, it reminds me of BattleTech, which is why I like it. In fact, I would probably only play on this map if the theme were giant mechs battling it out! Maybe call it something like Mech War and have mech drawings here and there?
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby GreazzzzMaster on Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:55 am

i voted no simply because i would never play it. that being said, i think its a nice map and seems like it would play well for someone that was into that sort of thing. nice work =D>
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