When people submitted maps in the early Conquer Club, before I took the reins of the Foundry, all you had to do was basically send a PM to lack with the usual info, and he'd upload it. He didn't spend time critiquing it like we do.
Yes,but now when Map standard become more high(i hope so)that Lack want to see better map then in begining,and these is a chance that maps with some mistake who dont go in Map Foundry, be fixed.
Europe, as a map, plays fine. And it's not an ugly map by any stretch of the imagination. Thus, I fail to see the need for a revamp.
If people are taking the geography of CC maps and thinking that it exactly corresponds to actual physical real life geography, then those people are retards. If we start making every map with the idea in mind that some little retard is going to look at a CC map and then get an answer wrong on his test because the map abstracted some region, then why fucking bother making new maps.
This is not a geography class. It's a game. Territories are created for gameplay reasons, not strict geographical reasons. If you want to learn more about real world geography, read a book or consult an atlas. Don't rely on a game map from a website, for crying out loud.
Europe doesn't have any "mistakes". It's a fictional game board, an abstracted version of a specific region of the world. I'm sure the people of Mexico would be bummed to know that they're lumped in with Central America in Classic, and I'm sure the people of southeast asia would very much prefer that they not be called Siam, but I don't see anyone rushing to revamp that map.
I swear, I keep saying this and no one seems to listen. Get over yourselves.
Maybe these whas in begining,but now its very importan that map present what must present,belive me now you can not create map and to say"these country not exist,but never mine these map is only for play".You want to tell me that these map is not present Europe,its only some "Fiction,abstract version of specific region",but i dont see nothing abstract on these map,and if you want to create fiction map,then you mast change all thing.For you aim a retard,also people for Serbia,Slovenia,Bosnia,Macedonia,Montenegro,Chech Republic,Russia,Latvia,Lebanon are retard for you,because when see these map and say"hey these is wrong Europe map,where is mine county" and you will say"You are retard,can you dont see that these is Fiction,Abstract map".
And last,you are not from europe,and you dont care what these map present in these case.