Looking nigh on perfect ...
And just when you (and I) thought I'd be happy ...
yeti_c wrote:I reckon Legend is done - and is pretty conclusive - I don't think we can take it any further - although I'm sure we'll still get people asking about the rules anyways!!
I do find myself reconsidering the legend text:
(b) "Two Conquer 4s may share one space"
(c) "Two sets may NOT share more than one space"
would perhaps be better as:
Conquer four spaces in a row"
(b) "two rows may share one space"
(c) "two rows may not share more than one space"
... ?
I know this steps back from naming a set/row of four as a "Conquer 4", but this is fairly heavily implied from the map title anyway.
I feel the above wording may be better from the user point of view as highlighted by yeti.