Moderator: Cartographers
johloh wrote:-Should i delete another region somewhere to hold the number divisible by 6? and, if so which one?
-Should alcatraz be part of the SF continent (add ANOTHER border), the Marin continent, or remain neutral?
-Should it have a feature like only being able to attack in, but not out...or you lost a army there each turn, or whatever. and which one (or a different one) would you like?
-Do you like the way the sea routes are drawn? maybe sausalito should go into alcatraz too, even though its not accurate in real would make alcatraz more of a key point...
Should it have a feature like only being able to attack in, but not out
Silvanus wrote:perch is a North Korean agent to infiltrate south Korean girls
agreed. and could move the "china basin" label to the right a little, it looks cramped.
so it seems that everyone wants to keep it neutral, and to make it attack in, but not attack out. my only issue with this is that it makes this territory basically completely worthless....its not a real border because nobody can attack you from does not give a bonus....its not part of a why would you ever 'want' to hold it?Sure keep it neutral. Why not make it impossible to attack out of.
thats the place I was thinking too. done.If you want to lose a region, I think I'd do it in the east bay or north bay. Maybe lose the navy base, which has been closed for ten years anyway, and make alameda one territory
I was wondering if this was clear myself. good suggestion, ill pull it out a little...alamedans rejoice.Also, the fact that alameda is an island may not be obvious - maybe select and drag the whole island down a few pixels to give it some space from Oakland?
Ill play with a couple different ones and have a poll. they are pretty standard.I think the fonts could be tweaked a bit. They're pretty boring. Personally I think some sort of sans serif would look better
Ill move it a little away from purple. youre right.Oakland is supposed to be blue
Bad Speler wrote:I agree with johloh that not making alcatraz able to attack out would make it pointless, no one would try to take it unless kiilling the person who has it. About keeping it neutral, I cant say as I do not know the geography of the area.
Silvanus wrote:perch is a North Korean agent to infiltrate south Korean girls
What if you got a +1 bonus (it was beneficial to the city and still is) if you owned it simultaneously with downtown or Marin? but unless you own all of Marin or Downtown, you get no bonus. just a thought
johloh wrote:What if you got a +1 bonus (it was beneficial to the city and still is) if you owned it simultaneously with downtown or Marin? but unless you own all of Marin or Downtown, you get no bonus. just a thought
perfect idea! the only thing holding me back from the bonus was the fact that somebody would start with it, and I really dont like people starting with a bonus.
do other people agree? you can only get the bonus if you hold downtown or marin continents?
Silvanus wrote:perch is a North Korean agent to infiltrate south Korean girls
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