by Sunny Fan on Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:42 am
Nice map, game-wise, but a coupla minor issues that might already have been covered, I don't want to trawl through 20-plus pages, so apologies if these have already been brought up. And yes, I realise that this map is already out there, but just for pedantic accuracy :
First, it should be Atlántida, not Atléntida..
Second, the region labelled San José is not San José at all, if anything it's Guanacaste. As the map stands, San José is pretty much at the East point of the compass by Puntarenas port.
Third (and this would involve gameplay changes), the people of Limón would be very upset that they're not included as a seaport, as they have one of the largest seaports in the region.
And Bocas del Toro is huge on the map:) I like that artistic licence, seriously. Bocas itself is actually really really tiny. But I like that it gets writ large on the map, partly because thinking about it, I couldn't come up with anything better outside tricky indigenous nomenclature that would mystify, or something really dull and descriptive, and partly because it's a beautiful part of the world. So bravo for that.
But my other minor pedantic points stand, I think.
And if I were being an ultra pedant, I might quibble with the naming and size of Copán - call it Puerto Cortés and shrink it a bit, I would. But that's a minor thing.
Nice map, I hope that this criticism is seen in the constructive light that is meant, and I also realise that these words come far too late to make any difference anyway:)