Debriefing of Game 10775410 w/ElricTheGreat (w/photos)

by Viceroy63

Round 01 Yellow to play.
10775410 Game Log Round 01
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2012-03-21 12:29:19 - Game has been initialized
2012-03-21 12:30:09 - fstuppy received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-21 12:30:22 - fstuppy deployed 3 troops on New York
2012-03-21 12:30:37 - fstuppy reinforced Novosibirsk with 2 troops from Beijing
2012-03-21 12:30:55 - fstuppy ended the turn
2012-03-22 07:38:28 - CultureClash received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-22 07:38:45 - CultureClash deployed 2 troops on Delhi
2012-03-22 07:38:51 - CultureClash deployed 1 troops on Lagos
2012-03-22 07:38:58 - CultureClash reinforced Chicago with 2 troops from Vancouver
2012-03-22 07:39:03 - CultureClash reinforced Chicago with 2 troops from Los Angeles
2012-03-22 07:39:10 - CultureClash ended the turn
2012-03-22 23:24:45 - Viceroy63 received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-22 23:24:56 - Viceroy63 deployed 2 troops on Edmonton
2012-03-22 23:25:11 - Viceroy63 deployed 1 troops on Magadan
2012-03-22 23:25:55 - Viceroy63 reinforced Berlin with 2 troops from London
2012-03-22 23:26:06 - Viceroy63 reinforced Berlin with 2 troops from Madrid
2012-03-22 23:26:44 - Viceroy63 ended the turn
2012-03-23 00:49:59 - Muffinman3 received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-23 00:50:01 - Muffinman3 deployed 3 troops on Jakarta
2012-03-23 00:50:26 - Muffinman3 ended the turn
2012-03-23 02:16:12 - neathboy received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-23 02:16:47 - neathboy deployed 2 troops on Nairobi
2012-03-23 02:16:57 - neathboy deployed 1 troops on Mexico City
2012-03-23 02:17:05 - neathboy assaulted Los Angeles from Mexico City and conquered it from CultureClash
2012-03-23 02:18:00 - neathboy reinforced Bogota with 2 troops from Mexico City
2012-03-23 02:18:09 - neathboy reinforced Hong Kong with 2 troops from Bangkok
2012-03-23 02:18:15 - neathboy reinforced Moscow with 2 troops from Stockholm
2012-03-23 02:18:25 - neathboy ended the turn and got spoils
2012-03-23 22:11:01 - ElricTheGreat received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-23 22:11:26 - ElricTheGreat deployed 1 troops on Montreal
2012-03-23 22:11:32 - ElricTheGreat deployed 2 troops on Manila
2012-03-23 22:11:37 - ElricTheGreat reinforced Istanbul with 2 troops from Dakar
2012-03-23 22:12:13 - ElricTheGreat ended the turn
2012-03-23 22:12:13 - Incrementing game to round 2
Assessment of Game 10775410 Round 01
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Initiating the game, it would have been wise to drop at least 1 troop on A1. Doing so would indicate his intention to hold on to that region and not place it at risk just in case. It is more difficult to lose a region with 4 troops on it, than it is with only 3 troops on it. And Dubai is perhaps the single most valuable piece of real estate on the map. The others being Astana and Istanbul.
Having the most ideal position of four regions one in each mayor zone, NA, EU, Asia and Africa, Blue should have dropped 1 troop on E1 as well. Since Blue then has E1 which is right next to NA, the stack in Chicago may have been better placed at Vancouver where it would have better prospects of interacting in Asia and also not be as close to E1 which also has good prospects of interacting with NA as well. Otherwise Chicago is the region that offers the most carding and attacking prospects in the zone.
Not dropping to either of the smaller southern continents in the first round is always wise because you do not know if BM (Bonus Monkey) activity may develop in which case you lose those troops. While Magadan and Edmonton are separated only by Anchorage at the moment they are never the less drop options that can not be neglected. Reinforcing Berlin gives more options because Berlin offers a five way attack routes where as London and Madrid both only offer a four way attack route.
Having drop options in NA, Africa and Asia, decides to drop all 3 troops on a single region in Oceania. This is an indication that Pink will attempt to conquer the Continent BZ (Bonus Zone) eliminating all Red and Yellow troops from those regions. Those colors will then be effectively weakened by this BM activity in subsequent rounds.
Seeing an opportunity to gain a spoil from the Blue region with a single troop on it in NA, he takes it, but ending his turn reinforces to SA instead. Cyan however did luck out with three stack in four different continents. Never the less his reinforcement to SA rather than NA is a clear indication of future BM activity. This time Red, Blue and Yellow will face the risk of being remove from the continent and become weakened in the process. As will also Cyan face that chance of being weakened himself as well.
Montreal and Manilla are both high risk drops but they are the only drops available to Red. They are high risk because of the concentration of Blue troops in NA and the Concentration of Green troops in Asia. Reinforcing to Istanbul from Dakar creates his third stack in EU which is more centrally position between the three continents and also offers a six way attack route option. While Dakar also offers a six way attack route option it is further away from the action of Asia where there are still more avenues of attacking prospects than from the other regions nearing Dakar.
Notice also that Red chose not to drop any troops in SA. While Dakar represents a valuable choke point between Africa and SA, it would be worthless if any possible BM activity were to eliminate those colors with in the continent. This possibility of BM Activity indicated by Cyan could be another reason why Red chose to abandon a possibly soon to be worthless choke point and instead move to Istanbul, a position which offers more avenues of attacks.
In some situation where you own a choke point to a BM, you take the risk of losing that region should the BM feel threatened by you holding that choke point. So that is yet another reason to abandon a potentially useless choke point.
Viceroy63 Game Form Round 01
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Link to Game:
Game 10775410
Spoils to turn in:
Next spoil set value:
04 Troops.
Do you have a set of spoils?
Your Plans:
Round 01 Receive 3 troops for 7 regions.
N2 - 2 troops.
A12- 1 troops.
E4 - 2 troops from E2 and 2 troops from E3
End turn.