Conquer Club


The SoC Training Academy and its Training Grounds provide basic training for new and old members looking to enhance their game strategy. "Train a Cook today, lose to a Sergeant tomorrow"

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Postby KittyKatara on Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:09 pm

So, I know I am not a graduate, considering I don't have that cute little trophy with the graduation cap. But how do I find out what I need to become an actual graduate?! LoL I have been in SoC for a long while and stopped doing individual training months ago.
Private 1st Class KittyKatara
Posts: 243
Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:01 am

Re: Graduate...

Postby KittyKatara on Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:10 pm

BTW.. I do know what the criteria are, I just don't know what criteria I actually accomplished. Does that make sense?

#1: Post at least 5 games for help in your classroom, with no more than 2 at the same time.

#2: Achieve rank of Lieutenant, while gaining 300 points (net) in Training Grounds-style games (6-7 player, standard or terminator, escalating, unlimited, sunny, casual, auto deploy) since joining. Use maprank to check this out. For players who join at major and above, this portion is waived.

#3: Complete at least 10 Training Grounds style games since joining.

#4: Complete 2 Final Exam games against the staff. (Note: You don't have to win, just demonstrate that you know what we teach)

#5: Graduates must demonstrate a good attitude and a willingness to learn. All teachers have input on potential graduates' behavior.

1. I don't remember how many games I posted.

2. I have achieved up to captain and then lost my rank. How do I prove that?! And what is "maprank"?

4. How do you sign up for Final Exams?!
Private 1st Class KittyKatara
Posts: 243
Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:01 am

Re: Graduate...

Postby dhallmeyer on Thu Feb 16, 2012 7:13 pm

Maprank is an add-on that you can get free in the tools section of the forum. Once you have that, you can see anyone's scores in total or map by map. It will also show you high and low with a date.

You'll need to check your posts by visiting your page (click on your username). Then click on "Search users posts" and you'll see how many games you've posted in the forum.

Once you've completed #1-3 send me a pm asking for Final Exams. We'll verify your stats and set it up.
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