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Capt n' Cook Dubs tournament

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:18 pm
by tec805
"Capt n' Cook Dubs" is not an actual tournament, just an idea I thought SoC might be able to setup. Not copy righted so feel free if you want to run with it ;)

Teams must be comprised of 1 Captain (1800+ points on rank) and 1 Cook (1000 +/-?).

Dubs, seq, no fog to make it easier. Spoils up to you. Sea going map, something not too crazy, maybe High Seas? Doesn't have to be factually accurate about Captain James Cook, just more of a play on words really.

Go get some medals!

Re: Capt n' Cook Dubs tournament

PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:47 am
by macbone
Ha! I love it! PickleofDoom should set it up. =)

I'll definitely mark it down for a future tournament idea.