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freestyle/speed game rules

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:58 am
by Ltrain
should probably be included in the faq. Tis a shame to get destroyed so readily when one does not know the rules. For me, no big deal- learning curve and what not but it might turn ppl off ya know. I guess this site isn't really trying to generate massive revenue haha ($25 for a year... awesome) as far as I can tell it's the best one out there. Most of the maps kinna explain themselves but I think we could at least put something in there about how freestyle games work. Speed games though... now that I'm thinking about it more... probably good to leave it trial by fire.

Re: freestyle/speed game rules

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:56 am
by macbone
While we don't teach speed/freestyle games, you can find some strategies in the Strategy forum. Just go to Advanced search and search through the Strategy forum. That goes for anything not covered in our training materials. The SoC was created to help players learn the basics, and we only teach what we're 100% comfortable with teaching.

I'm no expert on either setting. When I have to play freestyle, I normally approach it as a Sequential game, but there are specific approaches you can take with Freestyle games that don't apply to Sequential.

I do like Speed Escalating games, although I haven't played many. The only difference between a Speed game and a Standard game is that you only have 5 minutes to make your move, so I find I use Auto-Attack a lot more, and I have to settle for quick and dirty calculations.

As far as Speed Terminator/Standard Escalating games on basic maps, though, if you follow the First Four Moves, you'll do fine.

If you want to find a freestyle teacher, check out the Mentoring Pilot Program in the Strategy forum.

Re: freestyle/speed game rules

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:27 pm
by Ltrain
thanks for giving a lengthy and helpful answer. you're probably right that it's best to just put the basics in there. I got pretty frustrated when I was attacking a space that was weak with a large number of troops and an invalid assault message popped up, but it was just because I wasn't moving fast enough. Newbies should just be warned to avoid those kind of games until they are familiar with the auto-attack more and don't, like I still occasionally do when I am trying to play too fast on a normal game, hit the wrong mouse button!