by macbone on Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:38 pm
Hey, folks! I'd like to announce a new Society of the Cooks tournament, this time for players ranked Sergeant First Class or lower (hence the Non-Commissioned Officers part). Here's the skinny:
Total number of entrants: 72
Map - Classic
Settings - Regular SoC settings:
No Fog of War
All users can join, but if you're freemium, you need to keep 3 slots free.
Open only to players ranked Sergeant First Class or below with less than 300 completed games at time of sign-up.
Perk for Society of the Cooks members: the student who gets the furthest in the tournament (either winning the whole tournament or having the most points of any student in the last round) will receive 3 (Three) months of Premium membership.
NOTE - Society members may not post these Tournament games in their classrooms.
Players will have 72 hours to join games. If they haven't joined in 72 hours, their spot will be given to a Reserve player.
Players will randomly be divided into groups of six and play three games per round, for a total of 4 rounds. Points will be awarded according to finishing place in each game. 1st place - 10 pts, 2nd place - 7 pts, 3rd place - 5 pts, 4th place - 3 pts, 5th place - 1pt, and 6th place - 0 pts. In addition, players will receive 1 pt for each Termination.
In the first two rounds, the top 3 players from each group will advance to the next round. In the third round, the top 2 players from each group will advance to the finals. The winner will be the player with the best overall score from the final round. In case of a tie, the winner will be the player with the most terminations. If there is still a tie, the top players will play a sudden-death game to decide the winner.
Note: this tournament will be an official tournament, and as such will be open to all CClub players, whether they be current and former SoC students or players from outside the Society.
Once this tournament is half-way full, I'll post an official recruitment thread in the Tournament forum.
PM me with any questions, or feel free to ask them in the thread.