by Viceroy63 on Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:26 pm
I think that announcing this at the end of the month would make it seem current to a monthly report. As opposed to posting in the beginning of the month, events that had happened the month before.
I think that setting a midpoint date in the month for student scores, would also give us two weeks time to be flexible and complete with that report. No rush and no errors. And yet with in the monthly report.
But in the end only some one with access to all the student TF's could do it anyway. I don't see how it can be done any other way. I tried to do something like this for the Newsletter using the page where all the games are at and going game by game and it really is not easy doing it like that and cropped up a few errors also. So unless an SoC Mod does this, it wont get done. At least not the right way.