Conquer Club

Terminator with flat rate

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Terminator with flat rate

Postby werealldevodad on Sun Aug 02, 2009 5:21 am

A query, should terminator flat rate be played in a similar way to the way taught here with escalating, I'm playing a small map, Phillipines, with six players and some look as if their playing a form of the game taught here for escalating and others look to be playing a traditional game. It looks as if the guys playing escalator style might soon get a few kills under their belt but maybe the ones playing trad style might win the game, not sure still early. This leads to another question,is it possible to get more points by killing many players but not winning than actually winning the game.
Cheers in advance for any ideas.
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Re: Terminator with flat rate

Postby gloryordeath on Sun Aug 02, 2009 12:15 pm

Yes much the same but troops are even more valuable and you need to use you card cashes more effectively. Taking bonuses can be much more useful and even more deadly to fail at.
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